
Name of the society who constructed the famous towers KIO of the Plaza de Castilla, in Madrid, and considered yet, 20 years later, as one of the major economic scandals of the 80s in Spain.

The “Case Urbanor " turned into an extraordinary judicial case since the plaintiffs (the architect Pedro Sentieri and the builder Julio San Martín) obtained multimillionaire benefits when their investments multiplied by more than 27 times their value, in only nine months, as the portal [www.e-defensor.com] published.

In the opposite side, the defendants (Alberto Cortina and Alberto Alcocer, known popularly as " The Albertos "), had to pay 50 million Euros according to judicial judgment. A case that turned them protagonists of an intense press debate during more than 10 years, up to being finally absolved - first for the Constitutional Court in February, 2008 and then for the Supreme Court in June of the same year, since before had done the Provincial Hearing of Madrid-. The mentioned absolution granted them also the right to claim to their ex-associates the indemnification millionaire that they had paid. Question that supports alive the polemic of the Case Urbanor because Pedro Sentieri and Julio San Martín continue appealing the case.

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