
In this Japanese name, the family name is Utagawa.

Utagawa Kuniyasu (歌川 国安, 1794–1832) was a Japanese artist best known for his prints in the ukiyo-e style as a member of the Utagawa school.

Life and career

Few details are known of Kuniyasu's life. He was born in 1794 and had the given name Yasugorō. His teacher was the Utagawa school master Toyokuni.[1]

Kuniyasu's earliest surviving work is his illustrations to the book Hanashi no momochidori噺の百千鳥). He illustrated about a hundred books throughout his career, and designed hundreds of stand-alone prints of beauties (bijin-ga) and actors (yakusha-e).[1]

Kuniyasu also used the art names Ippōsai and Nishikawa Yasunobu. He died at age 39 in the seventh month of 1832. Works of his continued to be issued following his death, which may suggest they were popular.[1]


  1. 1 2 3 Marks 2012, p. 128.

Works cited

  • Marks, Andreas (2012). Japanese Woodblock Prints: Artists, Publishers and Masterworks: 1680–1900. Tuttle Publishing. ISBN 978-1-4629-0599-7. 

External links

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