
Vegakkollai is a small village panchayat in Panruti TK of Cuddalore district in Tamil Nadu. Vegakkollai is located 14.9 km distance from its Taluk Main Town Panruti. Vegakkollai is 24.1 km far from its district head Cuddalore. It is 173 km far from its Tamil Nadu state capital City Chennai.

Temples in Vegakkollai

1. Kalapar Eswaran Temple 2. Mariamman Temple 3. Kali Temple 4. Ayyanar Temple 5. Pillayar Temple 6. Purattha Temple 7. Kaali Temple

Nearby villages

Nearby towns

Vegakkollai village areas

This panchayat hosts a population of nearly 5,000 people. It is situated 6 km from Neyveli.

Places of workship

Vegakkollai has the ancient Kalapar Eswaran Kovil, the ancient Murugan Kovil, Kali Kovil, Mariamman Kovil, Pillayar Kovil, Iyyanar Kovil and Purathaman Aalayam. Ranganathar temple in Vengadampettai, which is 1.5 km from Vegakkollai. It has the world's biggest statue of Ranganathar in a sleeping pose. The temple is about 1000 Years old.


Vegakkollai village is surrounded with cashew nut forests and jack fruit trees.
The primary occupation of the people of Vegakkollai is agriculture. Major crops cultivated are Banana, Sugarcane, Ground nuts etc. Also other activities like cashew nut shelling and doing very good business starting from small to large scale in cashew nut, jack fruit and bananas.

Many village people are self-employed, in government jobs and working as engineers from Mechanical industry to IT industry.

The nursery garden business is practised by many in the village these produce mainly saplings of flowers plant like country rose,casuarine hybrid clones, Kanagambaram, Jasmine etc.

Now Vegakkollai had emerged as one of the biggest village in Horticulture.[1] The Graduate's from the village were the Horticulturists and doing an excellent job in this business.
Horticulture is very diverse in its activities, incorporating plants for food (fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, culinary herbs) and non-food crops (flowers, trees and shrubs, turf-grass, hops, medicinal herbs). It also includes related services in plant conservation, landscape restoration, landscape and garden design/construction/maintenance, arboriculture, horticultural therapy, and much more. This range of food, medicinal, environmental, and social products and services are all fundamental to developing and maintaining human health and well-being. vegakkollai is now famous in horticulture.


Schools in Vegakkollai include Panchayat Union Middle School and Panchayat Union Elementary School

Elected Representatives

Vegakollai(Which Include Vegakollai,Vegakollai Puthur,Kattu vegakollai and Vegakollai Chathiram). Nearly 2300 Voter's In This Panchayat

G. Raja was elected vegakkollai village president in October 2011.

Mrs. Kuppamal Mohangandhi Was Elected Union Counselor Of Vegakollai Madura, Vegakollai Madura Include Two Panchayat Namely ArasadiKuppam Panchayat(Which Include Arasadikuppam, Siruthondamadevi, A.Puthur And Some Part Of Pavaikulam Villages, Mr. Kapadi C.pandiyan Was The Elected Village President Of Arasadikuppam Panchayat In Sep 2011, Nearly 3250 Voter's In This Panchayat)

Vegakkollai belongs to the Neyveli MLA constituency and Cuddalore Loksabha constituency.


Bus Services

Tamil Nadu Villupuram Transport Corporation operate bus services for vegakkolai with the below mentioned bus route.
Route 21 links Panruti to Kurinjipadi Via Vegakkollai.
Route 10 covers Cuddalore to Vegakkollai.


This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Sunday, August 30, 2015. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.