Venezuelan Episcopal Conference

The Venezuelan Episcopal Conference (CEV) is a permanent institution. Its stated aim is, according to Second Vatican Council, associated with the Bishops of the Republic to exercise together, as an expression of collegial spirit, certain pastoral functions on the faithful of their territory and to promote according to the rule of law, the greater good which the Catholic Church offers humankind, especially through forms and programs of the apostolate fittingly adapted to the circumstances of time and place.

Base teacher

The documents outline the very life and work of the 113 Episcopal Conferences, currently in the world, are: "Lumen gentium" (23), "Christus Dominus" (37-38), "Ecclesiae Imago" (211), "Sanctae Ecclesiae" (41), "Apostolos Suos" and the Code of Canon Law (cc.447-459). The decree Christus Dominus of Vatican II, on the Pastoral Office of Bishops in the Church (approved on October 28, 1965), devotes Chapter III Cooperation of Bishops to the common good of the other Churches. In particular, the numbers 37 and 38 refer to the Episcopal Conferences. Previously, the decree specifies: "From the first centuries of the Church, the bishops who were in charge of particular churches, moved by the communion of fraternal charity and zeal for the universal mission entrusted to the Apostles, joined forces and wills to promote the good of the particular Churches. " (Cf. 36). Further emphasizes that, in modern times, the bishops find it very difficult to fulfill in a timely and fruitful mission "but work closely together with other bishops." The Council reminds the institution, in some nations, of the Episcopal Conferences, which have allowed a more coordinated and apostolate, therefore, more fruitful, so that "this sacred Council thinks should be large so that in all the earth , the Bishops of the same nation or region are grouped into single board (assembly), meeting at stated times, in order to communicate the lights of prudence and experience, to deliberate together to form a holy force cooperation for the common good of the churches "(cf. 37). Immediately enacts, among other things, concerning: - the objectives of the Episcopal Conference (cf. 38, 1), - to whom belong to them (cf. 38, 2) - to the rules: Each Conference shall prepare their own, to be approved by the Apostolic See, and shall be laid in the various agencies that compose it (cf. 38, 3), - the decisions made, so when they are approved and shall be binding (cf. 38, 4); In accordance with the provisions of Council's decree, it should proceed in each country, to organize the respective Episcopal Conferences.

In July 1973 (see Church of Venezuela, Year I, No. 1), see the Bulletin of the Permanent Secretariat of the Bishops of Venezuela. In this Bulletin is collected, from birth, all concerning the Venezuelan Episcopal Conference. Indeed, in No. 2 (November 1973, p. 15-20), broadly outlined the Plenary Meeting of the Venezuelan Episcopal Conference, held from 9 to July 14, 1973-sort of constituent -. On pages 15 to 20 of this issue, disclosed the STATUTES OF THE VENEZUELAN BISHOPS, preceded by a brief note that says: The Venezuelan Episcopal Conference, on the 12th. Meeting of its last Plenary Assembly (14/07/73) approved the new statutes of the same ... And he adds: Here are the new Constitution, preceded by the Decree of the Sacred Congregation for Bishops for which are ratified. On the next page published (in Latin) to the Decree of the Sacred Congregation for Bishops, issued in Rome on September 29, 1973, are the statutes, which include the following chapters: 1. PURPOSE AND ORGANS OF THE CONFERENCE. 2. PLENARY ASSEMBLY. 3. PERMANENT CENTRAL COMMITTEE 4. SPECIAL COMMISSIONS 5. SECRETARIAD PERMANENT. 6. MISCELLANEOUS. FIRST ASSEMBLY PLENARY MEETING OF THE VENEZUELAN BISHOPS, under the new Constitution, was held from 7 to 12 January 1974, starting the enumeration of the Episcopal Assemblies currently in effect. The Venezuelan Episcopal Conference consisted of:




Presidency of the CEV. January 2009 - January 2012. Standing Committee

Members of the CEV

Members of the Venezuelan Episcopal Conference (CEV) are:


External links

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