Ventimiglia Giovanni

Giovanni Ventimiglia is Professor for Theoretical Philosophy (“Professore Ordinario” Lugano 2004 and ”prima fascia” Italy 2013). He is in charge of the Department of Philosophy and the Institute for Philosophical Studies (ISFI), which he founded in 2003. In Lugano (Switzerland) he teaches Ontology and Main Problems of Medieval Philosophy at the Faculty of Theology (within the minor in History of Philosophy together with the University of the Italian Switzerland). In Piacenza (Italy) he is part-time Researcher at the Catholic University. He was Visiting Senior Research Fellow at King's College London (from January to June 2015) and Academic Visitor at University of Oxford (from August to September 2015). He is member of the Editorial Board of “Rivista Teologica di Lugano”. He runs a series of studies entitled “Thomistic Metaphysics and Analytical Metaphysics” published by Carocci, Rome. He has been referee for Oxford University Press. He is founder and chairman of the non-profit Organization “Pro-filo umano”, whose main purpose is to promote philosophy as a form of social service in prisons and drug rehabilitation centres, etc. He is founder and director of the Collegium Philosophicum in Breganzona (Switzerland). He regularly writes for Corriere della Sera (Weekend Magazine "La Lettura").

He works on Thomas Aquinas, Thomism and their interface with the continental and analytical traditions of the philosophy (Analytical Thomism). His main interests are the classic ontology (analogy and senses of being, reception of Plato’s “non-written” doctrines in the thought of Thomas Aquinas and in some medieval Commentaries on Aristotle’s Metaphysics, transcendentals, transcendental multiplicity and divine Trinity), also in light of its relevance in contemporary debates related to analytic ontology. Furthermore, he has been focusing on the ontology of material digital objects and the so-called cyberspace. He has also developed and carried out some analysis with regard to borderline subject matters concerning philosophy and psychoanalysis (i.e. Divine Trinity and jungian psychology; the issue of the male identity within the contemporary men’s movements and studies and in relation to Cyberfeminism), philosophy and cinema. He has cooperated in competitive research, such as Ethicbots in the field of roboethics.

His bibliography includes:

- Tommaso d’Aquino, La Scuola, Brescia 2014; transl. into Portuguese: São Paulo 2014 (forthcoming), transl. into Spanish: Bogotà 2014 (forthcoming); transl. into French (submitted), transl. into English (submitted).

- Existence o esse? La questione dell’essere nel tomismo continentale, Carocci, Roma 2016 (forthcoming);

- L’ente, l’essenza e l’esistenza. Prime nozioni di ontologia in prospettiva analitico-tomistica, Eupress-FTL, Lugano 2012;

- Distinctio realis. Ontologie aristotelico-tomistiche nella prima metà del Novecento, Eupress-FTL, Lugano 2012;

- To be o esse? La questione dell’essere nel tomismo analitico, Carocci, Roma 2012 (double-blind peer-reviewed);

- Se Dio sia uno. Essere, Trinità, inconscio, Preface by P. Coda, Editrice ETS, Pisa 2002;

- Differenza e contraddizione. Il problema dell’essere in Tommaso d’Aquino, Preface by A. Bausola, Vita e Pensiero, Milano 1997;

- La critica tomistica all’argomento ontologico. Per una impostazione del problema, ISU–Pubblicazioni dell’Università Cattolica, Milano 1987.

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