Việt Điện U Linh Tập

Việt Điện U Linh Tập (chữ Hán:粵甸幽靈集 or 越甸幽靈集) Collection of Stories on the Shady and Spiritual World of the Viet Realm) is a history of Vietnam written in Chinese (chữ nho) compiled by Lý Tế Xuyên during the 14th century Trần dynasty.

The English "Viet Realm" (or "Yue Territory") derives from alternative Chinese characters designating Vietnam under the Chinese domination as Jiaozhi. Chinese sources tend to use the Chinese title Yuedian (粵甸, Yue as in Nanyue) whereas Vietnamese sources tend to use the title Việt Điện (越甸). The use differs in selection of different chữ Hán characters for Viet/Yue.[1][2] The text gives not only a commentated history of historical figures, but also their roles as spirits in the afterlife according to the traditions developed in Vietnam's Mahayana Buddhism.[3][4][5]

See also


  1. Olga Dror Cult, Culture, and Authority: Princess Liễu Hạnh in Vietnamese History 2007 Page 205 "Lý Tế Xuyên, Việt Điện U Linh Tập (Collection of Stories on Spirits of the Departed in the Viet Realm), pp. 41-45.
  2. Patricia M. Pelley Postcolonial Vietnam: New Histories of the National Past - Page 270 2002 "The original titles are Việt điện u linh tập, Lĩnh Nam chích quái, Truyền kỳ mạn lục, Thiên Nam ngữ lục, and Tân đính hiệu binh Việt điện u linh tập. For help in translating the titles, I have relied on Nguyễn Khắc Viện and Hữu Ngọc, Vietnamese ..."
  3. The Oxford History of Historical Writing: Volume 3: 1400-1800: Volumes 31400-31800 - Page 122 Jose Rabasa, Masayuki Sato, Edoardo Tortarolo - 2012 "Compiled by Lý Tế Xuyên, a thirteenth-century court official, this work detailed historical figures, as well as the roles they subsequently played as spirits, and the titles accorded to them. This was written during and after the Mongol invasions,"
  4. Philip Taylor Modernity and Re-Enchantment: Religion in Post-Revolutionary Vietnam - Page 165 2007 "Is this not the reason why the idiom of “perpetual fire and incense” — to show eternal gratitude — is used repeatedly, right from the oldest of extant texts such as fourteenth-century Việt Điện U Linh Tập? That depth of gratitude must play a ..."
  5. David G. Marr, Anthony Crothers Milner - Southeast Asia in the 9th to 14th centuries - Page 175 1986 "104 I use the Tõyõ Bunko X.39 text of the việt điện u linh tập (hereafter VDULT), Which I believe to be the most authentic of available texts. 105. Trần Văn Giấp, "Bouddhìsme", pp.218-19. 106. VDULT, Za. 107. VDULT, 'ỉa108. VDULT , Ta. 109.,"
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