Vidovdan (song)

Not to be confused with Vidovdan.
Song by Gordana Lazarević from the album 'Vidovdan'
Released 1989
Genre Serbian folk
Length 3:30
Writer Gordana Lazarević

"Vidovdan" (Serbian: Видовдан) is the name of a Serb folk song that was featured on the 1989 album with the same name of Gordana Lazarević, a famous singer from Serbia.

Vidovdan (St. Vitus' Day, June 28) is one of the most important religious holidays of the Serbs, Serbian Orthodox Church and Serbia, as it is of great a historical importance because of the Battle of Kosovo which was fought between Medieval Serbia and the invading Ottoman Empire on June 28, 1389. The lyrics refer to the battle and Serbs of Kosovo.

The album which contains the song, also Vidovdan, was released in 1989, the year of the 600th anniversary of the Battle of Kosovo.


The text of the song with translation to English:

Lyrics in Serbian Cyrillic

У небо гледам пролазе векови,
Сећања давних једини лекови.

Куд год да кренем Теби се враћам поново.
Ко да ми отме из моје душе Косово


К'о вечни пламен у нашим срцима
Косовског боја Остаје истина. Chorus x1


Опрости Боже све наше грехове
Јунаштвом даруј кћери и синове.

Chorus x1

Serbian lyrics

U nebo gledam prolaze vekovi,
Sećanja davnih jedini lekovi.

Kud god da krenem Tebi se vraćam ponovo.
Ko da mi otme iz moje duše Kosovo


K'o večni plamen u našim srcima
Kosovskog boja Ostaje istina.

Chorus x1


Oprosti Bože sve naše grehove
Junaštvom daruj kćeri i sinove.

Chorus x1

English translation

I'm looking at the sky, centuries are passing by,
The only remedy for Old memories.

Wherever I may go, I will always return.
Nobody can tear Kosovo away from my soul


Like an eternal flame burning in our hearts
The battle remains the truth.

Chorus x1


Lord, forgive us of all of our sins.
Give the courage to our sons and daughters.

Chorus x1


 play midi example  of "Vidovdan". This version is for the choir, and it differs slightly from the original version sung by Gordana Lazarević.

See also

External links

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