Visa Bulletin Employment-based Preferences Cut-off Dates
The Visa Bulletin, published by United States Department of State, summarizes the availability of immigrant numbers each month.
Section 201 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) sets an annual minimum family-sponsored preference limit of 226,000. The worldwide level for annual employment-based preference immigrants is at least 140,000. Section 202 prescribes that the per-country limit for preference immigrants is set at 7% of the total annual family-sponsored and employment-based preference limits, i.e., 25,620. The dependent area limit is set at 2%, or 7,320.[1]
The employment-based preferences are defined as follows:-
- First - Priority Workers
- 28.6% of the worldwide employment-based preference level, plus any numbers not required for fourth and fifth preferences.
- Second - Members of the Professions Holding Advanced Degrees or Persons of Exceptional Ability
- 28.6% of the worldwide employment-based preference level, plus any numbers not required by first preference.
- Third - Skilled Workers, Professionals, and Other Workers
- 28.6% of the worldwide level, plus any numbers not required by first and second preferences, not more than 10,000 of which to "Other Workers". Section 203(e) of the Nicaraguan and Central American Relief Act (NACARA) passed by Congress in November 1997, as amended by Section 1(e) of Public Law 105-139, reduces this number by up to 5,000 annually beginning in the fiscal year 2002.
- Fourth - Certain Special Immigrants
- 7.1% of the worldwide level.
- Fifth - Employment Creation
- 7.1% of the worldwide level, not less than 3,000 of which reserved for investors in a targeted rural or high-unemployment area, and 3,000 set aside for investors in regional centers by Sec. 610 of Public Law 102-395.[2]
That page tracks the Employment-based Preferences cut-off date movements for all oversubscribed countries and rest of the world.
Fiscal Year 2016
A significant change in FY 2016 of visa bulletin is the separation of "Application Final Action Dates" and "Dates For Filing Applications". USCIS, in coordination with DOS, revised the procedures for determining visa availability for applicants waiting to file for adjustment of status. The revised process is claimed to better align with procedures DOS uses for foreign nationals who seek to become U.S. permanent residents by applying for immigrant visas at U.S. consulates and embassies abroad.[3]
The October, 2015 visa bulletin was revised on Revised September 25, 2015.
Application Final Action Dates
Month/Year | E1 | E2 Rest of world (including Mexico and Philippines) | E2 China | E2 India | E3/EW Rest of world (including Mexico) | E3 China | EW China | E3/EW India | E3/EW Philippines | E4 | E5 (Other than China) | E5 China |
Sep 2016[4] | ||||||||||||
Aug 2016[5] | ||||||||||||
Jul 2016[6] | ||||||||||||
June 2016[7] | Current | Current | 01JAN10 | 01OCT04 | 15FEB16 | 01JAN10 | 22APR07 | 22SEP04 | 01NOV08 | Current | Current | 15FEB14 |
May 2016[8] | Current | Current | 01SEP12 | 22NOV08 | 15FEB16 | 15AUG13 | 22APR07 | 01SEP04 | 08AUG08 | Current | Current | 08FEB14 |
April 2016[9] | Current | Current | 01SEP12 | 08NOV08 | 15FEB16 | 15AUG13 | 01MAR07 | 08AUG04 | 01MAY08 | Current | Current | 01FEB14 |
March 2016[10] | Current | Current | 01AUG12 | 15OCT08 | 01JAN16 | 01JUN13 | 01FEB07 | 15JUL04 | 15MAR08 | Current | Current | 22JAN14 |
February 2016[11] | Current | Current | 01MAR12 | 01AUG08 | 01OCT15 | 01OCT12 | 22DEC06 | 15JUN04 | 08JAN08 | Current | Current | 15JAN14 |
January 2016[12] | Current | Current | 01FEB12 | 01FEB08 | 01OCT15 | 01JUL12 | 01DEC06 | 15MAY04 | 01NOV07 | Current | Current | Unavailable |
December 2015[13] | Current | Current | 01FEB12 | 01JUN07 | 01SEP15 | 15APR12 | 01AUG06 | 22APR04 | 01AUG07 | Current | Current | 15DEC13 |
November 2015[14] | Current | Current | 01FEB12 | 01AUG06 | 15AUG15 | 01JAN12 | 01APR06 | 01APR04 | 15JUN07 | Current | Current | 22NOV13 |
October 2015[15] | Current | Current | 01JAN12 | 01MAY05 | 15AUG15 | 15OCT11 | 01JAN06 | 08MAR04 | 01JAN07 | Current | Current | 08OCT13 |
Dates For Filing Applications
Notes: the dates below are not used for application acceptance purpose by USCIS as of April, 2016.[16]
Month/Year | E1 | E2 Rest of world (including Mexico and Philippines) | E2 China | E2 India | E3/EW Rest of world (including Mexico) | E3 China | EW China | E3/EW India | E3/EW Philippines | E4 | E5 (Other than China) | E5 China |
Sep 2016[4] | ||||||||||||
Aug 2016[5] | ||||||||||||
Jul 2016[6] | ||||||||||||
June 2016[7] | ||||||||||||
May 2016[8] | ||||||||||||
April 2016[9] | Current | Current | 01JUN13 | 01JUL09 | Current | 01MAY15 | 01AUG07 | 01JUL05 | 01JAN10 | Current | Current | 01MAY15 |
March 2016[10] | Current | Current | 01JUN13 | 01JUL09 | 01JAN16 | 01MAY15 | 01FEB07 | 15JUL04 | 15MAR08 | Current | Current | 01MAY15 |
February 2016[11] | Current | Current | 01MAR12 | 01JUL09 | 01OCT15 | 01OCT12 | 22DEC06 | 15JUN04 | 08JAN08 | Current | Current | 01MAY15 |
January 2016[12] | Current | Current | 01FEB12 | 01JUL09 | 01OCT15 | 01JUL12 | 01DEC06 | 15MAY04 | 01NOV07 | Current | Current | 01MAY15 |
December 2015[13] | Current | Current | 01FEB12 | 01JUL09 | 01SEP15 | 15APR12 | 01AUG06 | 22APR04 | 01AUG07 | Current | Current | 01MAY15 |
November 2015[14] | Current | Current | 01JAN13 | 01JUL09 | 01SEP15 | 01OCT13 | 01JAN07 | 01JUL05 | 01JAN10 | Current | Current | 01MAY15 |
October 2015[15] | Current | Current | 01JAN13 | 01JUL09 | 01SEP15 | 01OCT13 | 01JAN07 | 01JUL05 | 01JAN10 | Current | Current | 01MAY15 |
Notes for Fiscal Year 2016
Fiscal Year 2015
Month/Year | E1 | E2 Rest of world (including Mexico and Philippines) | E2 China | E2 India | E3/EW Rest of world (including Mexico) | E3 China | EW China | E3/EW India | E3/EW Philippines | E4 | E5 |
Sep 2015[17] | Current | Current | 01JAN06 | 01JAN06 | 15AUG15 | 22DEC04 | 01JAN04 | 22DEC04 | 22DEC04 | Current | Current |
Aug 2015[18] | Current | Current | 15DEC13 | 01OCT08 | 15JUL15 | 01JUN04 | 01JAN04 | 01JUN04 | 01JUN04 | Current | Current |
Jul 2015[19] | Current | Current | 01OCT13 | 01OCT08 | 01APR15 | 01SEP11 | 01JAN06 | 01FEB04 | Unavailable | Current | Current |
June 2015[20] | Current | Current | 01JUN13 | 01OCT08 | 15FEB15 | 01SEP11 | 01JAN06 | 22JAN04 | 01JAN05 | Current | Current |
May 2015[21] | Current | Current | 01JUN12 | 15APR08 | 01JAN15 | 01MAY11 | 15NOV05 | 15JAN04 | 01JUL07 | Current | Current |
April 2015[22] | Current | Current | 01APR11 | 01SEP07 | 01OCT14 | 01JAN11 [fy15-note 1] | 15AUG05 | 08JAN04 | 01OCT14 | Current | Current |
March 2015[23] | Current | Current | 01SEP10 | 01JAN07 | 01JUN14 | 22OCT11 | 15AUG05 | 01JAN04 | 01JUN14 | Current | Current |
February 2015[24] | Current | Current | 15MAR10 | 01SEP05[fy15-note 2] | 01JAN14 | 01SEP11 | 15AUG05 | 22DEC03 | 01JAN14 | Current | Current |
January 2015[25] | Current | Current | 01FEB10 | 15FEB05 | 01JUN13 | 01MAR11 | 22JUL05 | 15DEC03 | 01JUN13 | Current | Current |
December 2014[26] | Current | Current | 01JAN10 | 15FEB05 | 01NOV12 | 01JUN10 | 22JUL05 | 01DEC03 | 01NOV12 | Current | Current |
November 2014[27] | Current | Current | 08DEC09 | 15FEB05 | 01JUN12 | 01JAN10 | 22AUG05 | 22NOV03 | 01DEC11 | Current | Current |
October 2014[28] | Current | Current | 15NOV09 | 01MAY09 | 01OCT11 | 01APR09 | 22JUL05 | 15NOV03 | 01OCT11 | Current | Current |
Notes for Fiscal Year 2015
- ↑ Notes from Section D of Visa Bulletin For April 2015:[22]
Employment third, china:China Employment-based third Preference: The cut-off date for this category was advanced very rapidly during the past seven months, in an attempt to generate demand to ensure that all numbers under the annual limit could be made available. Item E in the November 2014 Visa Bulletin notified readers that this rapid movement could require "corrective" action as early as February, once demand began to materialize.Continued heavy demand by applicants with very early priority dates has required a retrogression of this cut-off date for the month of April, to hold number use within the annual numerical limit. Potential forward movement of this cut-off date during the remainder of the fiscal year is dependent on the amount of demand received for applicants with very early priority dates.. . . - ↑ Notes from Section D of Visa Bulletin For February 2015:[24]
Employment Second, India: INDIA Employment-based Second Preference:Four to six months,The above projections for the Employment categories indicate what is likely to happen on a monthly basis through May based on current applicant demand patterns. Readers should never assume that recent trends in cut-off date movements are guaranteed for the future, or that "corrective" action will not be required at some point in an effort to maintain number use within the applicable annual limits. The determination of the actual monthly cut-off dates is subject to monthly fluctuations in applicant demand and a number of other variables. . .
Fiscal Year 2014
Month/Year | E1 | E2 Rest of world (including Mexico and Philippines) | E2 China | E2 India | E3/EW Rest of world (including Mexico) | E3 China | EW China | E3/EW India | E3/EW Philippines | E4 | E5 |
Sep 2014[29] | Current | Current | 08OCT09 | 01MAY09 [fy14-note 1] | 01APR11 | 01NOV08 | 22JUL05 | 08NOV03 | 01APR11 | Current | Current |
Aug 2014[30] | Current | Current | 08OCT09 | 22JAN09 [fy14-note 2] | 01APR11 | 01NOV08 | 22JUL05 | 08NOV03 | 01JUN10 | Current | Current |
Jul 2014[31] | Current | Current | 01JUL09 | 01SEP08 | 01APR11 | 01OCT06 | 01JAN03 | 01NOV03 | 01JAN09 | Current | Current |
June 2014[20] | Current | Current | 22MAY09 | 15NOV04 | 01APR11 | 01OCT06 | 01JAN03 | 15OCT03 | 01JAN08 | Current | Current |
May 2014[32] | Current | Current | 15APR09 | 15NOV04 | 01OCT12 | 01OCT12 | 01OCT12 | 01OCT03 | 01NOV07 | Current | Current |
April 2014[33] | Current | Current | 08MAR09 | 15NOV04 | 01OCT12 | 01OCT12 | 01OCT12 | 15SEP03 | 15JUN07 | Current | Current |
March 2014[34] | Current | Current | 15FEB09 | 15NOV04 | 01SEP12 | 01SEP12 | 01SEP12 | 15SEP03 | 15MAY07 | Current | Current |
February 2014[35] | Current | Current | 08JAN09 | 15NOV04 | 01JUN12 | 01JUN12 | 01JUN12 | 01SEP03 | 15APR07 | Current | Current |
January 2014[36] | Current | Current | 08DEC08 | 15NOV04 | 01APR12 | 01APR12 | 01APR12 | 01SEP03 | 15FEB07 | Current | Current |
December 2013[37] | Current | Current | 08NOV08 | 15NOV04 | 01OCT11 | 01OCT11 | 01OCT11 | 01SEP03 | 08JAN07 | Current | Current |
November 2013[38] | Current | Current | 08OCT08 | 15JUN08 | 01OCT10 | 01OCT10 [fy14-note 3] | 01OCT10 [fy14-note 3] | 22SEP03 | 15DEC06 | Current | Current |
October 2013[39] | Current | Current | 15SEP08 | 15JUN08 | 01JUL10 | 01JUL10 | 22SEP04 | 22SEP03 | 15DEC06 | Current | Current |
Notes for Fiscal Year 2014
- ↑ Notes from Section D of Visa Bulletin For September 2014:[29]
Employment Second, India: INDIA Employment-based Second Preference: The use of potentially “otherwise unused” Employment numbers prescribed by Section 202(a)(5) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) has allowed the India Employment Second preference cut-off date to advance very rapidly in recent months. Continued forward movement of this cut-off date during the upcoming months cannot be guaranteed, however, and no assumptions should be made until the dates are formally announced. Once there is a significant increase in India Employment Second preference demand it will be necessary to retrogress the cut-off date, possibly as early as November, to hold number use within the fiscal year 2015 annual limit. . - ↑ Notes from Section D of Visa Bulletin For August 2014:[30]
Employment Second, India: During the past two months, the India Employment Second preference cut-off date has advanced very rapidly based on the projected availability of "otherwise unused" numbers under the worldwide preference limit. It must not be assumed that this cut-off date will continue to advance at the same pace during the coming months. A cut-off date does not mean that everyone with a priority date before such cut-off date has already been processed to conclusion. It remains to be seen how heavy the demand for visa numbers by applicants will be in the coming months, and what the priority dates of such applicants may be. Heavy demand by applicants with priority dates significantly earlier than the established cut-off date is expected to materialize within the next several months, at which time the cut-off date is likely to retrogress significantly. - 1 2 Notes from Section D of Visa Bulletin For November 2013:[38]
EMPLOYMENT-based Third Preference, China: Rapid forward movement of the cut-off date, as a result of there being insufficient demand to use all available numbers, allowed the category to reach the Worldwide Third preference cut-off date in May 2013. The continued lack of demand has allowed the "otherwise unused" numbers available under that limit to be provided for use in the China Employment Third preference Other Workers category. The continued addition of those numbers has allowed the cut-off date for that category to reach the China Third preference date for November. This is the same action which has been possible for the Other Worker category in other "oversubscribed" countries such as India and Mexico. A sudden increase in demand for China Employment Third preference visas could require corrective action in the China Other Worker cut-off date at any time.
Fiscal Year 2013
Month/Year | E1 | E2 Rest of world (including Mexico and Philippines) | E2 China | E2 India | E3/EW Rest of world (including Mexico) | E3 China | EW China | E3/EW India | E3/EW Philippines | E4 | E5 |
September 2013 [40] | Current | Current | 08AUG08 | 15JUN08 [fy13-note 1] | 01JUL10 [fy13-note 2] | 01JUL10 [fy13-note 2] | 15JUN04 [fy13-note 2] | 22SEP03 [fy13-note 2] | 01DEC06 [fy13-note 2] | Current | Current |
August 2013 [41] | Current | Current | 08AUG08 | 01JAN08 [fy13-note 3] | 01JAN09 | 01JAN09 | 22MAR04 | 22JAN03 | 22OCT06 | Current | Current |
July 2013 [42] | Current | Current | 08AUG08[fy13-note 4] | 01SEP04 [fy13-note 5] | 01JAN09 [fy13-note 6] | 01JAN09 [fy13-note 7] | 22MAR04 | 22JAN03 [fy13-note 8] | 01OCT06 [fy13-note 9] | Current | Current |
June 2013 [43] | Current | Current | 15JUL08 | 01SEP04 | 01SEP08[fy13-note 10] | 01SEP08[fy13-note 10] | 22OCT03 | 08JAN03 | 22SEP06 | Current | Current |
May 2013 [1] | Current | Current | 15MAY08 | 01SEP04 | 01DEC07[fy13-note 11] | 01DEC07 [fy13-note 11] | 01SEP03 | 22DEC02 | 15SEP06 | Current | Current |
April 2013 [44] | Current | Current | 01APR08 | 01SEP04 | 01JUL07 | 22APR07 | 01AUG03 | 08DEC02 | 08SEP06 | Current | Current |
March 2013 [45] | Current | Current | 15FEB08 | 01SEP04 [fy13-note 12] | 01MAY07 | 22JAN07 | 01JUL03 | 22NOV02 | 01SEP06 | Current | Current |
February 2013 [46] | Current | Current | 15JAN08 | 01SEP04 | 15MAR07 | 15NOV06 | 01JUL03 | 15NOV02 | 22AUG06 | Current | Current |
January 2013 [47] | Current | Current | 08DEC07 | 01SEP04 | 01FEB07 | 22SEP06 | 01JUL03 | 08NOV02 | 15AUG06 | Current | Current |
December 2012 [48] | Current | Current | 22OCT07 | 01SEP04 | 22DEC06 | 01JUL06 | 01JUL03 | 01NOV02 | 15AUG06 | Current | Current [fy13-note 13] |
November 2012 [49] | Current | Current | 01SEP07 | 01SEP04 | 22NOV06 | 15APR06 | 01JUL03 | 22OCT02 | 08AUG06 | Current | Current |
October 2012 [50] | Current | 01JAN12 | 15JUL07 | 01SEP04 | 22OCT06 | 08FEB06 | 22JUN03 | 15OCT02 | 22OCT06 | Current [fy13-note 14] | Current [fy13-note 14] |
Notes for Fiscal Year 2013
- ↑ Notes from Section D of Visa Bulletin For September 2013:[40]
Employment Second, India: This cut-off date has been advanced significantly more than originally expected, based on the projection that there would be “otherwise unused” numbers under the overall Employment Second preference annual limit. This is the result of a decrease in Employment First preference number use, and a similar decrease in Employment Second preference demand for most other countries during the past two months. It is expected that such movement will generate a very significant amount of new India demand during the coming months. - 1 2 3 4 5 Notes from Section D of Visa Bulletin For September 2013:[40]
Employment Third: The Employment-based Third preference cut-off date for most countries was advanced at an extremely rapid pace in April through July in an effort to generate demand. Historically such movements have resulted in a dramatic increase in applicant demand for numbers within a few months. At this time there is no indication that the expected increase is materializing or will do so in the near future. This has resulted in significant movements in the September cut-off for all countries.
It is unlikely that there will be any forward movement of most Employment-based cut-off dates during the next couple of months. In addition, a sudden surge in demand could require the retrogression of a cut-off date at any time. Such action would be required if it appears that such number use could impact visa availability under the FY-2014 annual limits. - ↑ Notes from Section D of Visa Bulletin For August 2013:[41]
Employment Second, India: This cut-off date has been advanced in an effort to fully utilize the numbers available under the overall Employment Second preference annual limit. It is expected that such movement will generate a significant amount of new India demand during the coming months.
These changes for [...] India Employment Second preference categories reflect actions which have been taken based on current applicant demand patterns. Readers should expect that some type of “corrective” action will be required at some point during FY-2014 in an effort to maintain number use within the applicable annual limits. Such action would involve the establishment and retrogression of such cut-off dates, and could occur at any time. - ↑ Notes from Section D of Visa Bulletin For July 2013:[42]
Employment Second, China: Up to two months - ↑ Notes from Section D of Visa Bulletin For July 2013:[42]
Employment Second, India: At this time it appears that the availability of “otherwise unused” Employment Second preference numbers will allow for movement of this cut-off date in August and/or September. It is expected that such movement will generate heavy new applicant demand, primarily by those who are upgrading their status from the Employment Third preference category. A sustained level of heavy demand could impact the cut-off date at some point during fiscal year 2014. - ↑ Notes from Section D of Visa Bulletin For July 2013:[42]
Employment Third, Worldwide: No additional movement. This cut-off date has advanced 18 months during the past three months. Such rapid movement can be expected to generate a significant amount of new demand, with the impact not being felt for three to five months. Therefore, the cut-off date will be held until it can be determined what level of demand is to be expected, and whether it is likely to be sustained. - ↑ Notes from Section D of Visa Bulletin For July 2013:[42]
Employment Third, China: No additional movement. - ↑ Notes from Section D of Visa Bulletin For July 2013:[42]
Employment Third, India: Up to three weeks. - ↑ Notes from Section D of Visa Bulletin For July 2013:[42]
Employment Third, Philippines: Up to two weeks. - 1 2 Notes from Section D of Visa Bulletin For June 2013:[43]
The Employment-based Third preference category cut-off date for most countries has advanced significantly for a second month in a row. This recent movement of the dates is not indicative of what can be expected in the future. Rapid forward movement of cut-off dates is often followed by a dramatic increase in demand for numbers within three to six months. Once such demand begins to materialize the cut-off date movement will begin to slow, or even stop for a period of time. - 1 2 Notes from Section D of Visa Bulletin For May 2013:[1]
The Employment-based Third preference category cut-off date for most countries has advanced significantly. This has been done in an attempt to generate demand so that the annual numerical limits may be fully utilized, and such movements may continue for the next few months. The rapid movement of cut-off dates is often followed months later by a dramatic increase in demand for numbers. Once such demand begins to materialize the cut-off date movements will begin to slow or stop. - ↑ Notes from Visa Bulletin For March 2013:[45] Despite the established cut-off date having been held for the past five months in an effort to keep demand within the average monthly usage targets, the amount of demand being received from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Offices for adjustment of status cases remains extremely high. Should the current rate of demand continue, it is likely that at some point the cut-off date will need to be retrogressed in an effort to hold demand within the FY-2013 annual limit.
- ↑ Note from Visa Bulletin For December 2012:[48] It appears likely that a cut-off date will need to be established for the China Employment Fifth preference category at some point during second half of fiscal year 2013. Such action would be delayed as long as possible, since while number use may be excessive over a 1- to 5-month period, it could average out to an acceptable level over a longer (e.g., 4- to 9-month) period. This would be the first time a cut-off date has been established in this category, which is why readers are being provided with the maximum amount of advance notice regarding the possibility.
- 1 2 Notes from Visa Bulletin for October 2012:[50] Employment Fourth Preference Certain Religious Workers (SR): Pursuant to Section 568(a)(1) of Public Law 111-83, the non-minister special immigrant program expires on September 30, 2012. No SR visas may be issued overseas, or final action taken on adjustment of status cases, after September 30, 2012. Visas issued prior to this date will only be issued with a validity date of September 30, 2012, and all individuals seeking admission as a non-minister special immigrant must be admitted (repeat, admitted) into the U.S. no later than midnight September 30, 2012.
Employment Fifth Preference Pilot Categories (I5 and R5): Section 548 of Public Law 111-83 extended this immigrant investor pilot program through September 30, 2012. The I5 and R5 visas may be issued until close of business on September 30, 2012, and may be issued for the full validity period. No I5 or R5 visas may be issued overseas, or final action taken on adjustment of status cases, after September 30, 2012.
The cut-off dates for the categories mentioned above have been listed as “Unavailable” for October. Congress is currently considering an extension of the SR, I5 and R5 visa categories, but there is no certainty when such legislative action may occur. If there is legislative action extending one or both of these categories for FY-2013, those cut-off dates would immediately become “Current” for October.
Fiscal Year 2012
Month/Year | E1 | E2 Rest of world (including Mexico and Philippines) | E2 China/India | E3 Rest of world (including Mexico) | EW Rest of world (including Mexico) | E3 China | EW China | E3 India | EW India | E3 Philippines | EW Philippines | E4 | E5 |
September 2012 [51] | Current | 01JAN09 | Unavailable | 01OCT06 | 01OCT06 | 15DEC05 | 22JUN03 | 01OCT02 | 01OCT02 | 01AUG06 | 01AUG06 | Current | Current |
August 2012 [52] | Current | 01JAN09 | Unavailable | 08SEP06 | 08SEP06 | 08NOV05 | 15JUN03 | 01OCT02 | 01OCT02 | 15JUN06 | 08JUN06 | Current | Current |
July 2012 [53] | Current | 01JAN09 [fy12-note 1] | Unavailable [fy12-note 1] | 22JUL06 | 22JUL06 | 22SEP05 | 15JUN03 | 22SEP02 | 22SEP02 | 08JUN06 | 08JUN06 | Current | Current |
June 2012 [54] | Current [fy12-note 2] | Current [fy12-note 2] | Unavailable [fy12-note 3] | 08JUN06 | 08JUN06 | 08AUG05 | 22APR03 | 15SEP02 | 15SEP02 | 22MAY06 | 22MAY06 | Current | Current |
May 2012 [55] | Current | Current | 15AUG07 [fy12-note 4] | 01MAY06 | 01MAY06 | 01APR05 | 22APR03 | 08SEP02 | 08SEP02 | 01MAY06 | 01MAY06 | Current | Current |
April 2012 [56] | Current | Current | 01MAY10 | 08APR06 | 08APR06 | 01MAR05 | 22APR03 | 01SEP02 | 01SEP02 | 08APR06 | 08APR06 | Current | Current |
March 2012 [57] | Current | Current | 01MAY10 | 15MAR06 | 15MAR06 | 01JAN05 | 22APR03 | 22AUG02 | 22AUG02 | 15MAR06 | 15MAR06 | Current | Current |
February 2012 [58] | Current | Current | 01JAN10 [fy12-note 5] | 22FEB06 | 22FEB06 | 01DEC04 | 22APR03 | 15AUG02 | 15AUG02 | 22FEB06 | 22FEB06 | Current | Current |
January 2012 [59] | Current | Current | 01JAN09 [fy12-note 6] | 01FEB06 | 01FEB06 | 15OCT04 | 22APR03 | 08AUG02 | 01AUG02 | 01FEB06 | 01FEB06 | Current | Current |
December 2011 [60] | Current | Current | 15MAR08 | 15JAN06 | 01JAN06 | 08SEP04 | 22APR03 | 01AUG02 | 22JUL02 | 15JAN06 | 01JAN06 | Current | Current |
November 2011 [61] | Current | Current | 01NOV07 [fy12-note 7] | 22DEC05 | 15NOV05 | 22AUG04 | 22APR03 | 22JUL02 | 15JUN02 | 22DEC05 | 01JAN06 | Current | Current |
October 2011 [62] | Current | Current | 15JUL07 [fy12-note 8] | 08DEC05 | 15SEP05 | 08AUG04 | 22APR03 | 15JUL02 | 08JUN02 | 08DEC05 | 15SEP05 | Current | Current |
Notes for Fiscal Year 2012
- 1 2 Notes from Section D of Visa Bulletin For July 2012:[53]
Continued heavy demand for numbers in the Employment Second preference category has required the establishment of a Worldwide cut-off date for the month of July. This action has been taken in an effort to hold number use within the annual numerical limit. Should there be an increase in the current demand pattern, it may be necessary to make this category completely “unavailable” prior to September 30, 2012.
The China and India Employment Second preference categories are already “unavailable”, and will remain so for the remainder of the fiscal year. - 1 2 Notes from Section E of Visa Bulletin For June 2012:[54]
Item F of the May Visa Bulletin (number 44) provided projections regarding visa availability in the coming months. Information received from the USCIS after the publication of that item requires an update in the projections for the Employment First and Second preference categories.
Employment First: Based on the current rate of demand, it may be necessary to establish a cut-off date at the end of the fiscal year in an effort to limit number use within the annual numerical limit.
Employment Second: Based on the current rate of demand, it may be necessary to establish a cut-off date for this category for all countries other than China and India. Such action may be required at any time during the next few months.
Please be advised that the above are only estimates for what could happen during the next few months based on applicant demand patterns experienced in recent months. - ↑ Notes from Section D of Visa Bulletin For June 2012:[54]
Despite the retrogression of the China and India Employment Second preference cut-off date to August 15, 2007, demand for numbers by applicants with priority dates earlier than that date remained excessive. Such demand is primarily based on cases which had originally been filed with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) for adjustment of status in the Employment Third preference category, and are now eligible to be upgraded to Employment Second preference status. The potential amount of such “upgrade” demand is not currently being reported, but it was evident that the continued availability of Employment Second preference numbers for countries other than China and India was being jeopardized. Therefore, it was necessary to make the China and India Employment Second preference category “Unavailable” in early April, and it will remain so for the remainder of FY-2012.
Numbers will once again be available for China and India Employment Second preference cases beginning October 1, 2012 under the FY-2013 annual numerical limitations. Every effort will be made to return the China and India Employment Second preference cut-off date to the May 1, 2010 date which had been reached in April 2012. Readers should be advised that it is impossible to accurately estimate how long that may take, but current indications are that it would definitely not occur before spring 2013.
USCIS has indicated that it will continue accepting China and India Employment Second preference I-485 filings during May, based on the originally announced May cut-off date. - ↑ Notes from Section D of Visa Bulletin for May 2012:[55]
Due to the rapid forward movement of the cut-off date, demand for China and India Employment Second preference numbers has increased dramatically during recent months, and at a much faster rate than had been expected. Therefore, it has been necessary to retrogress that cut-off date to August 15, 2007 in an attempt to hold number use within the annual limit while maintaining availability for those countries that have not yet reached their per-country limit. Notices were included in the November, January, and February Visa Bulletins alerting readers to the possibility of such a retrogression. While corrective action has become necessary earlier than was anticipated based on the information available at the time cut-off dates were determined, it is hoped that readers are not caught off guard by this retrogression.
Should additional information regarding potential demand become available, it may be necessary to take additional corrective action at any time.
Every effort will be made to return the China and India Employment Second preference cut-off date to the previously announced April date of May 1, 2010. This will be done as quickly as possible under the FY-2013 annual limits, which take effect October 1, 2012. It will not be possible to speculate on the cut-off date which may apply at that time until late summer.
USCIS has indicated that it will continue accepting China and India Employment Second preference I-485 filings based on the originally announced April cut-off date. - ↑ Notes from Section D of Visa Bulletin for February 2012:[58]
China and India: Reports from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) indicate that the rate of new filings for adjustment of status in recent months has been extremely low. This fact has required the continued rapid forward movement of the cut-off date, in an attempt to generate demand and maximize number use under the annual limit. Once the level of new filings or USCIS processing increases significantly, it will be necessary to slow or stop the movement of the cut-off. Readers are once again advised that an eventual need to retrogress the cut-off date is also a distinct possibility. - ↑ Notes from Section D of Visa Bulletin for January 2012:[59]
The China and India Employment Second preference cut-off date has been advanced at a rapid rate in recent months. As previously noted, this action was intended to generate significant levels of new filings for adjustment of status at U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) offices. USCIS has reported that the rate of new filings is currently far below that which they had anticipated, prompting an even more aggressive movement of the cut-off date for January and possibly beyond. While this action greatly increases the potential for an eventual retrogression of the cut-off at some point during the year, it also provides the best opportunity to utilize all numbers available under the annual limit. - ↑ Notes from Section D of Visa Bulletin for November 2011:[61]
The November Employment-based Second preference cut-off date for applicants from China and India is the most favorable since August 2007. This advancement is expected to generate significant levels of demand based on new filings for adjustment of status at U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services offices. While significant future cut-off date movements are anticipated, they may not be made on a monthly basis. Readers should not expect such movements to be the norm throughout the fiscal year, and an eventual retrogression of the cut-off at some point during the year is a distinct possibility. - ↑ Notes from Section D of Visa Bulletin for October 2011:[62]
China and India: The current cut-off date is approaching the most favorable date previously reached for applicants from China and India. The rapid forward movement is intended to generate demand based on new filings for adjustment of status at U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services offices, which currently accounts for over 85% of all Employment-based number use. Once the level of demand increases sufficiently, it may be necessary to slow or stop the cut-off movement, and a retrogression of the cut-offs at some point during the year is a distinct possibility.
Fiscal Year 2011
Month/Year | E1 | E2 Rest of world (including Mexico and Philippines) | E2 China | E2 India | E3 Rest of world (including Philippines) | EW Rest of world (including Philippines) | E3 China | EW China | E3 India | EW India | E3 Mexico | EW Mexico | E4 | E5 |
September 2011[63] | Current | Current | 15APR07 | 15APR07 | 22NOV05 | 01AUG05 | 15JUL04 | 22APR03 | 08JUL02 | 01JUN02 | 22NOV05 | 01AUG05 | Current | Current |
August 2011[64] | Current | Current | 15APR07 | 15APR07 | 01NOV05 | 01MAY05 | 08JUL04 | 22APR03 | 01JUN02 | 01JUN02 | 01NOV05 | 01MAY05 | Current | Current |
July 2011[65] | Current | Current | 08MAR07 | 08MAR07 | 08OCT05 | 22NOV04 | 01JUL04 | 22APR03 | 01MAY02 | 01MAY02 | 01JUL05 | 22NOV04 | Current | Current |
June 2011[66] | Current | Current | 15OCT06 [fy11-note 1] | 15OCT06 [fy11-note 1] | 15SEP05 | 08NOV03 | 15MAY04 | 22APR03 | 22APR02 | 22APR02 | 22DEC04 | 08NOV03 | Current | Current |
May 2011[67] | Current [fy11-note 2] | Current [fy11-note 3] | 01AUG06 [fy11-note 3] | 01JUL06 [fy11-note 3] | 22AUG05 | 08SEP03 | 15APR04 | 22APR03 | 15APR02 | 15APR02 | 08SEP04 | 08SEP03 | Current | Current |
April 2011[68] | Current | Current | 22JUL06 | 08MAY06 | 22JUL05 | 22JUL03 | 01MAR04 | 22APR03 | 08APR02 | 08APR02 | 08MAY04 | 22JUL03 | Current | Current |
March 2011[69] | Current | Current | 08JUL06 | 08MAY06 | 01JUL05 | 15JUN03 | 22JAN04 | 22APR03 | 15MAR02 | 15MAR02 | 08JAN04 | 01MAY03 | Current | Current |
February 2011[70] | Current | Current | 01JUL06 | 08MAY06 | 01APR05 | 01MAY03 | 01JAN04 | 22APR03 | 22FEB02 | 22FEB02 | 08JUL03 | 01MAY03 | Current | Current |
January 2011[71] | Current | Current | 22JUN06 | 08MAY06 | 22MAR05 | 22APR03 | 15DEC03 | 22APR03 | 01FEB02 | 01FEB02 | 15APR03 | 15APR03 | Current | Current |
December 2010[72] | Current [fy11-note 4] | Current [fy11-note 4] | 08JUN06 [fy11-note 4] | 08MAY06 [fy11-note 4] | 22FEB05 | 22APR03 | 08DEC03 | 22APR03 | 22JAN02 | 22JAN02 | 01JUL02 | 01JUL02 | Current | Current |
November 2010[73] | Current | Current | 01JUN06 | 08MAY06 | 22JAN05 | 01APR03 | 22NOV03 | 01APR03 | 22JAN02 | 22JAN02 | 01MAY01 | 01MAY01 | Current | Current |
October 2010[74] | Current | Current | 22MAY06 | 08MAY06 | 08JAN05 | 22MAR03 | 08NOV03 | 22MAR03 | 15JAN02 | 15JAN02 | 22APR01 | 22APR01 | Current | Current |
Visa Bulletin For May 2011 also has a note on allocation of “otherwise unused” numbers in accordance with Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) Section 202(a)(5).[fy11-note 5]
Notes for Fiscal Year 2011
As mentioned in the May Visa Bulletin, Section 202(a)(5) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) prescribes rules for the use of potentially “otherwise unused” Employment numbers. During May the India Employment Second preference cut-off date is governing the use of such numbers, because India had reached its Employment Second annual limit.
Since October there has been heavy demand by applicants "upgrading" their status from Employment Third to Employment Second preference. The rapid forward movement of the India Employment Second preference cut-off date in May had the potential to greatly increase such demand. Therefore, the determination of the June cut-off dates was delayed in order to monitor this demand. At this time the amount of new "upgrade" demand has been minimal; this has allowed the Employment Second preference cut-off date governing the use of the Section 202(a)(5) numbers to advance significantly for June. The same cut-off date will apply to both China and India Employment Second preference. Note that under INA Section 203(e) all of the “otherwise unused” numbers must be provided strictly in priority date order regardless of the applicant’s chargeability.
Cut-off date movement for upcoming months cannot be guaranteed, and because of the variables involved, no assumptions should be made until the dates are formally announced. Should there be a sudden or significant increase in India and China Employment Second preference demand it may be necessary to slow, stop, or retrogress that cut-off date as we approach the end of fiscal year 2011. - ↑ Notes from Section D of Visa Bulletin For May 2011:[67] VISA AVAILABILITY DURING THE COMING MONTHS
Employment-based: At this time the amount of demand being received in the Employment First preference is extremely low compared with that of recent years. Absent an immediate and dramatic increase in demand, this category will remain “Current” for all countries. It also appears unlikely that a Second preference cut-off date will be imposed for any countries other than China and India, where demand is extremely high. Based on current indications of demand, the best case scenarios for cut-off date movement each month during the coming months are as follows: - 1 2 3 Notes from Section D of Visa Bulletin For May 2011:[67] VISA AVAILABILITY DURING THE COMING MONTHS
Employment Second: Demand by applicants who are “upgrading” their status from Employment Third to Employment Second preference is very high, but the exact amount is not known. Such “upgrades” are in addition to the known demand already reported, and make it very difficult to predict ultimate demand based on forward movement of the China and India cut-off dates. While thousands of “otherwise unused” numbers will be available for potential use without regard to the China and India Employment Second preference per-country annual limits, it is not known how the “upgrades” will ultimately impact the cut-offs for those two countries. (The allocation of “otherwise unused” numbers is discussed below.)
China: none to three weeks expected through July. No August or September estimate is possible at this time.
India: One or more weeks, possibly followed by additional movement if demand remains stable. No August or September estimate is possible at this time. - 1 2 3 4 Notes from Section F of Visa Bulletin for December 2010:[72] VISA AVAILABILITY IN THE COMING MONTHS
Employment-based: At this time it is unlikely that there will be any cut-off dates in the Employment First preference during the coming months. It also appears unlikely that it will be necessary to establish a cut-off date other than those already in effect for the Second preference category. Cut-off dates continue to apply to the China and India Second preference categories due to heavy demand. - ↑ Notes from Section D of Visa Bulletin For May 2011:[67] Allocation of “otherwise unused” numbers in accordance with Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) Section 202(a)(5)
INA Section 202(a)(5) provides that if total demand in a calendar quarter will be insufficient to use all available numbers in an Employment preference, then the unused numbers may be made available without regard to the annual per-country limits. Based on current levels of demand, there will be otherwise unused numbers in the Employment First and Second preferences. Such numbers may be allocated without regard to per-country limits, once a country has reached its preference annual limit. Since under INA Section 203(e) such numbers must be provided strictly in priority date order regardless of chargeability, greater number use by one country would indicate greater demand by applicants from that country with earlier priority dates. Based on amount and priority dates of pending demand and year-to-date number use, a different cut-off date could be applied to each oversubscribed country, for the purpose of assuring that the maximum amount of available numbers will be used. Note that a cut-off date imposed to control the use of “otherwise unused” numbers could be earlier than the cut-off date established to control number use under a quarterly or per-country annual limit. For example, at present the India Employment Second preference cut-off date governs the use of numbers under Section 202(a)(5), India having reached its Employment Second annual limit; the China Employment Second preference cut-off date governs number use under the quarterly limit, since China has not yet reached its Employment Second annual limit.
The rate of number use under Section 202(a)(5) is continually monitored to determine whether subsequent adjustments are needed in visa availability for the oversubscribed countries. This helps assure that all available Employment preference numbers will be used, while insuring that numbers also remain available for applicants from all other countries that have not yet reached their per-country limit.
As mentioned earlier, the number of applicants who may be “upgrading” their status from Employment Third to Employment Second preference is unknown. As a result, the cut-off date which governs use of Section 202(a)(5) numbers has been advanced more rapidly than normal, in an attempt to ascertain the amount of “upgrade” demand in the pipeline while at the same time administering use of the available numbers. This action risks a surge in demand that could adversely impact the cut-off date later in the fiscal year. However, it also limits the possibility that potential demand would not materialize and the annual limit would not be reached due to lack of cut-off date movement.
Fiscal Year 2010
Month/Year | E1 | E2 Rest of world (including Mexico and Philippines) | E2 China | E2 India | E3 Rest of world (including Philippines) | E3 Rest of world (including China and Philippines) | E3 China | E3 India | EW India | E3 Mexico | EW Mexico | E4 | E5 |
September 2010[75] | Current | Current | 08MAY06 | 08MAY06 | 15DEC04 | 22MAR03 | 22OCT03 | 01JAN02 | 01JAN02 | Unavailable | Unavailable | Current | Current |
August 2010[76] | Current | Current | 01MAR06 | 01MAR06 | 01JUN04 | 15MAY02 | 22SEP03 | 01JAN02 | 01JAN02 | Unavailable | Unavailable | Current | Current |
July 2010[77] | Current | Current | 22NOV05 | 01OCT05 | 15AUG03 | 01JUN01 | 15AUG03 | 22NOV01 | 01JUN01 | Unavailable | Unavailable | Current | Current |
June 2010[78] | Current | Current | 22NOV05 | 01FEB05 | 22JUN03 | 01JUN01 | 22JUN03 | 22OCT01 | 01JUN01 | Unavailable | Unavailable | Current | Current |
May 2010[79] | Current | Current | 22SEP05 | 01FEB05 | 22APR03 | 01JUN01 | 22APR03 | 01OCT01 | 01JUN01 | Unavailable | Unavailable | Current | Current |
April 2010[80] | Current | Current | 22AUG05 | 01FEB05 | 01FEB03 | 01JUN01 | 01FEB03 | 08SEP01 | 01JUN01 | 01JUL02 | 01JUN01 | Current | Current |
March 2010[81] | Current | Current | 08JUL05 | 01FEB05 | 15DEC02 | 01JUN01 | 15DEC02 | 01JUL01 | 01JUN01 | 01JUL02 | 01JUN01 | Current | Current |
February 2010[82] | Current | Current | 22MAY05 | 22JAN05 | 22SEP02 | 01JUN01 | 22SEP02 | 22JUN01 | 01JUN01 | 01JUL02 | 01JUN01 | Current | Current |
January 2010[83] | Current | Current | 01MAY05 | 22JAN05 | 01AUG02 | 01JUN01 | 01AUG02 | 22JUN01 | 01JUN01 | 01JUL02 | 01JUN01 | Current | Current |
December 2009[84] | Current | Current | 01APR05 | 22JAN05 | 01JUN02 | 01JUN01 | 01JUN02 | 01MAY01 | 01MAY01 | 01JUN02 | 01JUN01 | Current | Current |
November 2009[85] | Current | Current | 01APR05 | 22JAN05 | 01JUN02 | 01JUN01 | 01JUN02 | 22APR01 | 22APR01 | 01JUN02 | 01JUN01 | Current | Current |
October 2009[86] | Current | Current | 22MAR05 | 22JAN05 | 01JUN02 | 01JUN01 | 22FEB02 | 15APR01 | 15APR01 | 01MAY02 | 01JUN01 | Current | Current |
Notes for Fiscal Year 2010
Fiscal Year 2009
Month/Year | E1 | E2 Rest of world (including Mexico and Philippines) | E2 China | E2 India | E3 Rest of world (including Philippines) | EW Rest of world (including Philippines) | E3 China | EW China | E3 India | EW India | E3 Mexico | EW Mexico | E4 | E5 |
September 2009[87] | Current | Current | 08JAN05 | 08JAN05 | Unavailable | Unavailable | Unavailable | Unavailable | Unavailable | Unavailable | Unavailable | Unavailable | Unavailable | Current |
August 2009[88] | Current | Current | 01OCT03 | 01OCT03 | Unavailable | Unavailable | Unavailable | Unavailable | Unavailable | Unavailable | Unavailable | Unavailable | Current | Current |
July 2009[89] | Current | Current | 01JAN00 | 01JAN00 | Unavailable | Unavailable | Unavailable | Unavailable | Unavailable | Unavailable | Unavailable | Unavailable | Current | Current |
June 2009[90] | Current | Current | 15FEB05 | 01JAN00 | Unavailable | Unavailable | Unavailable | Unavailable | Unavailable | Unavailable | Unavailable | Unavailable | Current | Current |
May 2009[91] | Current | Current | 15FEB05 | 15FEB04 | Unavailable | Unavailable | Unavailable | Unavailable | Unavailable | Unavailable | Unavailable | Unavailable | Current | Current |
April 2009[92] | Current | Current | 15FEB05 | 15FEB04 | 01MAR03 | 01MAR01 | 01MAR03 | 01MAR01 | 01NOV01 | 01MAR01 | 01MAR03 | 01MAR01 | Current | Current |
March 2009[93] | Current | Current | 15FEB05 | 15FEB04 | 01MAY05 | 15MAR03 | 22OCT02 | 22OCT02 | 15OCT01 | 15OCT01 | 15AUG03 | 15MAR03 | Current | Current |
February 2009[94] | Current | Current | 01JAN05 | 01JAN04 | 01MAY05 | 15MAR03 | 01OCT02 | 01OCT02 | 15OCT01 | 15OCT01 | 01APR03 | 15OCT01 | Current | Current |
January 2009[95] | Current | Current | 08JUL04 | 08JUL03 | 01MAY05 | 15MAR03 | 01JUN02 | 15MAR03 | 15OCT01 | 15MAR03 | 15NOV02 | 15MAR03 | Current | Current |
December 2008[96] | Current | Current | 01JUN04 | 01JUN03 | 01MAY05 | 15JAN03 | 01FEB02 | 15JAN03 | 01OCT01 | 15JAN03 | 01SEP02 | 15JAN03 | Current | Current |
November 2008[97] | Current | Current | 01JUN04 | 01JUN03 | 01MAY05 | 15JAN03 | 01FEB02 | 15JAN03 | 01OCT01 | 15JAN03 | 01SEP02 | 15JAN03 | Current | Current |
October 2008[98] | Current | Current | 01APR04 | 01APR03 | 01JAN05 | 01JAN03 | 01OCT01 | 01JAN03 | 01JUL01 | 01JAN03 | 01JUL02 | 01JAN03 | Current | Current |
Notes for Fiscal Year 2009
Fiscal Year 2008
Month/Year | E1 | E2 Rest of world (including Mexico and Philippines) | E2 China | E2 India | E3 Rest of world (including Philippines) | EW Rest of world (including Philippines) | E3 China | EW China | E3 India | EW India | E3 Mexico | EW Mexico | E4 | E5 |
September 2008[99] | Current | Current | 01AUG06 | 01AUG06 | Unavailable | Unavailable | Unavailable | Unavailable | Unavailable | Unavailable | Unavailable | Unavailable | Current | Current |
August 2008[100] | Current | Current | 01JUN06 | 01JUN06 | Unavailable | Unavailable | Unavailable | Unavailable | Unavailable | Unavailable | Unavailable | Unavailable | Current | Current |
July 2008[101] | Current | Current | 01APR04 | 01APR04 | Unavailable | 01JAN03 | Unavailable | 01JAN03 | Unavailable | 01JAN03 | Unavailable | 01JAN03 | Current | Current |
June 2008[102] | Current | Current | 01APR04 | 01APR04 | 01MAR06 | 01JAN03 | 22MAR03 | 01JAN03 | 01NOV01 | 01JAN03 | 01JUL02 | 01JAN03 | Current | Current |
May 2008[103] | Current | Current | 01JAN04 | 01JAN04 | 01MAR06 | 01JAN03 | 22MAR03 | 01JAN03 | 01NOV01 | 01JAN03 | 01JUL02 | 01JAN03 | Current | Current |
April 2008[104] | Current | Current | 01DEC03 | 01DEC03 | 01JUL05 | 01MAR02 | 08FEB03 | 01MAR02 | 01OCT01 | 01MAR02 | 01OCT01 | 01MAR02 | Current | Current |
March 2008[105] | Current | Current | 01DEC03 | Unavailable | 01JAN05 | 01JAN02 | 01DEC02 | 01JAN02 | 01AUG01 | 01JAN02 | 01MAY01 | 01JAN02 | Current | Current |
February 2008[106] | Current | Current | 01JAN03 | Unavailable | 01NOV02 | 01OCT01 | 15NOV01 | 01OCT01 | 08MAY01 | 01OCT01 | 22APR01 | 01OCT01 | Current | Current |
January 2008[107] | Current | Current | 01JAN03 | 01JAN00 | 15OCT02 | 01OCT01 | 01NOV01 | 01OCT01 | 01MAY01 | 01OCT01 | 22APR01 | 01OCT01 | Current | Current |
December 2007[108] | Current | Current | 01JAN03 | 01JAN02 | 01SEP02 | 01OCT01 | 15OCT01 | 01OCT01 | 01MAY01 | 01OCT01 | 22APR01 | 01OCT01 | Current | Current |
November 2007[109] | Current | Current | 01JAN06 | 01APR04 | 01AUG02 | 01OCT01 | 01SEP01 | 01OCT01 | 22APR01 | 01OCT01 | 22APR01 | 01OCT01 | Current | Current |
October 2007[110] | Current | Current | 01JAN06 | 01APR04 | 01AUG02 | 01OCT01 | 01SEP01 | 01OCT01 | 22APR01 | 01OCT01 | 22APR01 | 01OCT01 | Current | Current |
Notes for Fiscal Year 2008
Fiscal Year 2007
Month/Year | E1 | E2 Rest of world (including Mexico and Philippines) | E2 China | E2 India | E3 Rest of world (including Philippines) | E3 China | E3 India | E3 Mexico | EW | E4 | E5 |
September 2007[111] | 01Jan07 | 01Jan07 | 01Jan06 | 01Apr04 | 01Aug02 | Unavailable | Unavailable | Unavailable | Unavailable | 01Jan07 | 01Jan07 |
August 2007[112] | Unavailable | Unavailable | Unavailable | Unavailable | Unavailable | Unavailable | Unavailable | Unavailable | Unavailable | Unavailable | Unavailable |
July 2007[113] | Current | Current | Current | Current | Current | Current | Current | Current | Unavailable | Current | Current |
June 2007[114] | Current | Current | 01Jan06 | 01Apr04 | 01Jun05 | 01Jun03 | 01Jun03 | 01Jun03 | 01Oct01 | Current | Current |
May 2007[115] | Current | Current | 22Apr05 | 08Jan03 | 01Aug03 | 01Aug02 | 08May01 | 15May01 | Unavailable | Current | Current |
April 2007[116] | Current | Current | 22Apr05 | 08Jan03 | 01Aug02 | 01Aug02 | 08May01 | 15May01 | 01Oct01 | Current | Current |
March 2007[117] | Current | Current | 22Apr05 | 08Jan03 | 01Aug02 | 01Aug02 | 08May01 | 15May01 | 01Oct01 | Current | Current |
February 2007[118] | Current | Current | 22Apr05 | 08Jan03 | 01Aug02 | 01Aug02 | 08May01 | 15May01 | 01Oct01 | Current | Current |
January 2007[119] | Current | Current | 22Apr05 | 08Jan03 | 01Aug02 | 01Aug02 | 08May01 | 15May01 | 01Oct01 | Current | Current |
December 2006[120] | Current | Current | 22Apr05 | 08Jan03 | 01Aug02 | 01Aug02 | 22Apr01 | 08May01 | 01Oct01 | Current | Current |
November 2006[121] | Current | Current | 15Apr05 | 01Jan03 | 01Jul02 | 01Jul02 | 22Apr01 | 08May01 | 01May01 | Current | Current |
October 2006[122] | Current | Current | 01Apr05 | 15Jun02 | 01May02 | 01May02 | 22Apr01 | 01May01 | 01Jan01 | Current | Current |
Notes for Fiscal Year 2007
Fiscal Year 2006
Month/Year | E1 | E2 Rest of world (including Mexico and Philippines) | E2 China | E2 India | E3/EW Rest of world (including Mexico) | E3 China | EW China | E3/EW India | E3/EW Philippines | E4 | E5 |
Sep 2006[123] | |||||||||||
Aug 2006[124] | |||||||||||
Jul 2006[125] | |||||||||||
June 2006[126] | |||||||||||
May 2006[127] | |||||||||||
April 2006[128] | |||||||||||
March 2006[129] | |||||||||||
February 2006[130] | |||||||||||
January 2006[131] | |||||||||||
December 2005[132] | |||||||||||
November 2005[133] | |||||||||||
October 2005[134] |
Fiscal Year 2005
Month/Year | E1 | E2 Rest of world (including Mexico and Philippines) | E2 China | E2 India | E3/EW Rest of world (including Mexico) | E3 China | EW China | E3/EW India | E3/EW Philippines | E4 | E5 |
Sep 2005[135] | |||||||||||
Aug 2005[136] | |||||||||||
Jul 2005[137] | |||||||||||
June 2005[138] | |||||||||||
May 2005[139] | |||||||||||
April 2005[140] | |||||||||||
March 2005[141] | |||||||||||
February 2005[142] | |||||||||||
January 2005[143] | |||||||||||
December 2004[144] | |||||||||||
November 2004[145] | |||||||||||
October 2004[146] |
Fiscal Year 2004
Month/Year | E1 | E2 Rest of world (including Mexico and Philippines) | E2 China | E2 India | E3/EW Rest of world (including Mexico) | E3 China | EW China | E3/EW India | E3/EW Philippines | E4 | E5 |
Sep 2004[147] | |||||||||||
Aug 2004[148] | |||||||||||
Jul 2004[149] | |||||||||||
June 2004[150] | |||||||||||
May 2004[151] | |||||||||||
April 2004[152] | |||||||||||
March 2004[153] | |||||||||||
February 2004[154] | |||||||||||
January 2004[155] | |||||||||||
December 2003[156] | |||||||||||
November 2003[157] | |||||||||||
October 2003[158] |
Fiscal Year 2003
Month/Year | E1 | E2 Rest of world (including Mexico and Philippines) | E2 China | E2 India | E3/EW Rest of world (including Mexico) | E3 China | EW China | E3/EW India | E3/EW Philippines | E4 | E5 |
Sep 2003[159] | |||||||||||
Aug 2003[160] | |||||||||||
Jul 2003[161] | |||||||||||
June 2003[162] | |||||||||||
May 2003[163] | |||||||||||
April 2003[164] | |||||||||||
March 2003[165] | |||||||||||
February 2003[166] | |||||||||||
January 2003[167] | |||||||||||
December 2002[168] | |||||||||||
November 2002[169] | |||||||||||
October 2002[170] |
Fiscal Year 2002
Month/Year | E1 | E2 Rest of world (including Mexico and Philippines) | E2 China | E2 India | E3/EW Rest of world (including Mexico) | E3 China | EW China | E3/EW India | E3/EW Philippines | E4 | E5 |
Sep 2002[171] | |||||||||||
Aug 2002[172] | |||||||||||
Jul 2002[173] | |||||||||||
June 2002[174] | |||||||||||
May 2002[175] | |||||||||||
April 2002[176] | |||||||||||
March 2002[177] | |||||||||||
February 2002[178] | |||||||||||
January 2002[179] | |||||||||||
December 2001[180] | |||||||||||
November 2001[181] | |||||||||||
October 2001[182] |
- 1 2 3 Visa Bulletin For May 2013
- ↑
- ↑ "Visa Availability and Priority Dates". USCIS.
This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the public domain.
- 1 2 Visa Bulletin For September 2016
- 1 2 Visa Bulletin For August 2016
- 1 2 Visa Bulletin For July 2016
- 1 2 Visa Bulletin For June 2016
- 1 2 Visa Bulletin For May 2016
- 1 2 Visa Bulletin For April 2016
- 1 2 Visa Bulletin For March 2016
- 1 2 Visa Bulletin For February 2016
- 1 2 Visa Bulletin For January 2016
- 1 2 Visa Bulletin For December 2015
- 1 2 Visa Bulletin For November 2015
- 1 2 Visa Bulletin For October 2015
- ↑ "When to File Your Adjustment of Status Application for Family-Sponsored or Employment-Based Preference Visas: April 2016". USCIS.
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For September 2015
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For August 2015
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For July 2015
- 1 2 Visa Bulletin For June 2014
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For May 2015
- 1 2 Visa Bulletin For April 2015
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For March 2015
- 1 2 Visa Bulletin For February 2015
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For January 2015
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For December 2014
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For November 2014
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For October 2014
- 1 2 Visa Bulletin For September 2014
- 1 2 Visa Bulletin For August 2014
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For July 2014
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For May 2014
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For April 2014
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For March 2014
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For February 2014
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For January 2014
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For December 2013
- 1 2 Visa Bulletin For November 2013
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For October 2013
- 1 2 3 Visa Bulletin For September 2013
- 1 2 Visa Bulletin For August 2013
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Visa Bulletin For July 2013
- 1 2 Visa Bulletin For June 2013
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For April 2013
- 1 2 Visa Bulletin For March 2013
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For February 2013
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For January 2013
- 1 2 Visa Bulletin For December 2012
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For November 2012
- 1 2 Visa Bulletin For October 2012
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For September 2012
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For August 2012
- 1 2 Visa Bulletin For July 2012
- 1 2 3 Visa Bulletin For June 2012
- 1 2 Visa Bulletin For May 2012
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For April 2012
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For March 2012
- 1 2 Visa Bulletin For February 2012
- 1 2 Visa Bulletin For January 2012
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For December 2011
- 1 2 Visa Bulletin For November 2011
- 1 2 Visa Bulletin For October 2011
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For September 2011
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For August 2011
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For July 2011
- 1 2 Visa Bulletin For June 2011
- 1 2 3 4 Visa Bulletin For May 2011
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For April 2011
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For March 2011
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For February 2011
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For January 2011
- 1 2 Visa Bulletin For December 2010
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For November 2010
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For October 2010
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For September 2010
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For August 2010
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For July 2010
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For June 2010
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- ↑ Visa Bulletin For December 2009
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- ↑ Visa Bulletin For December 2008
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- ↑ Visa Bulletin For December 2007
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- ↑ Visa Bulletin For July 2007
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- ↑ Visa Bulletin For April 2007
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- ↑ Visa Bulletin For December 2006
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For November 2006
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For October 2006
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For September 2006
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For August 2006
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For July 2006
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- ↑ Visa Bulletin For December 2005
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- ↑ Visa Bulletin For April 2005
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- ↑ Visa Bulletin For January 2005
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For December 2004
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- ↑ Visa Bulletin For December 2003
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- ↑ Visa Bulletin For July 2003
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- ↑ Visa Bulletin For May 2003
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For April 2003
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For March 2003
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For February 2003
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For January 2003
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For December 2002
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For November 2002
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For October 2002
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For September 2002
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For August 2002
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For July 2002
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For June 2002
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For May 2002
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For April 2002
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For March 2002
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For February 2002
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For January 2002
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For December 2001
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For November 2001
- ↑ Visa Bulletin For October 2001