Visvaldas Mažonas
Visvaldas Marijus Mažonas (born August 25, 1941 in Šiauliai) is a controversial figure of radical right-wing political movement in Lithuania. He was a leader of a branch of the Lithuanian Patriotic Union (Lietuvos patriotų sąjunga) in Kaunas and participated in the 2004 election to the Seimas (Lithuanian Parliament).[1]
Before plunging into politics, Mažonas held various jobs as a policemen, driver, security guard, construction worker.[1] He entered the political scene after the impeachment of Rolandas Paksas, former President of Lithuania. During the impeachment, Mažonas supported Paksas, attended various protest meetings, and vouched to "maintain order".[2] During one incident, when he attempted to "keep order", Mažonas hit a high school student, who opposed Paksas. The event attracted media attention and Mažonas faced criminal charges (eventually reduced to misdemeanor).[3] Paksas did not immediately distance himself from Mažonas.[4]
Mažonas is known for disorderly conduct, provocations, insulting speeches,[5] threats to overthrow the government,[6] displaying stylized Nazi swastikas.[7] He and his supporters often wear black uniforms.[8][9] During the trial of the suspected Holocaust perpetrator Algimantas Dailidė, Mažonas held signs supporting Dailidė.[10] In another incident, he protested a monument to Danielius Dolskis, a Lithuanian Jew.[11] Mažonas often collaborates with another extremist Mindaugas Murza.[12]
- 1 2 Visvaldas Marijus MAŽONAS. Kandidato biografija. Retrieved on November 23, 2011.
- ↑ Ultraradikalas žada ir toliau ginti prezidentą. Retrieved on November 23, 2011.
- ↑ V. Mažonas pripažintas tik nusižengusiu, bet ne nusikaltusiu. Retrieved on November 23, 2011.
- ↑ R.Paksas nesiryžta aiškiai atsisakyti radikalų paramos. Retrieved on November 23, 2011.
- ↑ Dulkiant lietui Kaune tulžį liejo nacionalistai. (September 22, 2008). Retrieved on November 23, 2011.
- ↑ Laisvės alėjoje tulžį liejo M.Murzos šalininkai. (June 23, 2007). Retrieved on November 23, 2011.
- ↑ Gegužės 1-ąją Šiauliuose plevėsavo vėliavos su nacių simbolika. Retrieved on November 23, 2011.
- ↑ Tremtinių sąskrydyje – incidentas dėl ultraradikalų. Retrieved on November 23, 2011.
- ↑ „Murzininkai“ rikiavosi prie Estijos ambasados. Retrieved on November 23, 2011.
- ↑ Už nusikaltimus žydams nuteistą A.M.Dailidę nuo kalėjimo išgelbėjo senatvė. Retrieved on November 23, 2011.
- ↑ Danielius Dolskis Has Returned to Kaunas
- ↑ Kauno mitingas: apie 400 žmonių, 2 sulaikyti. Retrieved on November 23, 2011.