Roman Legion (1941–43)

The Roman Legion (1941-1943) or Vlach "Roman Legion" or Vlach Legion (as it is mentioned in some cases in later bibliography) is the name used by the political and paramilitary organization created by Alcibiades Diamandi, a Vlach origin agent of Italy and Romania from Samarina,[1] in Thessaly and Macedonia in support of the Italian and German forces occupying Greece and aiming at the creation of an autonomous Vlach state, mentioned as "Principality of the Pindus" (the name which is mainly used for the failed 1917 attempt to request autonomy, in which Diamantis was one of the people involved). During its existence, the organization was called Roman Legion and helped the Italian forces in the collection of weapons that Greeks had hidden, after the surrender of the Greek Army. Diamantis called himself a leader and "Representative of the Lower Vlachs Balkans". Diamantis left Greece by the summer of 1942 for Romania and Nicholas Matousis, a Vlach lawyer, already active as second-in-command, replaced him in the organization. Another important figure in the Legion was the Aromanian Vasil Rapotika (Vassilis Rapotikas) who was leading the paramilitary units. After action from several resistance groups in 1942 and the dynamic response of ELAS against members of the Legion,[2] and the withdrawal of Italian forces, the Legion ceased to exist in September 1943, while Matousis fled to Athens.

The fate of the leading figures and the members of the Legion:

Leaders of the "Roman Legion"



  1. Οι Κουτσόβλαχοι, Εθνολογική και λαογραφική μελέτη, Α. Κολτσίδας (Antones Mich Koltsidas), 1976, σελ. 115 «...στον πράκτορα των ιταλορουμανικών συμφερόντων Αλκιβιάδη Διαμάντη»
  2. British Reports on Greece 1943-1944, John Melior Stevens, Christopher Montague Woodhouse, David John Wallace, Lars Bærentzen, Museum Tusculanum Press, 1982, pp. 36-37
  3. Σταύρος Παπαγιάννης (Stavros Papayiannis), ISBN 978-960-7210-71-5, 1999, 2004, p. 183
  4. Τα παιδιά της λύκαινας. Οι "επίγονοι" της 5ης Ρωμαϊκής Λεγεώνας κατά τη διάρκεια της Κατοχής (1941-1944), (The children of the she-wolf, the "descendants" of the 5th Roman Legion during the period of the Occupation of Greece) (1941–1944), Σταύρος Παπαγιάννης (Stavros Papayiannis), Εκδόσεις Σοκόλη. ISBN 978-960-7210-71-5, 1999, 2004, p. 434
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