Vladimir Heavy Draft

Vladimir Heavy Draft

Vladimir Heavy Draft on a Russian stamp
Country of origin Russia
Equus ferus caballus

The Vladimir Heavy Draft is a breed of draft horse which comes from Vladimir, in the former USSR, in Russia. It is a strong horse that is an all-around draft horse of medium size.

Breed characteristics

The head is large and long, with a Roman nose. The neck is strong and long. The back, although broad, can be weak. The croup is long, with a definite slope. The limbs are strong and feathered. Bay is its most common colour, but some can be black and chestnut. It stands between 15 and 16.1 hands (60 and 65 inches, 152 and 165 cm).


This horse was developed in the province after which it is named at the turn of the 20th century. Today, its breeding is widerspread. The imported foundation stock was mainly British, consisting of the Suffolk Punch, Clydesdale and Shire horse. Some Ardennes and Percheron were also used. In 1946, the Vladimir Heavy Draft was found to be breeding sufficiently true to type to consider it a true breed. This quick-maturing, strong, heavy horse is popular for draft work. It is also used for pulling troika sleighs.

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