Vladimir Petrukhin

Vladimir Petrukhin
Native name Влади́мир Я́ковлевич Петру́хин
Born (1950-07-25)July 25, 1950
Pushkino, Soviet Union
Citizenship Russia
Fields History, Archaeology and Culture of Russia in Middle Ages (Slavs, Scandinavians, Khazars), Old Rus, Ethnography of North and East Europe (Slavs, Jews, Finno-Ugric peoples)
Institutions The Institute of Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences
History and Archives Institute of the Russian State University for the Humanities
Education History, Archaeology
Alma mater Moscow State University
Thesis The Problems of Ethnic and Cultural History of Slavs and Rus in the 9th-11th Centuries (Russian: Проблемы этнокультурной истории славян и Руси в IX-XI вв.) (1994)
Doctoral advisor Daniil Avdusin
Notable awards Diploma of Open Society Institute (1996)
Medal of Slavic Fund of Russia (2010).
Likhachov Prize (2015)

Vladimir Petrukhin (full name: Vladimir Yakovlevich Petrukhin, Russian: Влади́мир Я́ковлевич Петру́хин; born on July 25, 1950 in Pushkino, Moscow Oblast, Soviet Union) is a Russian historian, archaeologist and ethnographer, Doctor of Historical Sciences (since 1994), professor of History and Archives Institute of the Russian State University for the Humanities, chief research fellow[1] of the Medieval Section of the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences.[2]


Vladimir Petrukhin was born on July 25, 1950 in Pushkino, Moscow Oblast.

Vladimir Petrukhin was awarded Diploma of Open Society Institute (1996) for the victory in the contest "New Books on Social Sciences and Humanities for High School"; Medal of Slavic Fund of Russia (2010) for the great contribution to the preservation and development of the heritage of Cyril and Methodius; Likhachov Prize (2015) for monograph Rus in the 9th-10th Centuries. From Varangians Invitation to the Сhoice of Faith (Russian: Русь в IX-X веках. От призвания варягов до выбора веры).[7]


Vladimir Petrukhin researches Russian medieval history, archaeology and culture (Slavs, Scandinavians, Khazars) (including Old Rus), ethnography of North and East Europe (Slavs, Jews, Finno-Ugric peoples). The research works is characterized by complex approach and a use of all sources. Vladimir Petrukhin created new conception of early Russian history, in which geopolitics, ethnic and cultural history were key points (monographs: The Beginning of Ethnic and Cultural History of Rus in the 9th-11th Centuries, Russian: Начало этнокультурной истории Руси IX-XI веков, 1995; Rus in the 9th-10th Centuries. From Varangians Invitation to the Сhoice of Faith, Russian: Русь в IX-X веках. От призвания варягов до выбора веры, 2013, 2014).

Main publications[2][3][4]

Monographs, co-authorship and popular scientific publications

Some articles

External links

Videos of lectures


  1. Khazaria in Cross-Cultural Space : the Historical Geography of Fortress Architecture, the Choice of Faith / Tatyana Kalinina, Valery Flyorov, Vladimir Petrukhin. Moscow, 2014. 208 p. (Russian: Хазария в кросскультурном пространстве : историческая география, крепостная архитектура, выбор веры / Т.М. Калинина, В.С. Флёров, В.Я. Петрухин. - М. : Рукописные памятники Древней Руси, 2014. - 208 с.).
  2. 1 2 3 4 Vladimir Yakovlevich Petrukhin : Biobibliography / Russian State University for the Humanities ; L. Prostovolosova, I. Savelyeva, with the assistance of A. Kurenkova ; introductory article by A. Chernetsov. Moscow : RSUH, 2012 - 80 p. (Series: Scientist of RSUH). (Russian: Владимир Яковлевич Петрухин : биобиблиографический указатель / Рос. гос. гуманитарный ун-т ; сост. Л.Н. Простоволосова, И.В. Савельева, при участии А.В. Куренковой ; вступ. ст. А.В. Чернецов. - М. : РГГУ, 2012 - 80 с. - (Ученые РГГУ)).
  3. 1 2 3 Vladimir Petrukhin, official website of the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
  4. 1 2 3 Vladimir Petrukhin, official website of the Center for University Teaching of Jewish Civilization "Sefer"
  5. Candidate of Sciences in Soviet Union and Russia corresponds to Doctor of Philosophy.
  6. Doctor of Sciences in Soviet Union and Russia corresponds to post-doctoral degrees.
  7. Decision of Presidium of Russian Academy of Sciences about Likhachov Prize awarding, 2015 (Russian: Постановление Президиума РАН о присуждении премии имени Д.С. Лихачева 2015 года // РАН).
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