
For W*-algebra, see Von Neumann algebra.

In mathematics, a W-algebra is a structure in conformal field theory related to generalizations of the Virasoro algebra. They were introduced by Zamolodchikov (1985), and the name "W-algebra" comes from the fact that Zamolodchikov used the letter W for one of the elements of one of his examples.

There are at least three different but related notions called W-algebras: classical W-algebras, quantum W-algebras, and finite W-algebras.

Classical W-algebras

Performing classical Drinfeld-Sokolov reduction on a Lie algebra provides the Poisson bracket on this algebra.

Quantum W-algebras

Bouwknegt (1993) defines a (quantum) W-algebra to be a meromorphic conformal field theory (roughly a vertex operator algebra) together with a distinguished set of generators satisfying various properties.

They can be constructed from a Lie (super)algebra by quantum Drinfeld–Sokolov reduction. Another approach is to look for other conserved currents besides the Stress–energy tensor in a similar manner to how the Virasoro algebra can be read off from the expansion of the stress tensor.

Finite W-algebras

Wang (2011) compares several different definitions of finite W-algebras, which are certain associative algebras associated to nilpotent elements of semisimple Lie algebras.

The original definition, provided by Alexander Premet, starts with a pair (\mathfrak{g}, e) consisting of a reductive Lie algebra \mathfrak{g} over the complex numbers and a nilpotent element e. By the Jacobson-Morozov theorem, e is part of an sl2 triple (e,h,f). The eigenspace decomposition of ad(h) induces a \mathbb{Z}-grading on g:

\mathfrak{g} = \bigoplus \mathfrak{g} (i).

Define a character  \chi (i.e. a homomorphism from g to the trivial 1-dimensional Lie algebra) by the rule  \chi(x) = \kappa(e,x) , where  \kappa denotes the Killing form. This induces a non-degenerate anti-symmetric bilinear form on the -1 graded piece by the rule:

\omega_\chi (x,y) = \chi ( [x,y] ).

After choosing any Lagrangian subspace l, we may define the following nilpotent subalgebra which acts on the universal enveloping algebra by the adjoint action.

\mathfrak{m} = l + \bigoplus_{i \leq -2} \mathfrak{g} (i).

The left ideal  I of the universal enveloping algebra  U(\mathfrak{g}) generated by  \{ x - \chi(x) : x \in \mathfrak{m} \} is invariant under this action. It follows from a short calculation that the invariants in  U(\mathfrak{g})/I under ad(\mathfrak{m}) inherit the associative algebra structure from  U(\mathfrak{g}) . The invariant subspace (U(\mathfrak{g})/I)^{\text{ad}(\mathfrak{m})} is called the finite W-algebra constructed from (g,e) and is usually denoted  U(\mathfrak{g},e).


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