
Waka taua (war canoes) at the Bay of Islands, 1827-8.

New Zealanders speak colloquially of party-hopping as waka-jumping when a Member of Parliament (MP) switches political party between elections, taking their parliamentary seat with them and potentially upsetting electoral proportionality in the Parliament of New Zealand.[1]

The imminent advent of MMP in New Zealand parliamentary politics in the 1990s — culminating in its use from the 1996 election onwards — led to a series of defections and re-alignments as the old monolithic two-party system broke up and many politicians struggled to define and project their images and beliefs in new parties and groupings. The new political climate tended to favour the establishment of new political parties (whereas in former times dissidents had often simply become independent MPs). Voters tended to punish waka-jumpers in this period, but some survived and flourished, often to the disgust of their former party colleagues. Due to the frequency of waka-jumping, New Zealand enacted legislation (the Electoral Integrity Act of 2001, expired at the 2005 election) which required any MP who had entered parliament via a party list to resign from Parliament if they left that party's parliamentary caucus. As the actions of the Progressive Party in 2002 showed, parties still found ways around such law.


The Māori word waka applies often to a large Māori canoe (or any vehicle). The term waka-jumping is a variant on the phrase "jumping ship".

List of waka-jumpers

Name Original party Switched New party
Jim Anderton Labour 1989 NewLabour
NewLabour 1991 Alliance
Alliance 2002 Progressives
Gilbert Myles National 1992 Liberal Party
Liberal Party 1993 Alliance
Alliance 1993 New Zealand First
Hamish MacIntyre National 1992 Liberal Party
Liberal Party 1993 Alliance
Winston Peters National 1993 Independent
Independent 1993 New Zealand First
Ross Meurant National 1994 Conservatives
Peter Dunne Labour 1994 Future New Zealand
Future New Zealand 1995 United
United 2002 United Future
Graeme Lee National 1995 Christian Democrats
Trevor Rogers National 1995 Christian Democrats
Clive Matthewson Labour 1995 United
Bruce Cliffe National 1995 United
Margaret Austin Labour 1995 United
Pauline Gardner National 1995 United
Peter Hilt National 1995 United
John Robertson National 1995 United
Jack Elder Labour 1996 New Zealand First
New Zealand First 1998 Mauri Pacific
Michael Laws National 1996 New Zealand First
Rod Donald Alliance 1997 Greens
Jeanette Fitzsimons Alliance 1997 Greens
Tau Henare New Zealand First 1998 Mauri Pacific
Peter McCardle New Zealand First 1998 Mauri Pacific
Tuariki Delamere New Zealand First 1998 Mauri Pacific
Rana Waitai New Zealand First 1998 Mauri Pacific
Ann Batten New Zealand First 1998 Mauri Pacific
Tukoroirangi Morgan New Zealand First 1998 Mauri Pacific
Deborah Morris New Zealand First 1998 Independent
Alamein Kopu Alliance 1998 Mana Wahine
Frank Grover Alliance 1999 Christian Heritage
Matt Robson Alliance 2002 Progressives
Donna Awatere Huata ACT 2003 Independent
Tariana Turia Labour 2004 Māori Party
Gordon Copeland United Future 2007 Kiwi Party
Taito Phillip Field Labour 2007 Pacific Party
Hone Harawira Māori Party 2011 Mana Party
Mana Party 2014 Internet-Mana
Brendan Horan New Zealand First 2012 Independent Coalition


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