Walker Prehistoric Village Archeological Site
Walker Prehistoric Village Archeological Site is an archeological site located near Poolesville, Montgomery County, Maryland. The site is a large Late Woodland village located on Selden Island in the Potomac River. Excavations carried out in the 1930s and 1940s revealed a 40-foot section of a palisade, circular house patterns, shallow oval pits and cylindrical pits, and flexed burials interred in the floors of the houses.[2]
The island lends its name to a characteristic Early Woodland period ceramic ware known as Selden Island ware, dating from 1000 – 750 BCE and distributed from Virginia to Delaware and southeastern Pennsylvania including Maryland's piedmont and coastal plain.[3]
The archaeological site was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1975.[1]
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Category:National Register of Historic Places in Maryland
Portal:National Register of Historic Places