Walter Peñaloza
Walter Peñaloza (1920–2005) was a Peruvian philosopher.
- (1946) The evolution of Greek knowledge: Hylozoism-Eleaticism. Peruvian Society of Philosophy. Lima.
- (1955) Study about knowledge. Author's Edition. Lima.
- (1961) Introduction to Philosophy and Logic. Editorial Leoncio Prado Military Academy. Lima.
- (1962) Inferential knowledge transcendental deduction. Philosophical Library National University of San Marcos. Lima.
- (1973) The discourse of Parmenides. Editor Ignacio Prado, Lima.
- (1980) Educational Technology. Published by the Business School of the Andrés Bello Andina. 2nd edition. Lima.
- (1989) The Cantuta. A background in education. CONYTEC sponsored Edition, Lima.
- (2000) The comprehensive curriculum. Optimize editors, Lima.
- (2000) A judgment about the school. Pour Magisterial Edition. Lima.
- (2001) Language teaching. INLEC editions. Lima.
- (2003) The aims of education. Pedagogical Publishing Fund of San Marcos. Lima.
- (2004) The execution algorithm curriculum. Pedagogical Publishing Fund of San Marcos. Lima.
- PEÑALOZA, Walter (1938) Study on Aristotle's categories, In: Letters No. 11, p. 481-494. Lima.
- (1943) The literary manifestations of Western man and anthropologism. In History No. 3, pp. 220–231. Lima.
- (1947) Overview of the current philosophy in Peru. In: Quarterly of modern culture, National University of Colombia, pp. 105–111. Bogotá.
- (1947) Philosophy in Peru until Deustua. In: Peruvian Mercury Vol XXVIII, No. 246, p. 411-424. Lima.
- (1950) Crisis evidentista conception of man. In: Lyrics Peruanas, year II. Lima.
- (1950) The origin knowledge Kant. In: Archives of the Peruvian Society of Philosophy. Volume III, p. 188-205. Lima.
- (1952) Report of the Director of the Pedagogical Institute of man-years 1951-1952. INPV Printing. Lima.
- (1954) Report of the Director of the Pedagogical Institute of man-years 1953-1954. INPV Printing. Lima.
- (1956) Report of the Director of the Pedagogical Institute of Men-1955-1956. INPV Printing. Lima.
- (1963) Introduction to humanism. Unec. Lima. (Brochure type), 35 pp.
- (1977) Educational Technology. In: Educational policy and educational technology. Ministry of Education and Electroperú. (Mimeographed booklet). pp. 25–36. Lima.
- (1978) Kant, The problem of the pure concepts of understanding. In: German philosophy, David Sobrevilla Editor, Editorial Fund Cayetano Heredia University, pp. 39–57.
- (1986) On the humanistic educational technology. (Interview) In: Uses and Abuses of educational technology. Edited by IPP. Lima. pp. 68–83.
- (1991) Educational policy in Latin America. In: Education, Journal of the National University of Education, Lima, Year 1, No. 1, p. 5-11.
- (1992) Postgraduate studies: teaching and curriculum. In: Rimaq, Journal of the Graduate School of the UNE, Lima, Year 1, No. 1, pp. 7–17.
- (1997) Affective relationships of children aged 0 to 6 years. In: Latin American Journal of Educational Innovation. Year IX, No. 26 July 1997. pp. 119–144.
- (1999) The disappointment of the twentieth century and possible ways of philosophizing. In: American Utopia and practice. International Journal of Philosophy and Social Theory Iberoamericana. Universidad del Zulia, Volume 4 - No. 8, from September to December. p. 7-25.
- (2000) The problem of skills. In: Peruvian Journal of Education, Year V, No. 05, pp. 5–28. Lima.
- (2000) The disappointment of the twentieth century and possible ways of philosophizing. In: The philosophy of the twentieth century: progress and prospects. Proceedings of the Seventh National Congress of Philosophy. Miguel Giusti Editor, Editorial PUCP Fund, pp. 269–287. Lima.
- (2003) Augusto Salazar Bondy. In:
- (2005) Knowledge, job training, evaluative attitudes and experiences in education. In:
- (2005) Policies and approaches to curriculum and teaching for the graduate. In:
- (2005) José María Arguedas in my memory. In: Wardrobe, Journal of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities Year 2, No. 2. pp. 11–19. Lima.
- (2005) The book 'much do teachers' Luis Piscoya Hermoza. In: Walter Penaloza Ramella 1920-2005. Teacher wise and good. Editing the Office of Institutional Image. National University of Education. Lima.
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