Wanted (comics)


Cover of the Wanted trade paperback. Artwork by J. G. Jones
Publication information
Publisher Top Cow Productions
Schedule Irregular
Format Limited series
    Publication date December 2003 – February 2005
    Number of issues 6
    Creative team
    Writer(s) Mark Millar
    Artist(s) J. G. Jones
    Letterer(s) Dennis Heisler
    Mark Roslan
    Robin Spehar
    Colorist(s) Paul Mounts
    Editor(s) Renae Geerlings
    Jim McLauchlin
    Scott Tucker
    Collected editions
    Hardcover ISBN 1-58240-480-1
    Softcover ISBN 1-58240-497-6

    Wanted is a comic book limited series written by Mark Millar, with art by J. G. Jones. It was published by Top Cow in 2003 and 2004 as part of Millarworld.[1] It features an amoral protagonist who discovers he is the heir to a career as a supervillain assassin in a world where such villains have secretly taken control of the planet.

    The Sunday Times dubbed the title "the Watchmen for super-villains."[2]

    A film adaptation, very loosely based on the comic, was released in 2008.

    Publication history

    As with Superman: Red Son,[3] Millar claims that the concept for the series occurred to him when he was a child. In this case, it came to him after his brother told him that there were no superheroes any more because they had all disappeared after a great war with their respective supervillains.[4] It was modified from a pitch by Millar for a Secret Society of Super-Villains series.

    1986, the year of the aforementioned war in which the supervillains took over and made their world "darker and grittier", has real world significance to the world of comic books. It marks the publication of Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Watchmen, and the completion of the 1985-86 Crisis on Infinite Earths series.

    With regard to character design, the physical appearance of Wesley is based on rapper Eminem[5] and the Fox's appearance is clearly modelled after actress Halle Berry.[6] Millar had originally planned to not have the characters in costumes, and that they would only be worn for initiation. However, he and J. G. Jones forgot about this, and the characters were indeed rendered wearing familiar supervillain costumes by midway through the series.[7] Many of the characters in this series bear abilities and traits similar to notable comic book supervillains.

    The series began publication in 2004, as part of Millar's Millarworld line.


    Wesley Gibson is a loser cubicle rat who is abused by almost everyone in his life, including his female overweight African-American boss, a local Latino gang, his unfaithful girlfriend, and his best friend with whom his girlfriend is having an affair. Wesley was raised by his pacifist mother after they were abandoned by his father, causing him to grow up into a wimp. All this changes when he is visited by the Fox, an assassin who shoots everyone in a sandwich shop before revealing herself to be a member of the Fraternity, a powerful organization of supervillains that rules the world. So long as they maintain secrecy, they are able to commit any crime without any consequences. The Fraternity wishes to recruit Wesley to replace his father, a supervillain known as the Killer, who was killed by an unknown assassin.

    The Fox introduces Wesley to Professor Solomon Selzer, a brilliant mad scientist and leader of the North and South American chapter of the Fraternity. The Professor helps Wesley realize his powers by provoking him into shooting the wings off flies. The Professor explains that a long time ago, the world was overrun by both superheroes and supervillains. Tired of being repeatedly defeated and jailed, the supervillains joined together and staged a revolution that Wesley's father was a part of. After a long, bloody war, the superheroes were defeated. Using magic and advanced technology, the newly formed Fraternity was able to erase the world's memories of superheroes and supervillains. All that remained were faint, inaccurate memories, which were the cause of superhero comic books and other media. Many of the surviving heroes now believed themselves to be actors who had played superheroes.

    Writer Mark Millar signing a copy of the book during an appearance at Midtown Comics in Manhattan.

    The Professor also explains to Wesley that Fox and his father had once worked for Mr. Rictus, who controlled the Australian chapter of the Fraternity. When Rictus visits the Professor's headquarters, Fox implies that she and the Killer left Rictus' chapter because he had been harming children.

    The Fraternity begins training Wesley to use his newfound powers. The training focuses on not just his physical skills but on his personality. He is desensitized to violence and eventually learns to enjoy it. He is told to commit random acts of violence before undertaking acts of revenge on anyone who even slightly wronged him. He soon becomes a full-fledged Fraternity member, accompanying them on raids of alternate universes and other missions.

    Wesley is assigned to be the Professor's personal bodyguard during a Fraternity convention in which the leaders of the Fraternity's five chapters will meet. The five leaders are the Professor, Mr. Rictus, Adam-One, the Future, and the Emperor. Here, he learns that Rictus and the Future had long wanted to end the Fraternity's policy of secrecy and rule the world openly. The Professor, Adam-One, and the Emperor favored secrecy for supervillains in order to get "the loot without the leg-breaking" and always managed to outvote Rictus and the Future. Though it seems that the Emperor is about to switch sides, the Professor subtly manipulates him to vote in favor of secrecy yet again.

    After the meeting, the Professor leaves in a limo hoping to pick up a child prostitute. However, his driver is actually being impersonated by Shithead, Rictus' right-hand man, and the Professor is murdered by him. Rictus and Future's factions of the Fraternity begin a revolt against the other three. With most of the Professor's supervillains killed, Wesley and Fox must fight off the rival factions on their own. They manage to kill off many of the rebel supervillains, including the Future. This culminates in an attack on their own headquarters, occupied by Rictus and his gang. Defeating Rictus and deflecting a bullet through his throat, Wesley demands to know who killed his father but Rictus refuses to answer (or is simply unable to) before he dies. A figure steps out of the shadows revealing himself to be Wesley's father, the original Killer. The Killer reveals that he and Fox left Rictus's chapter not because they objected to harming children but because they knew of his planned revolt. The Killer also says that his skills have been deteriorating with age and he does not want to be killed by anyone inferior to him. After Wesley's training, the Killer believes that he is the only one worthy of ending his life and orders Wesley to put a bullet through his head. Afterwards, Wesley indicates that he wants to return to his former life and stop being a super villain. However, he reveals to Fox shortly after that he was just joking, and they go off to plan another heist. The comic ends with Wesley calling out the audience about their "pathetic" lives, and stating: "This is my face when I'm fucking you in the ass."

    Main characters

    The American Fraternity

    The Australian Fraternity

    The Council of Five

    Other Fraternity members

    The following characters are Fraternity members whose chapter affiliations are not specified.

    The Heroes


    The Wanted covers are particularly distinctive, featuring a single character (often in a clear space) with thick black bars above and below them containing title and text in bold, white letters, creating an effect similar to police wanted posters. This design element is carried across all of the Wanted comics and trade paperbacks.

    Collected editions

    The complete limited series, along with the Wanted: Dossier (which includes additional and "behind-the-scenes" material on the series), has been collected in a single volume as both a softcover (ISBN 1-58240-497-6) and a hardcover (ISBN 1-58240-480-1).


    Merchandise based on the series includes a Wesley Gibson mini-statue.[8]

    Savage Dragon

    Several of the characters from Wanted appear in Erik Larsen's Savage Dragon #127 and #128.[9] This story, published after the end of Wanted, seems to take place during one of the Fraternity's raids on parallel universes, as seen in Wanted. In this case, the characters appear in the Savage Dragon's universe. They are in search of the "God Gun", a device that seemingly grants wishes. Two covers were created for #128, one featuring the Savage Dragon as rendered by J.G. Jones and done in the style of the cover of an issue of Wanted.


    Main article: Wanted (2008 film)

    A film very loosely based on the comic was released in June 2008. It was directed by Timur Bekmambetov and starred James McAvoy, Angelina Jolie and Morgan Freeman. The film focuses on a league of self-righteous assassins rather than super-villains. Mark Millar himself hinted at a sequel closer to the plot of the original comic and featuring The Killer's costume.[10]


    1. TheFourthRail.com
    2. Portail d'informations Ce site est en vente!
    3. Mark Millar, Wanted (Hardcover), (Canada: Top Cow, 2005), p 140.
    4. Comic Book Movies - Wanted
    5. Wanted introduction by G. Lavagna & M. Ricompensa, page 10; on Dark Side n.21 - December 2006, Panini Editore
    6. Justin Aclin (2007-12-03). "MARK MILLAR ON THE ‘WANTED’ MOVIE". Wizard. Archived from the original on 2007-12-06. Retrieved 2007-12-04.
    7. Dynamic Forces - Wanted: Wesley Statue! - Regular Version
    8. Sequart Research & Literacy Organization NEWS: More on _Savage Dragon_ #128
    9. Mark Millar: Wanted - From Comic to Film, 1 and 2, Newsarama, June 26–27, 2008

    External links

    This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Thursday, March 10, 2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.