Warburg coefficient

The Warburg coefficient (or Warburg constant), A_W, is the diffusion coefficient of ions in solution, associated to the Warburg element, Z_W. The Warburg coefficient, A_W, also written as, {\sigma}, has the units of {\Omega}/\sqrt{seconds}={\Omega}(s^{-1/2})

The value of A_W can be obtained by the gradient of the Warburg plot, a linear plot of the real impedance (R) against the reciprocal of the square root of the frequency ({1}/\sqrt{\omega}). This relation should always yield a straight line, as it is unique for a Warburg.

Alternatively, the value of A_W can be found by:

A_W={\frac{R T}{An^2F^2\sqrt2}}{\left(\frac{1}{D_O^{1/2}C_O^b}+{\frac{1}{D_R^{1/2}C_R^b}}\right)}=\frac{R T}{An^2F^2\Theta C\sqrt{2D}}

where R is the ideal gas constant, T is the thermodynamic temperature, F is the Faraday constant, n is the valency, D is the diffusion coefficient of the species where subscripts O and R stand for the oxidized and reduced species respectively, C^b is the concentration of the O and R species in the bulk, C is the concentration of the electrolyte, A denotes the surface area and \Theta denotes the fraction of the R and O species present.

The equation for A_W applies to both reversible and quasi-reversible reactions for which both halves of the couple are soluble.


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