Wen-Yuh Jywe
Wen-Yuh Jywe (θ¦Ίζι) is the fifth president of National Formosa University.[1]
Jywe is a specialist in optical precision measurement, machine tool calibration measurement and precise positioning stage design. During his doctoral study in University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST), he finished a measurement system for Ball Bar CNC machine tool which was marketed worldwide. He has served as the dean of Engineering College, the chairperson of Department of Automation Engineering and the President for Research and Development of NFU etc. In 2003, he established the Precision Machine Center of NFU and served as the director. He organized a research team in which members were composed of over 10 professors in the fields including design, manufacturing, control, solid mechanics, optics, electronics and etc. He was awarded in many aspects such as:
- Distinguished Academia-industry Collaboration Award from Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, 2014 and 2007
- National Invention Gold Award from Ministry of Economic Affairs, 2012 and 2004
- The prize of technology transfer Award from Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, 2012 and 2008
- 2nd National Industrial Innovation Award from Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan, 2012
- The Academia prize of best researcher Award from Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, since 2010
- The Academia contribution Award for industry economy from Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan, 2009
- 3rd Elite in Nanotechnology Industry Award for Academia from Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan, 2007
- Distinguished Engineering Professor Award from Chinese Institute of Engineers, Taiwan, 2006
- Best Engineering Paper Award from Chinese Institute of Engineers, Taiwan, 2005
- β NFU President's Office website, accessed 2015-06-26.