
Wendisch-Rambow is a village of Schwerin in northern Germany. It is in the state Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. The population as of 1996 is 201 (Approx).


Naming and foundation

In the district Stolp two municipalities were given the name Karstnitz, which were differentiated from each other by the additive German and Wendisch. Wendisch Karstnitz received the name Ramnitz to 1937. It is to the Rambowbach, which flows through the Gemeindegebiet of the south northward to the Lupow east of Stolp between Stolpe and Lupow because of a small brook. The Gemarkung consisted of the Rambower forest (Wendisch Karstnitzer forest) and areas of arable land to both sides of the brook. The Lauenburger Chaussee (realm road 2) separated the property Rambow in the north from the property and village Wendisch Karstnitz in the south. From the founders, the village was given the name Wendish-Rambow.


Rambow is mentioned in 1282 in a document, in which Duke Mestwin II of the Stanislaus church in guard of its father confirmed donations. In 1531, it was held by Chorken.

1575, 1601 and 1605 were belehnt by Tessen with the Schmolsin goods—under it also the Rambow. To the death of swan width units von Tessen it came to the duchess earth courage and to from Chorken, which are to have possessed it 1650. See the Hoof Calissifaction list.

Wendisch Karstnitz and Rambow came into the possession of the Grumbkows in 1724. The Minister of State Philipp Otto von Grumbkow sold it 1733 at Joachim honour realm of Kettelhack, and of this they turned into to the family from Kleist.

After Brüggemann, Wendisch Karstnitz had six farmers, two Kossäten, a smith, a schoolmaster around 1784 a Vorwerk, and together with the Vorwerk Velsow, which also Fellow, Schmolsin, Fistow and Vilsow was called at that time, altogether fifteen houses. Rambow consisted of Vorwerk, one Wassermühle, six farmers, three Kossäten and fourteen houses. The Karstnitzer of goods in the circle Stolp, to which Wendisch Karstnitz, Virchenzin Rambow and Velsow also belonged, Rowen and Zedlin, acquired the Krockows in 1083. While the Rumbsker remained goods, how they were designated later, in the family estate of the Krockows, Wendisch Karstnitz, Rambow and Velsow turned into 1855 on the family from whisk and then on Alexander von Livonius (died 1871) and its son Artur (died 1904). The three goods were last in the possession of the family Lehmann.

The goods directories register 1910/28 Dr. jur. Engelhardt Lehmann on Wendisch Karstnitz, Rambow and Velsow and 1938 Mrs. A. Lehmann on Ramnitz and P.R. Lehmann on Rambow. In the year 1938 the manor Ramnitz 850 hectars was large. It had 592 hectares of field, 36 hectares of meadows, 3 hectares of pasture, 209 hectares forest, 8 hectares yard space, wasteland and ways, 2 hectares of surface water, and 45 horses, 200 head of cattle, 60 sheep and 100 pigs. The large manor Rambow field, 16 hectares of meadows, 7 hectares of pastures, 209 hectares of lumber quality trees, 2 hectares of wasteland, yard space and ways and 1 hectare of surface water. The livestock amounted to 35 horses and 180 head of cattle.

End of War

At the end of World War II, the Russians occupied this area and drove out the residents.

The inhabitants of Ramnitz could not escape the Russian advance. They hid themselves in the Rambower forest and returned on the following day to the village. The east Prussian refugees had fled the Russians, but more people came after that.

The Russians occupied Ramnitz in the evening hours of 8 March 1945. A Russian tank delivered some shots.

Some days after occupation of the property in Ramnitz, a barn in Rambow and two large Heuschober burned. Under the rubble one found the corpse of Mrs. Holm. The Russians furnished a supplying base in Ramnitz. All cattle from the environment were together-driven here. The Russians withdrew from Ramnitz in 1950.

Poland could because of the Russian crew only 1950 into the possession of the village set itself. The inhabitants were driven out at a relatively late time from their homeland. The residence card index Pommern determined 192 refugees from this village in the Federal Republic of Germany and 78 in the GDR. The German municipality, Ramnitz, became the Polish Karznica.

War losses include seven soldiers, three civilians and 36 missing.


There is 201 inhabitants at present live in Rambow approx. 86 persons. 1996 are celebrated in Rambow the 725th anniversary of its existence. Rambow created a historical association, thereby to emphasize is Peter Ramsch. There is also a petting zoo worth mentioning.

The Late 1500s Era

Dorothea of v.der Marwitz (1597–1649)

Born v. Moltzahn

At present one wrote the 12 February to its birth 1597. Their parents were TIG and v. Moltzahn on Grubenhagen and its wife Barbara v. Negendanck a.d. H. Egerstorff. In all care drawn up by these and protected, belonged obedienceness in relation to parents, Frömmigkeit, respectableness and God fear to their most outstanding characteristics. The Domina Elizabeth v. Buchwald from the monastery Dobbertin became their first teacher, to whom she pulled in recent years and remained long three years. Subsequently, it returned to its parents and remained there until 1617. In this year it accepted princess Sophie of Mecklenburg, born princess of Schleswig-Holstein as Kammerjungfer, whereby it probably admits to each Hofmann became and also the largest satisfaction of the princess worked. Also princess Anna Maria found countess of Oldenburg favour at it subsequently, to Mecklenburg geb. and transferred it to its services; again in the position of a Kammerjungfer. With faithful diligence and guilty obedience it remained here year twelfth.

Then before-light it with the agreement of their nut/mother at a 2.Sonntag after Trinitatis in Luebeck the Fürstl. Mecklenburgian marshal and secret advice Moritz of v.der Marwitz. Since he had been instructed in the coming two years to Sweden, they lived since that time in Scandinavia. Two daughters were born them, one of it in Sweden. From Christian mind, hardly missed it inspires a lecture or a praying hour. Around 1647 it was afflicted by an indisposition. It was their largest joy that it had been allowed to zubringen the time of the illness with andächtigem singing and praying, particularly since its man was absent for vocational reasons often. 14 days before their death however them became completely matt and ohnmächtig and in such a way separated them in the morning at the 5 February 1649 in presence of many fürstlicher and noble persons on the Schweriner lock under a prayer at 8 o'clock in their 52.Lebensjahr. Here it was bedded on Thursday after Kantate to the last peace.

The 1600 Era

Fritz of that mountains brought completely Grubenhagen as lean-leaning person entitled of Moltzan creditors actually, left he it to the Ulrichshusener to Vth M. under certain conditions. Catharina Dorothea v. Mecklenburg.

Born v. Halberstadt (1616–1665)

She was the daughter of the Christoph v. Halberstadt on Lütken Brütz and the Mrs. Elisabeth v. Götzen, Hofmeisterin in Schwerin. Born in the year 1616, it had been drawn up by her parents with all diligence, all care and in the Christian faith. On 12 March 1632, when she was 17, she married Carl v. Pentz at Lütken Brütz, on the advice of her mother. They had only one daughter, Marianne Elizabeth, who later married Heinrich v. Kleinow.

After having been married for seven years, she and her husband separated in 1640 and she moved with their small daughter after Schwerin, where their mother was active Elizabeth still as Hofmeisterin. When this 1645 with death went off, she took over their place, which provided her now nine years treulich. Here at the yard she became acquainted with her next spouse: Jürgen v. Mecklenburg, that at this time advice in Schwerin and Fürstl. Mecklenburgian captain, also hereditarysat on Daberkow, was. With grant by their rule, its brothers and its related married it itself with it finally at the 8 February 1654 in Warsow. The bridegroom came of an illegitimen relationship a duke of Mecklenburg with one its Mätressen. From its marriage with the young widow Catharina Dorothea rose two daughters, Eleonora Maria and Maria Sybilla.

When the year 1664 had passed, it was employed as Hofmeisterin for the support of the daughters of the duke Gustav Adolph and the princess Magdalena Sybilla born princess von Schleswig Holstein Gottorf. Occasionally it felt in time weak, remained however otherwise with good health. Only at the 1 February 1665 it seized a “heated chest illness”, against which also the fürstliche Leibmedikus could not help. At the 4 desselben monthly received it the holy office for soul and the Absolution, then its forces decreased noticeably and Schleim in the chest stepped in addition. At the 8.February finally 1665 it separated after its 48.Geburtstag on the fürstlichen house to Güstrow and at the 15.March with “Christian Adelichen Ceremonien” in the Güstrower cathedral church in presence of many high fürstlicher and noble persons was briefly buried.

Anna v. Moltke (1580–1641)

Born v. Rotermundt

Godislaus v. Rotermundt, Fürstl. Mecklenburgian yard advice, later however Kgl. Danish advice and finally Fürstl. Pommer advice and office man to Franzburg, hereditary gentleman on angel-dare and bird-sang, was its father. Its nut/mother EH v. Krakewitz a.d. H. Diretz bore it in the year 1580. After its baptism it was educated “in the breed and reminder to the gentleman” and 1597, when she hardly was with adults years, with Joachim were already vermählt v. Stralendorff, gentleman on Greben and Liedbeke.

After eight-year-old Unfruchtbarkeit could it to its man only 1605 a daughter Sophia to the world bring, which however already deceased in its 14.Lebensjahr. 1606 were then born the married people the son Joachim Dietrich. 1608 lost it their husbands at Johannis Baptistae and vermählte themselves at expiration of the mourning yearly 1612 with Gebhard v. Moltke, gentleman on Toitenwinkel and Wesselstorff, Frstl. Mecklenburgian land advice and Provisor of the monastery Dobbertin. Three sons and a daughter were still given to them both, from which alone three died young. It was survived besides only by its son Joachim Friedrich, which was 1641 still student on a university.

When the Thirty Years' War afflicted also Mecklenburg, she fled with her husband of Toitenwinkel into a ten-year exile to Luebeck. They would never see their homeland again. Some time suffered it from the shrinking craze, then she died on 6 May 1641 at five o'clock in the morning in Luebeck and was buried on 27 May of the same year. Source: LdsBibl. Schwerin, Schmidt `sche library Bd. LXX (7)

Gebhart Gützlaff v. Moltke (1616–1619)

On 10 February 1616 it became as a son of the Fürstl. Mecklenburgian land advice Gebhart v. Moltke and his wife Anna v. Rotermundt on the paternal property Toitenwinkel born. At the 15.February he was baptized and received the old typical surnames. Afterwards it in the breed and admonishment before Christ were adelich educated, until it could speak and praise God for its life. It was a good child and from fine, sensitive kind; from its parents it could be led willingly. Unfortunately it was often ill, then it suffered once from a heavy four-day fever. Although one consulted the best physicians, the boy recovered only slow.

One and a half years brought it with its Rekonvaleszens too, until it again completely genesen was. On 5 July 1618 around midday however he got a heavy head and a chest weakness. The Medikus was called immediately, which could recommend however no medicine. One prayed at family meeting eagerly to God that the boy the life to receive to like. Meals and drinking were no more desire for him and gradually removed its forces. The minister was gotten from Rostock and given to him the benediction. Afterwards it got still twice air and deceased then on 30 June 1619 at the age of three years and 20 months in Toitendorf. Here it was bedded on 20 July of the same year to the last peace.

Existing documents


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    Coordinates: 53°46′32″N 11°24′44″E / 53.7756°N 11.4122°E / 53.7756; 11.4122

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