
The Wertpapierkennnummer, (WKN, WPKN, WPK or simply Wert), is a German securities identification code. Six digits or capital letters (excluding I and O), no check digit.

Changes in format

There have been several changes in the WKN definition:

The WKNs and DE-ISINs are provided by WM-Datenservice.

WKNs may be obsolete in future, since they may be replaced by International Securities Identification Numbers (ISINs).

Spelling and meaning

Like most very long German words, Wertpapierkennnummer is a compound word: Wert-Papier-Kenn-Nummer, if translated literally, means value–paper–to know–number (Wertpapier = financial security; Kennnummer = identity number).

Before the German spelling reform of 1996 the correct spelling was Wertpapierkennummer with only two consecutive n’s, since the orthography rules allowed three times the same consonant in a row only under special circumstances. Since the reform, the spelling now has been Wertpapierkennnummer with three consecutive n’s.

See also


  1. http://www.wmdaten.de/pdf_kundeninfo/KI2003-21.pdf (in German language)
  2. http://www.wmdaten.de/pdf_kundeninfo/KI2004-04.pdf (in German language)
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