Whitening transformation

A whitening transformation is a linear transformation that transforms a vector of random variables with a known covariance matrix into a set of new variables whose covariance is the identity matrix meaning that they are uncorrelated and all have variance 1.[1] The transformation is called "whitening" because it changes the input vector into a white noise vector.

Several other transformations are closely related to whitening: 1) the decorrelation transform removes only the correlations but leaves variances intact, 2) the standardization transform sets variances to 1 but leaves correlations intact, and 3) a coloring transformation transforms a vector of white random variables into a random vector with a specified covariance matrix.[2]


Suppose X is a random (column) vector with non-singular covariance matrix M and mean 0. Then the transformation Y = W X with a whitening matrix W satisfying the condition W^T W = M^{-1} yields the whitened random vector Y with unit diagonal covariance.

There are infinitely many possible whitening matrices W that all satisfy the above condition. Commonly used choices are W = M^{-1/2} (Mahalanobis or ZCA whitening), the Cholesky decomposition of  M^{-1} (Cholesky whitening), or the eigen-system of M (PCA whitening).

Kessy et al. (2015) demonstrate that optimal whitening transforms can be singled out by investigating the cross-covariance and cross-correlation of X and Y. For example, the unique optimal whitening transformation achieving maximal component-wise correlation between original X and whitened Y is produced by the whitening matrix W = P^{-1/2} V^{-1/2} where P is the correlation matrix and V the variance matrix.

Whitening a data matrix

Whitening a data matrix follows the same transformation as for random variables. An empirical whitening transform is obtained by estimating the covariance (e.g. by maximum likelihood) and subsequently constructing a corresponding estimated whitening matrix (e.g. by Cholesky decomposition).

See also


  1. Kessy, A.; Lewin, A.; Strimmer, K. (2015). "Optimal whitening and decorrelation". arXiv:1512.00809. Retrieved 28 March 2016.
  2. Hossain, Miliha. "Whitening and Coloring Transforms for Multivariate Gaussian Random Variables". Project Rhea. Retrieved 21 March 2016.

External links

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