
Interaction of class libraries and widgetsets in Lazarus and Free Pascal

Widgetsets support platform-sensitive development with the Lazarus IDE. They act as adapter libraries that provide an interface between a platform-inpedentent sourcecode written in Free Pascal and platform-specific system functions. Thus they allow for development of platform-native software without requiring to provide specific source code for different target platforms.

Widgetsets act as basis for the Lazarus Component Library (LCL).

Available widgetsets

Currently (autumn 2013), the development status of widget toolkit interfaces is roughly as follows:[1]

Widget set Supported Operating Systems Status
Windows API, GDI Windows Mainstream use
Windows CE API, GDIWindows CE Mainstream use
GTK+ 1.2.x Linux (via X11) Deprecated
GTK+ 2.8+ Windows, Linux (X11 and framebuffer) and Mac OS X (via X11)Mainstream use
GTK+ 3.x As Gtk2Alpha
Qt 4.5+ Windows, Linux (X11 and framebuffer), Mac OS X Mainstream use. Works in Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Maemo, etc
Cocoa Mac OS X In progress
Carbon Mac OS X Mainstream use
fpGUI Windows, Windows CE, Linux (via X11) Initial stage
Lazarus Custom Drawn Controls Android, Windows, Linux (via X11), Mac OS X Initial stage


Further reading

This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Wednesday, November 27, 2013. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.