World Confederation for Physical Therapy

Founded: 1951
Type: Non-Governmental Organisation
Members: 106 Member organisations
President: Marilyn Moffat
Secretary General: Brenda J Myers

Founded in 1951, the World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT) is the sole international voice for physical therapy, representing more than 350,000 physical therapists worldwide through its 106 member organisations.[1]

WCPT is committed to furthering the physical therapy profession and improving global health. It believes that every individual is entitled to the highest possible standard of culturally appropriate healthcare, delivered in an atmosphere of trust and respect for human dignity, and underpinned by sound clinical reasoning and scientific evidence.[2]

WCPT is a non-profit organisation and is registered as a charity in the UK. It has been in official relations with the World Health Organization (WHO) since 1952,[3] collaborating on work programmes to improve world health. It works with a wide range of other international bodies and is a member of the World Health Professions Alliance.[4]

Vision and mission

WCPT's vision is to move physical therapy forward so the profession is recognised globally for its significant role in improving health and wellbeing.

As the international voice of physical therapy WCPT's mission is to:


WCPT provides services to members, campaigns to improve world health and produces policies and guidelines. It encourages high standards of physical therapy and global health by facilitating the exchange of information and producing resources.

All of its activities are shaped and informed by research.

WCPT’s website is the hub of its information sharing activity. The Confederation also publishes a wide range of publications including "WCPT News". , a monthly "E-update". , "Policy documents".  and "Keynote papers".  on a wide range of subjects.

History and growth

In 1951 the World Confederation for Physical Therapy had 11 founding member organisations from Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Great Britain, New Zealand, Norway, South Africa, West Germany, Sweden and the United States of America.[5]

The first international congress and second General Meeting were held in London in 1953, where the first Executive Committee was elected.

Over its history, WCPT has developed statements, including Education Guidelines, to support the development of the profession. It has developed a structure of five regions, and close relationships with international independent organisations of physical therapists with specific interests – 12 of which are now recognised as official WCPT subgroups.

WCPT Congress

WCPT’s congress is held every four years and it has held 16 world congresses since its establishment.

The WCPT Congress is the largest international gathering of physical therapists. Bringing together clinicians, educators, researchers, managers and policy makers, where the world of physical therapy meets.

The next will be in 2015 in Singapore.[6]

Previous congresses

See also


  1. "WCPT Member Organisations".
  2. "What is WCPT?".
  3. "World Health Organization membership profile".
  4. "World Health Professions Alliance membership".
  5. "WCPT 60th Anniversary publication" (PDF).
  6. "Announcement of Singapore congress dates". Congress Update. February 2013.
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