XLAB d.o.o

XLAB, d.o.o.
Private limited company
Industry Software and consulting
Founded 2001, Ljubljana
Headquarters Ljubljana, Slovenia
Key people
Gregor Pipan (CEO), Jure Pompe (director)
Products Software and consulting
Slogan Not idle
Website www.xlab.si

XLAB d.o.o. is a software development company, founded in 2001 and based in Slovenia. XLAB focuses on cloud computing technologies and distributed systems. Its research department[1] has participated in several[2] European ICT research projects, most notably in XtreemOS, SLA@SOI and Contrail.

European Research

According to a 2012 European Commission study,[3] XLAB was the third most important research organization in Slovenia in terms of European funds between 2007 and 2012, and the first private research organization.

XLAB's main area of research is focused on the following fields:

In 2015 XLAB joined the Phishing Initiative,[25] a consortium which includes several technology companies such as cyscon and Opera Software. XLAB's Device Monitoring is, as of June 2015, one of the four tools that the consortium offers freely to the general public, together with Opera Browser, a Firefox Browser plug-in and HitmanPro.

Additionally, the company participates in other areas of research such as People's Security (Pandora,[26] Odyssey[27]), Digital Culture (MOSAICA[28]), and Lifelong learning (Creatin,[29] dCDDFlite[30] and other Leonardo and Erasmus+ projects), as well as in several national projects in Slovenia.


XLAB commercializes a few solutions of its own, product of its internal and European funded research, including GIS solution Gaea+, medical visualization MedicView and most notably ISL Online.

ISL Online[31] is a software for secure[32] cloud-based remote desktop control[33] and live chat[34] via the Internet. The software is available on the Microsoft Windows, OS X, Linux, iOS and Android,[35] and is utilized by small individuals and companies as well as big and multinational enterprises worldwide such as Teleroute[36] (Belgium), Telecom Slovenia (Slovenia), Azteca (Mexico), Canon Inc.[37] (Japan), Swiss Post (Switzerland) among others.

In September 2015, XLAB partnered with AVG Technologies [38] to integrate ISL Online (desktop sharing technology) into AVG Business Managed Workplace 9.2[39] (remote monitoring and management software) in order to give Managed Services Providers the ability to easily access and control an unlimited number of unattended remote computers.



  1. XLAB R&D department
  2. Slovenia: Welcome support for technological boost, Digital Agenda, 2012-10-03
  3. ICT R&D and participation to FP7 - Digital Agenda, 2013
  4. Contrail - Open computing infrastructures for elastic services
  5. Contrail in CORDIS
  6. XLAB's role in XtreemOS
  7. Fortissimo at CORDIS
  8. Fortissimo: Using Simulations to Drive Real Business - CORDIS news, 2014-09-18
  9. Fortissimo project
  11. Finesce portal
  12. Shift Towards Renewable Energy and Technology for a Smarter Grid - World News Network, 2014-08-01
  13. Nov izziv so obnovljivi viri energije Times Slovenia, 2014-8-11
  14. eBadge at CORDIS
  15. eBadge portal
  16. Giraf+ portal
  17. XLAB sodeluje pri razvoju robota za starejše - Delo, 2014-05-08
  18. Razmah robotov za hitrejše okrevanje in nego starejših - Finance, 2014-05-01
  19. ACDC at CORDIS
  20. ACDC portal
  21. Konferenca APWG eCrime Sync-up - Moj mikro, 2014-03-28
  23. SPECS portal
  24. XLAB korak bliže k bolj varnemu računalništvu v oblaku - Računalniške novice
  25. PhishKiller Team
  26. Pandora - Advanced training environment for crisis scenarios at CORDIS
  27. Odyssey - Strategic pan-European ballistics intelligence platform for combating organised crime and terrorism at CORDIS
  28. MOSAICA - Semantically Enhanced, Multifaceted, Collaborative Access to Cultural Heritage at CORDIS
  29. Creatin project
  30. Flexible Learning in Information Technology and Entrepreneurship
  31. Trade mark number: 009076068, Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market
  32. The Top 9 Most Secure Remote PC Access Software of 2014, GetVOIP, 2014-08-19
  33. 2011 ISL Online review PC Pro
  34. ISL Online Announces Partnership with Lionbridge to Offer Customer-Support Software with GeoFluent Real Time Chat Translation - Lionbridge, 2013-07-22
  35. ISL Online Supported Platforms, ISL Online, 2014-11-14
  36. Teleroute Screen Sharing, 2014-12-16
  37. Canon Remote Service, 2015-01-22
  38. AVG Business Launches Managed Workplace 9.2
  39. AVG Technologies has integrated ISL Online's remote access and remote desktop control software into AVG Business Managed Workplace
  40. Najbolj inovativna storitev računalništva v oblaku - EuroCloud Slovenia
  41. IPACSO Cyber Security & Privacy Innovation Awards IPACSO, 2014-10-24
  42. Priznanja za inovacije za 2013 v Osrednjeslovenski regiji - Smart Locator - GZS, 2014-05-26
  43. 2014 Awards Ceremony 112 EENA, 2014-04-02
  44. Minister za obrambo obiskal sedež podjetja XLAB Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Slovenia, 2014-04-25
  45. NASA World Wind Europa Challenge EuroChallenge, 2014
  46. Slovenian company XLAB wins at the NASA World Wind Europe Challenge Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Slovenia News, 2013-06-28
  47. XLAB nagrajen tudi za rešitev prikaza lokacije kličočega na 112 Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Protection and Rescue, 2013-07-16
  48. Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije že 44. podelila Nagrado GZS za gospodarske in podjetniške dosežke GZS, 2012-03-06
  49. Gospodarska zbornica znova izbrala najodličnejše - Delo, 2012-03-06
  50. Podeljene nagrade EuroCloud Slovenija - Dnevnik, 2012-05-24
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