Yamabe no Akahito

Kuniyoshi, Yamabe no Akahito
In this Japanese name, the family name is Yamabe.

Yamabe no Akahito (山部 赤人 or 山邊 赤人) (fl. 724–736) was a poet of the Nara period in Japan. The Man'yōshū, an ancient anthology, contains 13 chōka ("long poems") and 37 tanka ("short poems") of his. Many of his poems were composed during journeys with Emperor Shōmu between 724 and 736. Yamabe is regarded as one of the kami of poetry, and is called Waka Nisei along with Kakinomoto no Hitomaro. He is noted as one of the Thirty-six Poetry Immortals.

The American composer Alan Hovhaness used a text by Yamabe from the Man'yōshū in his cantata Fuji, Op. 182 (1960, rev. 1964).

See also

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