
Company Name: Yatego Ltd.
Enterprise form: Ltd.
Year of incorporation: 2003
Registered Office: St. Georgen (Germany)
Year of incorporation: 2003
Number of employees: 110
Branch: eCommerce
Website: www.yatego.com

Yatego is a virtual shopping mall where traders are able sell their goods. Each trader has an online shop that is also integrated in the Yatego platform. After the login process customers may make their purchases throughout the platform in all shops.

Yatego was founded in Munich by Michael Ollmann in 2003. The Yatego website was launched in June 2003.[1]


When Yatego was launched it featured about 100 traders. This table shows the growth of the Yatego platform.

Month/Year Traders Products
04/2003 about 200 about 400.000
04/2004 612 586.508
04/2005 1.226 948.639
04/2006 1.982 1,34 Mill.
04/2007 4.086 1,81 Mill.
04/2008 5.613 2,1 Mill.
04/2009 7.278 2,6 Mill.
04/2010 8.548 3,1 Mill.
04/2011 10.200 3,7 Mill.

According to Nielsen NetRatings the Yatego platform grew by 137% in 2006.[2] ComScore listed Yatego as the fastest growing website in Germany.[3]

Yatego was one of the winners of "Jobmotor 2008" (Job-engine) because the company created jobs during times of commercial and financial crisis.[4] There are three company categories nominated to "Jobmotor 2008": Small companies (up to 20 employees), medium-sized companies (from 20 to 200 employees) and large companies (exceeding 200 employees). Yatego was the winner in the category of the medium-sized companies.


Search function

Yatego can be searched for merchandise in all categories and for keywords (optionally to defined prices). While entering a search term the Yatego System shows suggestions of completed terms in a drop-down menu, also displaying the quantity of articles listed for the search term. A correction tool promotes an effective search in which the system recognizes that a more common search term creates more results (for example by correcting the spelling). Yatego also offers an advanced search option where the description of the article is also being scanned.

Yatego may be searched by brand, top sellers, bargain-priced goods, themes, traders/shops, branches, and coupons.


All goods on Yatego are published in categories divided into a maximum of three levels (Main category - mid-level category - subcategory).

Order process


When Yatego receives an order, the buyer needs to pay directly to a trader or dealer. There are various forms of payment which vary from trader to trader. P


The trader who has received the customer's payment ships the products. Shipping methods and costs vary from trader to trader.


Quality management

The assignation to categories is generally automated. Yatego provides a constant manual control of the category's content. To open a new online-shop, a trader must present a valid business registration. For larger shops quality control is obligatory.

Awards and nominations


In the media

Further information

As Yatego reached the number of 10.000 connected dealers the company celebrated that achievement by initiating an E-Commerce Fair at the St. Georgen Civic Center, to which all dealers, partners and the interested public were invited. The event was accompanied by lectures on the subjects of online trading and online retailers.[31]


  1. Bloomberg Business Week's summary of Yatego GmbH
  2. Dec 2006 - Nielsen//NetRatings
  3. 30. Oct. 2007 – comScore lists Germany's top-websites in september
  4. 20. March 2009 – Jobmotor 2008: Der Mittelstand schafft Arbeit (Badische Zeitung I)
  5. 11. Nov. 2010 - Shoppingmall Yatego jetzt in Kooperation mit Versanddienstleister DHL
  6. 07. April 2011 - Yatego Shopportal holt Acton Capital Partners an Bord
  7. 11. May 2009 - Yatego ist für Mittelstandspreis nominiert (Computer Reseller News)
  8. 18. Sept. 2009 - Yatego wird „Unternehmen des Monats“ (Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg mbH)
  9. 18. June 2009 - Yatego: Auszeichnung für soziales Engagement (Caritas/Wirtschaftsministerium Baden-Württemberg)
  10. 12. Oct. 2009 - Ausbildungs-Ass 2009: Preisträger stehen fest (Wirtschaftsjunioren Deutschland)
  11. 23. Oct. 2009 - „Yatego zählt zu den Wachstumsstärksten“ (Computer Reseller News)
  12. 17. Sept. 2009 - Neue Vertriebswege für den Einzelhandel (direktbroker.de)
  13. 23. May 2007 – Schiedsstelle statt Abmahnwelle im Online-Handel (PC Welt)
  14. 29. Oct. 2009 - 44/09 - Interview mit Yatego-Chef Stephan Peltzer (Channel Partner)
  15. 3. Dec. 2008 - Yatego hat ein Herz für Kinder und spendet an Aktion Kindertraum (itnewsbyte.com)
  16. 11. Sept. 2009 - "Vermarktung auf zwei Vertriebswegen" (Schwarzwälder Bote)
  17. 25. March 2009 - Mitarbeiterzahl auf 100 verdoppelt (Schwarzwälder Bote)
  18. 19. March 2009 - Internet-Handelsplattform Yatego beschäftigt 101 Mitarbeiter (Südkurier)
  19. 20. March 2009 - Yatego: Shoppen im Einkaufszentrum (Badische Zeitung)
  20. 21. March 2009 - Die Badische Zeitung zeichnet Unternehmen aus, die trotz Krise Jobs schaffen (SWR)
  21. 24. Sept. 2009 - Radio 7 sendet ein Portrait der erfolgreichen jungen Firma. (Yatego)
  22. 16. June 2009 - Lukrativ: Einkaufsportale als Vertriebsweg (PC-Praxis)
  23. 20. July 2009 - Yatego - die virtuelle Shopping-Mall (ECC Handel)
  24. May 2009 - Online-Marktplatz Yatego im Test - Was Online-Händler erwartet (auktionsideen.de)
  25. 17. Aug. 2009 - Zentrada Magazin: Mit einem Klick mehrfach präsent (Zentrada)
  26. 1. Nov. 2009 - Yatego.com verändert Geschäftsmodell (ecommerce MAGAZIN)
  27. 20. Oct. 2010 - Neue Utensilien für die Weihnachtsbäckerei
  28. 4. February 2010 - „Protected Shops schließt mit Shoppingmall Yatego.com Rahmenvertrag“ (onlinemarktplatz.de)
  29. 27. Oct. 2009 - Yatego neuer Sponsor für „Wohnen nach Wunsch - Das Haus“ auf VOX (presseportal.de)
  30. 18. Nov. 2010 - Shoppingmall Yatego.com startet 50.000 Euro Gewinnspiel auf Facebook
  31. Youtube video on Yatego attaining 10,000 dealers

External links

This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Friday, March 25, 2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.