Yerucham Gorelick

Rabbi Yerucham Gorelick
Position Rosh Yeshiva
Yeshiva RIETS
Personal details
Born 1911
Died 3 Tishrei 5744;September 1983
New York
Buried Har Hamenuchot, Jerusalem
Nationality  United States of America
Denomination Orthodox

Yerucham Gorelick (1911–1983) was a distinguished Rosh yeshiva in the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary (RIETS) for forty years (1943–1983).


Gorelick was born in Slutzk[1] in 1911 to Rabbi Avrohom Moshe, the son-in-law of Rabbi Yerucham of Dubrov. Rabbi Yerucham of Dubrov, his namesake, was close to the Beis HaLevi, and earned the nickname, "Rav Yerucham Charif" (the Sharp One). Rabbi Avrohom Moshe served as rav in several towns in Poland. In 1927, when the Bolsheviks were persecuting the rabbis, the family immigrated to America, but Rabbi Gorelick stayed behind in Europe.

In his early youth, Gorelick learned in the Lomza Yeshiva, and then spent ten years in the Chofetz Chaim's yeshiva in Radin, where he learned with Rabbi Naftoli Trop and Rabbi Moshe Landynski. Afterwards, he studied in Brisk for five years under Rabbi Yitzchok Zev Soloveitchik until the outbreak of World War II.

In 1938, he married a woman from Brisk, the daughter of Rabbi Shmuel Yehudah Belkes, a lay leader of the community who owned a coal factory.

Rabbi Gorelick escaped with his wife and family to Vilna, and continued his studies there with Rabbi Soloveitchik in 1940.[2]


In 1940-1941, Gorelick escaped from Europe to Japan. He arrived in America just before America entered the war in December 1941.

He first served as rebbe at Mesivtha Tifereth Jerusalem and involved himself in relief efforts. In 1943, Gorelick was appointed a rosh yeshiva at Yeshiva University's Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary where he taught Torah to thousands of students until his death. He served as rabbi in the Bronx, establishing: Beis Yaakov Beis Miriam in the Bronx; Yeshiva Gedolah L’Mitzuyanim of South Fallsburg, New York; and Yeshiva Gedolah Zichron Moshe of Bronx, which later moved to its permanent home in South Fallsburg, New York on the site of the former Laurel Park Hotel, which the Rabbi purchased on behalf on the Yeshiva. He left behind many writings in their original form, as well as a family of Torah scholars and roshei yeshiva. His son, Rabbi Zvi Abba Gorelick, continued as administrator of Yeshiva Gedolah Zichron Moshe in South Fallsburg until his death on May 1, 2010.[3][4] [5]



  1. This is per Meller. But L'Toldos Ham'chabrim Roshei Yeshiva, which seems to be the source for the YUTorah Online Biography, states that he was "born in Telechin near Pinsk".
  2. Meller, Shimon Yosef (2009). The Brisker Rav, The Life and Times of Maran HaGaon HaRav Yitzchok Ze'ev HaLevi Soloveichik zt"l, Volume Two. Feldheim Publishers. p. 109. ISBN 978-1-59826-429-6.
  4. "YUTorah Online Biography". Retrieved 2009-11-27.
  5. "L'Toldos Ham'chabrim Roshei Yeshiva, Zichronam Livracha". p. 213. Retrieved 2009-11-29.


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