Yeshivat Har Bracha

Yeshivat Har Bracha, (Hebrew: ישיבת הר-ברכה), is a national-religious yeshiva in Har Bracha, Israel, founded in 1991 by Rabbi Eliezer Melamed.
In the Yeshiva there are two main programs of learning:
The Higher Yeshiva Program, where the students dedicate consecutive years of diligent Torah study, striving to become Torah scholars imbued with the fear of Heaven, and to continue the dissemination of Torah to Am Yisrael. The Hesder Program, where students combine Torah study and service in the Israel Defense Forces. This course lasts approximately five years.
In-depth Talmud study
"Great is the Talmud which leads to action" (Tractate Kiddushin 40b), therefore, in the framework of in-depth Talmud learning, we start with the tractates that are connected to a Jew's everyday life (Berachot, Shabbat, Chulin, Ketubot, Pesachim, Minachot, etc.). Topics are dealt with beginning from the Gemara and the Rishonim, and progress till present-day halachic decision-makers. In the learning, emphasis is placed on a deep understanding of the 'ta'amei mitzvot' and the fundamentals of the halachah. Thus, the student covers all the fundamentals of the Torah, and acquires the tools necessary to live his life according to the Torah. The deep understanding and the fundamental clarification of the connection between the Torah and everyday life, enables a meaningful relationship to the Torah and mitzvoth.
In their years of learning in the Yeshiva, students cover a wide range of topics in emunah, both through in-depth study of Tanach and learning books such as The Kuzari, Mesillat Yesharim, Rabbi Judah Loew ben Bezalel, Rabbi Isaiah Horowitz, Rabbi Zadok HaKohen, and the great Hassidic sages. Additionally, the students delve deeply into the writings of Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook. Amongst the unique emunah classes given in the Yeshiva are a weekly class in History, and an advanced course in the foundations of philosophy as an introduction to the over-all study of the Torah of Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook.[1]
The Tanakh is the living basis and root of the Oral Torah. According to the commandment of learning the Torah in its entirety, the Yeshiva guides its students to learn all of the Tanach through in-depth classes. In this way, the students acquire a deep and broad understanding of all of the books of Tanach.[2]
Army service
The mitzvah to serve in the army is extremely important to the Yeshiva students, and therefore the feeling of responsibility towards the strength, professionalism, and holiness of the camp is great. The Yeshiva students who participate in the Hesder program are known for their stature and proud steadfastness on issues concerning holiness, refusal of orders to expel Jews from their houses, insisting on keeping their tzizit out, proper separation of men and women in the army, etc. Together with this, the soldiers reveal firmness and professionalism in training exercises, and merit to become leaders in the mitzvah of serving in the army.
Continuing program opportunities
The Yeshiva offers a number of continuing program opportunities in accordance with each student’s individual talents:
Rabbinical Kollel – designated for qualified students who see themselves suitable to serve as community rabbis, teachers, or educators in Yeshivot. These students continue their in-depth Torah studies for a number of years.
Shiluvim Program – allows single and married students who have graduated the Hesder program the opportunity to obtain an academic degree at the Ariel University while continuing their Torah studies in the Yeshiva.
Advanced Degree Program – designated for graduates of the Shiluvim program who continue for Masters and Doctorate degrees. The program advances students who excel in investigative research, with the understanding that delving into the natural sciences is not only a way to make a living, but also a tool for the deepening of the Torah, and the implementation of the Heavenly ideals in everyday life.[3]
Teacher's Institute – this program is run in conjunction with Herzog College, and provides a Bachelor degree in Education for students who desire to enter the field of teaching.
Har Bracha Institute of Publications
Alongside the Yeshiva operates the Har Bracha Institute of Publications which deals with research and publication of books. The Institute has published the series 'Pninei Halacha' written by the Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Eliezer Melamed. In addition, three volumes of the book 'Revivim', a compilation of articles written by Rabbi Melamed from the newspaper Basheva, has been published.
The Har Bracha Institute of Publications has published the series of books by Rabbi Zadok HaKohen, meriting the Jewish nation and the many students of his teachings with a new and handsome edition, complete with source indications and a detailed subject glossary.
The Institute has also published the books of Rabbi Ze'ev Sultanovich. So far, in the series 'Bina L'Itim', an in-depth look at Jewish identity, history, and philosophy, two volumes covering the period from Creation till the Expulsion from Spain have been published. In the series of books clarifying the writings of Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook, explanations to the books 'Orot Yisrael' and 'L'mahalach Ha'Idiyot B'Yisrael' have been published, and 'Mizmor 19 Of State of Israel' of Rabbi Zvi Yehuda Kook.
The Har Bracha Institute of Publications has published the books by Professor Zohar Amar: 'Five Types of Grain: Historical and Conceptual Aspects', and books by Professor Benjamin Fain: 'Creation Ex Nihilo' and 'Law and Providence'.and book by Avraham Jacob Sluzky 'Return To Zion'.[4]