Youth athletics

Youth athletics are a sport category in which competitors under 18 years old participate. This includes activities which are individual and team based, outside of school or within school, and both competitive and non-competitive sports. Sport is one of the most popular activities among youth all over the world.[1] The sports with highest popularity are football/soccer and swimming. Advocates claim that sport can contribute to international, national and local efforts to maintain or improve children's health. Through participation in athletics, youth gain the information, skills, personal and social resources, and support needed to succeed with key life transitions.[2]
Benefits of sport
Participation in organized sports during childhood and adolescence has important benefits for physical, psychological, and social health. Sport based youth development programs outside of school promote a wide range of learning and life skill development. Involvement in youth athletics encourages youth to live a healthy and happy lifestyle, foregoing the common issues many youth face such as obesity and depression. However, sport involvement goes beyond health, other benefits allow them to form and strengthen affective relationships, teach youth to value self-improvement over winning, how to be competitive in a competitive society, and to work culturally with different peers and authorities.[3]
The practice of sport fosters young people’s physical and emotional health and builds valuable social connections. It also offers opportunities for play and self -expression especially for those young people with few other opportunities. Sport also acts as a healthy alternative to harmful actions such as drug abuse, and involvement in crime. Beyond the individual, sport involvement cuts barriers that divide societies, making it a powerful tool to support conflict prevention both symbolically on the global level and practically within communities.[4]
Possible concerns in sport participation
The number of dropouts reaches a peak in the adolescent years and the most important reason for not playing sport are “not having enough time,” “no interest anymore,” and “other leisure activities”.[1]
Negative experiences can be created through a sport that is overly focused on competition and winning at all costs or that fails to place the healthy development of youth at the center of the experience. Such negative experiences may result in a young person’s low self-esteem, involve them in negative relationships, encourage poor sportsmanship, permit aggression and violence, allow racism, perpetuate gender discrimination, or expose them to psychological, sexual and commercial exploitation and abuse.[5] Many of these negative experiences can be avoided when parents and coaches are chosen carefully, ensuring that programs offer a positive development experience for youth.
Injuries have always been of concern in terms of sport but youth are much more susceptible to injury considering both their immature musculoskeletal system and increasingly high intensity training. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, participation in organized sports is on the rise. Nearly 30 million children and adolescents participate in youth sports just in the United States.[6] This high rise in sport participation has led to some startling statistics, high school athletes account for an estimated 2 million injuries, 500,000 doctor visits, and 30,000 hospitalizations each year. The most common types of sports-related injuries among youth are sprains, muscle strains, bone or growth plate injuries, and repetitive motion injuries.
Inequalities in sport
Social class
Global South nations tend to have less access to organized sports because the politics of their countries do not have the resources to have leisure and entertainment influence their lives.[7] Children in Global South nations have less opportunity to attend school where majority of organized sport takes place.[8] Sport programs within the community provide children marginalized by poverty, gender, disability, family dissolution, ethno-cultural background and conflict with family, crime and other lack of opportunity.[8]
In Global North nations, the evolving and complex youth sport system requires significant resources such as time, access, and money to develop as an athlete and play competitively.[9] The financial costs involved in facilitating organized sport at an elite level ranges from an average of a few thousand dollars per year, to more than 20,000 dollars per year in some sports. For these financial reasons, participation is not feasible for a majority of kids growing up in lower income families.
In recent years, youth sports have become more expensive in the United States. The financial burden of organized sports has grown, and children from low-income families are less likely to participate. The single greatest predictor of whether a child will start playing organized sports young, is whether their household income exceeds $100,000 per year.[10]
Gender conditioning often starts at an early age where boys and girls are taught behave differently and participate in certain activities. While there is no doubt that girls' sport participation has skyrocketed in recent decades, a gender inequality in youth sports still exists.[11] The "separate but equal" ideal of gender in youth sports is very much prevalent in society and its contradictions inherent a strategy that pushes for both individual equal opportunity and categorical separation of the sexes.[11] Team sport participation peaks at age 11 and participation in sport by girls are high and continuing to increase. However, frequent participation by both boys and girls in team sports is declining.[12]
Girls are more likely to enter sport later than boys and are more likely to take part in cheerleading, dance, competitive jump roping and volleyball while boys tend to stick with more traditional sports such as baseball, basketball and football. No matter the sport, the benefits of participating remain. With this said, the gender gap in the global south is much larger than that of the global north based on significant power relations and religious beliefs, specifically within Muslim communities in countries like Bosnia, Egypt, Morocco, Iran, Iraq, Syria and Turkey. For many, religion is a way of life in which sporting and educational institutions are culturally constructed by cultural and religious dynamics, as well as political, social, and economic factors.[13]
Spatial divisions
The gap between participation in sport in the global south and the global north can be due to a shortage of physical education, a lack of financing, few sport facilities and little equipment and no capacity to host major sporting event in the global south.[14] Other limitations for people living in certain countries may include a lack of accessible transportation, education and lack of understanding of the sport. There are also several social and cultural barriers faced by youth living in the global south that impact sport participation. A few of these are religion, culture and language.
Youth sports programs
The Sport for Development and Peace organization was found in research by Simon Darnell to have positive outcomes on the twelve-year-old boys participating in the program by promoting time management and personal responsibility. This helped the boys fit into the goals of self-regulation required in neoliberal societies.[15] The nature of sport in itself also showcased leaders and those willing to make sacrifices for the sake of their team and also their families.
The Culture, Education, Sport and Ethics program (CESEP) is an international outreach initiative to engage teachers and student from different countries and cultures in the dialogue of healthy sport. This program seeks to create collaboration among teachers, students under 18, and counselors to exchange ideas about sports and culture in an educational program.[16]
The International Olympic Committee’s Sports for Hope program, located in Lusaka, Zambia, enhances national sports development through organized sports competitions, camps and clinics. They organize seminars for coaches and sports administrators as well as community development services.[17] The program has an educational component about important societal issues, including girls’ empowerment, civic participation, HIV/AIDS, malaria and other health issues for athletes and the general public. The center offers indoor and outdoor sports fields, lockers, a gym, a boxing hall, classrooms and a variety of sports.
History of Youth Athletics in Twentieth Century America
Youth Athletics were played and were popular in Twentieth Century America. In an attempt to “energize America’s youth and transform its fledgling bodies into healthy future citizens”[18] recreation facilities for youth were created.[18] Muscular Christianity was based on the philosophy of sports and exercise strengthening the body which was the shelter of the soul.[19] This philosophy shaped the creation of YMCA programs across America.[19] This led to the invention of basketball and volleyball in the late 19th Century.[19] Also, the YMCA had a female counterpart, the YWCA. The social gospel movement, “found sports to be a useful tool to draw inner-city youth to their churches, which often housed gymnasiums.”[19] The social gospel movement lead to the creation of settlement houses, where middle-class men and women would study the social problems of the neighbourhood and attempt to fix them.[19] The best known settlement house was Hull house in Chicago which had a community institution which attempted to Americanize immigrants.[19] At Hull house, “they also provided a gym and sponsored athletic teams for both boys and girls, both as part of the acculturation process and the broader goal of improving the social, mental and physical well-being of inner-city residents.[19]
Social agencies such as the YMCA and YWCA, as well as Boys and Girls Clubs, and Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, provided most of the organized sports to youth in America prior to 1954.[20] While athletics was encouraged by the social gospel movement, youth sports were often organized by youth themselves through the social agencies.[20] This shifted to adults organizing youth sports programs, which was exemplified with the advent of Little League Baseball by Carl Stotz.[20] Little League Baseball was formed in 1939, with a three team league, while in 1954, there were 70,000 participants.[20] Evidently, organized youth athletics grew rapidly throughout the Twentieth Century in America. There were multiple reasons to support youth athletics programs, but one that was mostly agreed upon was “the notion of providing wholesome, character-building activities to occupy the leisure time of children and youth, to enable them to make the transition from childhood to adulthood.”[20]
Within the Twentieth Century, youth athletics were supported for their many believed positive aspects on youth culture. This included the fact that many believed participation in youth athletics would decrease delinquency. In 1965 Coleman wrote, “if it were not for inter-scholastic athletics or something like it, the rebellion against school, the rate of drop-out, and the delinquency of boys might be far worse than they presently are.”[21] Also, youth athletics were a way for Jewish immigrants to disprove the stereotypes that they were bookish and weak in the early Twentieth Century.[22] Some Jews pursued professional careers in sports, which provided young Jewish Americans with role models who showed, “the possibility and benefits of assimilation,”[22] which encouraged more participation in youth athletics. Catholic youths were interested in youth sports to, “demonstrate patriotism and morality.”[23] Overall, both Catholics and Jews were attracted to youth athletics, to “demonstrate American-ness and experience a sense of belonging in the United States.”[23] As well as physical fitness, sports were also seen as a way to increase social and moral development in youth.[21] However, there remained some believed negative aspects of youth athletics. This included the fact that, “premature sports insolvent may result in undesirable emotional consequences fro children.”[21] The stress placed on youths during sports could lead to frustration, discouragement and low self-esteem.[21]
Race and Sports
African Americans
Race has played a role within youth sports as it has enforced racial segregation, but it has also given opportunities to racial minorities.[24] In some ways, youth sports perpetrated segregation, as schools were segregated in the early Twentieth Century.[24] Within African American neighbourhoods in America, there was not the same level of public and private sports facilities as in other neighbourhoods.[25] However, the streets and vacant lots became centres for youth sports.[25] Segregation and prejudice kept African Americans out of sports facilities, but sports also played a positive role. While schools and subsequently sports teams were created out of segregation, athletics could bring success and accomplishment to schools.[24] Sports were ways that members of the African- American community could gain self- esteem and a sense of community.[24]
Native Americans
Youth sports were an important way of life for Native Americans within boarding schools.[26] Sports for Native Americans living in boarding schools were so important that they were on a similar level of importance as work and teaching.[26] School sports such as track and field, basketball, and wrestling were activities that some Native Americans felt pride in when they participated.[27] This pride was created by the appeal of competition and success, especially against white teams.[27] Former resident of a boarding school for Native Americans, Jeff McCloud's experiences in sports, "helped him to critically read the pain and degradation of contemporary life on and off Indian reservations as something other than a flaw in Native American character or the inevitable outcome of historical progress."[27] Through these experiences, sport could be a positive aspect of the lives of Native Americans.
Gender and Sports
Female youth athletics was advocated for in the early twentieth century because it was, “believed that sports improved young women’s health and beauty, promoted self-confidence, and offered a source of enjoyment.”[28] However, girls' sports was not supported by all Americans as some believed it would lead to injuries and girls acting too aggressive and manly.[28] During the early parts of the twentieth century, some people felt that sport might reduce a girl's femininity and produce too much competitiveness.[29] Some sports, such as basketball, were modified for girls' play.[29] These modifications included eliminating physical contact and playing half-court games to limit exhaustion.[29] American girls participated in more organized sports after the passage of Title IX in 1972 as they gained more opportunities to do so.[20] It has been stated that, “among the many forms of sexism in sports, perhaps the most pervasive and devastating is the lack of equal opportunities for girls to compete in programs similar to those offered for boys.”[30] Girls' participation remained much lower than that of boys, but it increased “from 32 percent of the male’s participation in 1973-74 to 63 percent in 1994-95.”[30] While there are barriers to girls' participation in sports, it grew sizeably in the twentieth century.
Youth athletics also affected the lives of boys as it could be used to define masculinity.[31] Sports were a way to promote bravery, and were tied to masculinity through Muscular Christianity.[31] Sports were even thought to reduce degeneracy as boys were thought to be becoming less brave than their forefathers by some.[31] Betty DeBerg believes that gender divisions increased as some feared that industrialization and city life were changing gender roles.[31] Sports were thought to be a way to increase masculinity in boys and to perpetrate social divisions. Furthermore, the masculine aspect of sports perpetrated through the twentieth century, has continued an idea of homophobia.[32] Eric Anderson states, "in a time of greatly decreasing cultural and institutional homophobia, institutions of sport have remained steadfast in their production of a homophobic and conservative gender ideology."[32] In 1997, a high school football player wrote that he faced, "victimization and personal distress over the profusion of homophobia within his sport..."[33] This homophobic environment lead to depression for the victim.[33] The heightened idea of masculinity has allowed homophobia to also permeate sports. Youth sports within the twentieth century enforced masculinity on boys, as well as created an environment filled with homophobia.
Youth athletics teams and league resources
- AllTeamz, a youth sports directory for teams and leagues in the United States.
- Little League, an international youth baseball and softball organization
- Little League Finder
- Pop Warner, a non-profit organization that provides youth football and cheer & dance programs for participants in 42 states and several countries around the world
- Pop Warner League Finder
Games and championships
- Asian Youth Games
- Australian Youth Olympic Festival
- Commonwealth Youth Games
- European Youth Olympic Festival
- IAAF World Youth Championships in Athletics, organized by the IAAF every 2 years
- Youth Olympic Games
See also
- European Athletic Association
- Gender in youth sports
- International Association of Athletics Federations
- Junior (athletics)
- List of world youth bests in athletics
- 1 2 Cote, Jay; Hay, J (2002). "Children's Involvement in Sport: A developmental perspective". Psychological Foundations of Sport: 484–502.
- ↑ Sport for Development and Peace Int'l Working Group (2008). Harnessing the Power of Sport for Development and Peace: Recommendations to Government (PDF). Right to Play.
- ↑ Harrist, Chris (2011). "Implementing Sports-based Positive Youth Development". Youth Development Initiative 1 (11): 1–3.
- ↑ "Sport as a Tool for Development and Peace: Towards Achieving the United Nations Millennium Development Goals" (PDF). UN Inter-Agency Task Force: 1–33.
- ↑ Sport for Children and Youth: Fostering Development and Strengthening Education. pp. 1–117.
- ↑ Powell, JS; Foss, KD (1999). "Injury patterns in selected high school sports". J Athl Train 34: 277–84.
- ↑ Coakley, Jay (2009). Sports in Society: Issues and Controversies. McGraw-Hill Companies Inc.
- 1 2 Sport for Children and Youth: Fostering Development and Strengthening Education (PDF). pp. 1–117.
- ↑ Sagas, Michael; Cunningham, George. "Sport Participation Rates among Underserved American Youths". The Aspen Institute's Project Play. University of Florida.
- ↑ "Hidden demographics of youth sports - ESPN The Magazine".
- 1 2 Messner, Michael (2011). "Gender Ideologies, Youth Sports, and the Production of Soft Essentialism". Sociology of Sport Journal 28.2: 151–170.
- ↑ Woods, Ronald (2011). Social Issues in Sport (2 ed.).
- ↑ Tansin, Benn; Pfister, Gertrud; Jawad, Haifaa (2011). Muslim Women and Sport. Routledge. pp. 1–271.
- ↑ "Barriers to Participation". Sport and Dev. Retrieved 4 November 2014.
- ↑ Darnell, Simon (2010). "Power, Politics, and "Sport for Development and Peace":Investigating the Utility of Sport for International Development". Sociology of Sport Journal 27: 54–75.
- ↑ "Culture, Education, Sport and Ethics Program". The Foundation for Global Sports Development.
- ↑ "Sports for Hope" (PDF). Olympic Youth Development Centre: 1–10. 2011.
- 1 2 Gagen, Elizabeth (October 2004). "Making America Flesh: Physicality and Nationhood in Early Twentieth Century Physical Education Reform". Cultural Geographies: 417. doi:10.1191/1474474004eu321oa.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Gems, Gerald (2015). "Progressive Era, 1900-1920". In Reiss, Steven. Sports in America from Colonial Times to the Twenty-First Century: An Encyclopedia. New York: Taylor and Francis. p. 25. ISBN 9781315700649.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 Seefeldt, Vern; Ewing, Martha (1997). "Youth Sorts in America: An Overview" (PDF). President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports Research Digest: 3.
- 1 2 3 4 Seefeldt, Vern; Ewing, Martha (1997). "Youth Sports in America: An Overview" (PDF). President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports Research Digest: 7.
- 1 2 Blazer, Annie (May 2012). "Religion and Sports in America". Religion Compass: 292. doi:10.1111/j.1749-8171.2012.00347.x.
- 1 2 Blazer, Annie (May 2012). "Religion and Sports in America". Religion Compass: 293. doi:10.1111/j.1749-8171.2012.00347.x.
- 1 2 3 4 Pierce, Richard (2004). "More Than a Game: The Political Meaning of High School Basketball in Indianapolis". In Miller, Patrick; Wiggins, David. Sport and the Color Line: Black Athletes and Race Relations in Twentieth-Century America. New York: Routledge. pp. 224–226.
- 1 2 Ruck, Rob (2004). "Sport and Black Pittsburgh, 1900-1930". In Miller, Patrick; Wiggins, David. Sport and the Color Line: Black Athletes and Race Relations in Twentieth-Century America. New York: Routledge. p. 8.
- 1 2 Bloom, John (2000). To Show What an Indian Can Do, Volume 2: Sports at Native American Boarding Schools. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. p. 1.
- 1 2 3 Bloom, John (2000). To Show What an Indian Can Do, Volume 2: Sports at Native American Boarding Schools. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. pp. 54–55.
- 1 2 Gems, Gerald (2015). "Progressive Era, 1900-1920". In Reiss, Steven. Sports in America From Colonial Times to the Twenty-First Century: An Encyclopeida. New York: Taylor and Francis. p. 31. ISBN 9781315700649.
- 1 2 3 Miller, Susan (2007). Growing Girls: The Natural Origins of Girls' Organizations in America. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press. p. 203.
- 1 2 Seefeldt, Vern; Ewing, Martha (1997). "Youth Sports in America: An Overview" (PDF). President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports Research Digest: 4.
- 1 2 3 4 Blazer, Annie (May 2012). "Religion and Sports in America". Religion Compass: 290. doi:10.1111/j.1749-8171.2012.00347.x.
- 1 2 Anderson, Eric (2005). In the Game: Gay Athletes and the Cult of Masculinity. New York: University of New York Press. p. 65. ISBN 9780791465332.
- 1 2 Anderson, Eric (2005). In the Game: Gay Athletes and the Cult of Masculinity. New York: University of New York Press. p. 20. ISBN 9780791465332.
External links
Media related to Youth sports at Wikimedia Commons