Yu Ito (botanist)

Yu Ito is an aquatic botanist who has been worked at several universities and/or institutes, such as the University of Tokyo (PhD: 2006-2010), University of West Hungary (PostDoc: 2010-2011), University of Saskatchewan (PostDoc: 2011-2012), Aarhus University (PostDoc: 2012), University of Canterbury (PostDoc: 2013-2014), and Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (2015-).
Dr. Ito is an expert on the family Ruppiaceae, and in 2010 published a worldwide molecular phylogeny of the family,[1] proposing a new taxonomic classification of three species and one species complex. The R. maritima complex defined there was updated to include in total eight entities.[2] The systematics of the genus was further changed by the discovery of a new and the most basal species from Western Cape, South Africa (Ruppia bicarpa Yu Ito et Muasya, sp. nov.).[3] The phylogeny of Zannichelliaceae is among his research interests, in which based on molecular and morphological evidence Australasian Lepilaena is merged into Afro-Eurasian Althenia with the following taxonomic treatment: Althenia F.Petit, Ann. Sci. Observ. 1: 451 (1829) = Lepilaena J. Drumm. ex Harv., Hooker's J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 7: 57. (1855), syn. nov.; Althenia marina (E.L. Robertson) Yu Ito, comb. nov., � Lepilaena marina E.L. Robertson, H.B.S. Womersley, Mar. Benth. Fl. South Australia 1: 80 (1984) = Lepilaena patentifolia E.L. Robertson, Fl. S. Australia 4: 1736. (1986), syn. nov.[4]
Among the other contributions of him to science include botanical surveys of aquatic plants in tropical Asia, such as Myanmar and Thailand.[5][6][7]
- Norio Tanaka (Tsukuba Botanical Garden, National Science Museum, Tokyo, Japan)
- Tetsuo Ohi-Toma (the University of Tokyo, Japan)
- Jin Murata (the University of Tokyo, Japan)
- Nobuyuki Tanaka (Makino Botanical Garden, Japan)
- Anna Skriptsova (Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia)
- J. Hugo Cota-Sanchez (University of Saskatchewan, Canada)
- Anders S. Barfod (Aarhus University, Denmark)
- Changkyun Kim (Gachon University, South Korea)
- Robert B. Kaul (University of Nebraska, USA)
- Dirk C. Albach (Aarhus University, Denmark)
- Okihito Yano (Okayama University of Science, Japan)
- Jan-Adriaan Viljoen (University of Cape Town, South Africa)
- A. Muthama Muasya (University of Cape Town, South Africa)
- Pablo Garcia-Murillo (Universidad de Sevilla, Spain)
Professional Services
- Subject Editor (Biodiversity Data Journal: Plantae)
- Subject Editor (Phytokeys: Alismatales)
- Ito, Y., Nr. Tanaka, P. García-Murillo, A.M. Muasya (2016) A new delimitation of the Afro-Eurasian plant genus Althenia to include its Australasian relative, Lepilaena (Potamogetonaceae) – evidence from DNA and morphological data. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 98: 261-270. doi: 10.1016/j.ympev.2016.02.008
- Ito, Y., O. Yano, Nr. Tanaka, J. Viljen, A.M. Muasya (2016) Phylogeny of Isolepis (Cyperaceae) revisited: Non-monophyletic nature of I. fluitans sensu lato and resurrection of I. lenticularis. Plant Systematics and Evolution 302: 231-238. doi: 10.1007/s00606-015-1253-7
- Ito, Y., Nr. Tanaka, C. Kim, R.B. Kaul, D.C. Albach (2016) Phylogeny of Sparganium (Typhaceae) revisited: Non-monophyletic nature of S. emersum sensu lato and resurrection of S. acaule. Plant Systematics and Evolution 302: 129-135. doi: 10.1007/s00606-015-1245-7
- Ito, Y., T. Ohi-Toma, Nr. Tanaka, J. Murata, A.M. Muasya (2015) Phylogeny of Ruppia (Ruppiaceae) revisited: Molecular and morphological evidence for a new species from Western Cape, South Africa. Systematic Botany 40: 942-949. doi: 10.1600/036364415X689988
- Ito, Y., Nr. Tanaka (2015) Potamogetonaceae. 130-134. In Wild Flowers of Japan (In Japanese).
- Ito, Y. (2015) Ruppiaceae. 135-136. In Wild Flowers of Japan (In Japanese).
- Ito, Y., Nb. Tanaka (2014) Chromosome studies in the aquatic monocots of Myanmar: A brief review with additional records. Biodiversity Data Journal 2: e1069. doi: 10.3897/BDJ.2.e1069
- Ito, Y. T. Ohi-Toma, A. V. Skriptsova, M. Sasagawa, N. Tanaka, J. Murata (2014) Ruppia megacarpa (Ruppiaceae): a new species to the floras of Japan, Korea, and Russia. Botanica Pacifica 3: 49-52.
- Ito, Y., Nr. Tanaka, R. Pooma, Nb. Tanaka (2014) DNA barcoding reveals a new record of Potamogeton distinctus (Potamogetonaceae) and its natural hybrids, P. distinctus × P. nodosus and P. distinctus × P. wrightii (P. ×malainoides) from Myanmar. Biodiversity Data Journal 2: e1073. doi: 10.3897/BDJ.2.e1073
- Ito, Y., J. H. Cota-Sanchez (2014) Distribution and conservation status of Sparganium (Typhaceae) in the Canadian Prairie Provinces. Great Plains Research 24: 119-125. doi: 10.1353/gpr.2014.0019
- Ito, Y. (2014) Ruppiaceae. In: Santisuk & Larsen (eds.) Flora of Thailand 11(4): 608-609.
- Ito, Y., T. Ohi-Toma, Nb. Tanaka, Nr. Tanaka, J. Murata (2014) New or noteworthy plant collections from Myanmar (8) Blyxa aubertii var. echinosperma, Lemna trisulca, and Najas tenuis. APG: Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica 65: 53-61.
- Ito, Y., A. S. Barfod (2014) An updated checklist of aquatic plants of Myanmar and Thailand. Biodiversity Data Journal 2: e1019. doi: 10.3897/BDJ.2.e1019
- Ito, Y. (2013) New records of aquatic plants for the flora of Thailand: Nechamandra alternifolia and Potamogeton octandrus. Thai Forest Bulletin 41: 140-144. link
- Ito, Y., T. Ohi-Toma, J. Murata, Nr. Tanaka (2013) Comprehensive phylogenetic analyses of the Ruppia maritima complex focusing on taxa from the Mediterranean. Journal of Plant Research 126: 753-762. doi: 10.1007/s10265-013-0570-6
- Ito, Y., Nr. Tanaka (2013) Additional Potamogeton hybrids from China: Evidence from a comparison of plastid trnT–trnF and nuclear ITS phylogenies. APG: Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica 64: 1–14. link
- Ito, Y., Nr. Tanaka (2011) Hybridisation in a tropical seagrass genus, Halodule (Cymodoceaceae), inferred from plastid and nuclear DNA phylogenies. Telopea 13: 219-231. link
- Ito, Y., T. Ohi-Toma, J. Murata, Nr. Tanaka (2010) Hybridization and polyploidy of an aquatic plant, Ruppia (Ruppiaceae), inferred from plastid and nuclear DNA phylogenies American Journal of Botany 97: 1156-1167. doi: 10.3732/ajb.0900168
- Ito, Y., T. Ohi-Toma, Nb. Tanaka, J. Murata (2009) New or noteworthy plant collections from Myanmar (3) Caldesia parnassifolia, Nechamandra alternifolia, Potamogeton maackianus and P. octandrus. Journal of Japanese Botany 84: 321-329.
- Ito, Y., Nr. Tanaka, K. Uehara (2007) Inferring the origin of Potamogeton ×inbaensis (Potamogetonaceae) using nuclear and chloroplast DNA sequences. Journal of Japanese Botany 82: 20-28.
- ↑ Ito Y., T. Ohi-Toma, J. Murata & Nr. Tanaka (2010) Hybridization and polyploidy of an aquatic plant, Ruppia (Ruppiaceae), inferred from plastid and nuclear DNA phylogenies American Journal of Botany 97: 1156-1167
- ↑ Ito, Y., T. Ohi-Toma, J. Murata & Nr. Tanaka (2013) Comprehensive phylogenetic analyses of the Ruppia maritima complex focusing on taxa from the Mediterranean. Journal of Plant Research 126: 753-762
- ↑ Ito, Y., T. Ohi-Toma, J. Murata, Nr. Tanaka, & M.A. Muasya (2015) Phylogeny of Ruppia (Ruppiaceae) revisited: Molecular and Morphological Evidence for a New Species from Western Cape, South Africa. Systematic Botany 40: 942-949
- ↑ Ito, Y., Nr. Tanaka, P. García-Murillo, A.M. Muasya (2016) A new delimitation of the Afro-Eurasian plant genus Althenia to include its Australasian relative, Lepilaena (Potamogetonaceae) – evidence from DNA and morphological data. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 98: 261-270.
- ↑ Ito, Y., T. Ohi-Toma, Nb. Tanaka, and J. Murata (2009) New or noteworthy plant collections from Myanmar (3) Caldesia parnassifolia, Nechamandra alternifolia, Potamogeton maackianus and P. octandrus. Journal of Japanese Botany 84: 321-329
- ↑ Ito, Y. (2013) New records of aquatic plants for the flora of Thailand: Nechamandra alternifolia and Potamogeton octandrus. Thai Forest Bulletin 41: 140-144
- ↑ Ito, Y., Nr. Tanaka, R. Pooma, and Nb. Tanaka (2014) DNA barcoding reveals a new record of Potamogeton distinctus (Potamogetonaceae) and its natural hybrids, P. distinctus × P. nodosus and P. distinctus × P. wrightii (P. ×malainoides) from Myanmar. Biodiversity Data Journal 2: e1073. doi: 10.3897/BDJ.2.e1073
- ↑ "Author Query for 'Yu Ito'". International Plant Names Index.
External links
- People - Plant Phylogenetics & Conservation Group - Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden
- Plant Life In Water - Aquatic Botanist Yu Ito's Home Page -
- Yu Ito's Aquatic Plants Photo Gallery