Yu Mao-Hong

This is a Chinese name; the family name is Yu.
Prof. Yu Mao-Hong (2015)

Yu Mao-Hong (Chinese: 俞茂宏, b. 1934) is a Chinese engineer and a university professor. He is noted for his research on the strength hypotheses and yield surfaces of isotropic materials.[1] [2] [3] [4] His unified strength theory (UST) has found acceptance as generalized classical strength theory.[5][6] It contains the following nonparametric strength theories and criteria:

and three one-parameter models: the Mohr–Coulomb theory (Single-Shear-Theory (SST)), the Sdobyrev[10] (Pisarenko-Lebedev)[11][12] criterion, and the Twin-Shear-Theory (TST). The Unified Yield Criterion (UYC) as a part of the UST is used in the theory of plasticity (physics).

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  1. Teodorescu, P.P. (Bucureşti). (2006). Review: Unified Strength Theory and its applications, Zentralblatt MATH Database 1931 – 2009, European Mathematical Society, Zbl 1059.74002, FIZ Karlsruhe & Springer-Verlag
  2. Fan, S. C., Qiang, H. F. (2001). Normal high-velocity impaction concrete slabs-a simulation using the meshless SPH procedures. Computational Mechanics-New Frontiers for New Millennium, Valliappan S. and Khalili N. eds. Elsevier Science Ltd, pp. 1457-1462
  3. Zhang, C. Q., Zhou, H., Feng, X. T. (2008). Numerical format of elastoplastic constitutive model based on the unified strength theory in FLAC3D (in Chinese). Rock and Soil Mechanics, 29(3), pp. 596-601
  4. Zhao, G.-H.; Ed., (2006) Handbook of Engineering Mechanics, Rock Mechanics, Engineering Structures and Materials (in Chinese), China's Water Conservancy Resources and Hydropower Press, Beijing, pp. 20-21
  5. Altenbach, H., Bolchoun, A., Kolupaev, V.A. (2013). Phenomenological Yield and Failure Criteria, in Altenbach, H., Öchsner, A., eds., Plasticity of Pressure-Sensitive Materials, Serie ASM, Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 49-152. ISBN 978-3-642-40944-8
  6. Kolupaev, V. A., Altenbach, H. (2010). Considerations on the Unified Strength Theory due to Mao-Hong Yu (in German: Einige Überlegungen zur Unified Strength Theory von Mao-Hong Yu), Forschung im Ingenieurwesen, 74(3), pp. 135-166. DOI 10.1007/s10010-010-0122-3
  7. Kolupaev, V. A., Yu, M.-H., Altenbach, H. (2013). Yield Criteria of Hexagonal Symmetry in the π-plane, Acta Mechanica, 224(7), pp. 1527-1540. DOI 10.1007/s00707-013-0830-5
  8. Schmidt, R. (1932). Über den Zusammenhang von Spannungen und Formänderungen im Verfestigungsgebiet. Ingenieur-Archiv, 3(3), pp. 215-235.
  9. Ishlinsky, A. Yu. (1940). Hypothesis of Strength of Shape Change (in Russ.: Gipoteza prochnosti formoizmenenija). Uchebnye Zapiski Moskovskogo Universiteta, Mekhanika, 46, pp. 104-114.
  10. Sdobyrev, V. P. (1959). Criterion for the long term strength of some heat-resistant alloys at a multiaxial loading (in Russ.: Kriterij dlitelnoj prochnosti dlja nekotorykh zharoprochnykh splavov pri slozhnom naprjazhennom sostojanii). Izvestija Akademii Nauk SSSR, Otdelenie tekhnicheskikh Nauk, Mechanika i Mashinostroenie, 6, pp. 93-99.
  11. Pisarenko, G. S., Lebedev, A. A.. (1969). Deformation and Fracture of Materials under Combined Stress (in Russ.: Soprotivlenie materialov deformirovaniju i razrusheniju pri slozhnom naprjazhennom sostojanii). Naukowa Dumka, Kiev.
  12. Pisarenko, G. S., Lebedev, A. A.. (1976). Deformation and Strength of Materials under Complex Stress State (in Russ.: Deformirovanie i prochnost' materialov pri slozhnom nap\-rjazhennom sostojanii). Naukowa Dumka, Kiev.
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