Z-channel (information theory)
A Z-channel is a communications channel used in coding theory and information theory to model the behaviour of some data storage systems.
A Z-channel (or a binary asymmetric channel) is a channel with binary input and binary output where the crossover 1 → 0 occurs with nonnegative probability p, whereas the crossover 0 → 1 never occurs. In other words, if X and Y are the random variables describing the probability distributions of the input and the output of the channel, respectively, then the crossovers of the channel are characterized by the conditional probabilities
- Prob{Y = 0 | X = 0} = 1
- Prob{Y = 0 | X = 1} = p
- Prob{Y = 1 | X = 0} = 0
- Prob{Y = 1 | X = 1} = 1−p
The capacity of the Z-channel
with the crossover 1 → 0 probability p, when the input random variable X is distributed according to the Bernoulli distribution with probability α for the occurrence of 0, is calculated as follows.
where is the binary entropy function.
The maximum is attained for
yielding the following value of as a function of p
For small p, the capacity is approximated by
as compared to the capacity of the binary symmetric channel with crossover probability p.
Bounds on the size of an asymmetric-error-correcting code
Define the following distance function on the words
of length n transmitted via a Z-channel
Define the sphere of radius t around a word
of length n as the set of all the words at distance t or less from
, in other words,
A code of length n is said to be t-asymmetric-error-correcting if for any two codewords
, one has
. Denote by
the maximum number of codewords in a t-asymmetric-error-correcting code of length n.
The Varshamov bound. For n≥1 and t≥1,
The constant-weight code bound. For n > 2t ≥ 2, let the sequence B0, B1, ..., Bn-2t-1 be defined as
- T. Kløve, Error correcting codes for the asymmetric channel, Technical Report 18–09–07–81, Department of Informatics, University of Bergen, Norway, 1981.
- L.G. Tallini, S. Al-Bassam, B. Bose, On the capacity and codes for the Z-channel, Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2002, p. 422.