

Directed by Sarik Andreasyan
Produced by
  • Sarik Andreasyan
  • Gevond Andreasyan
  • Vladimir Polyakov
  • Max Oleinikov
  • Nikita Argunov
Written by Andrei Gavrilov
  • Sebastien Sisak
  • Sanzhar Madiyev
  • Anton Pampushnyy
  • Alina Lanina
  • Valeria Shkirando
  • Stanislav Shirin
  • Vyacheslav Razbegaev
Cinematography Maksim Osadchiy
Distributed by turbofilms
Release dates
  • February 23, 2017 (2017-02-23)
Country Russia
Language Russian
Budget 330 million ruble (20 Million US Dollars)

Zaschitniki (In Russian: «Защитники»; The Defenders or The Guardians) is a Russian neo-noir superhero film[1] directed by Armenian director Sarik Andreasyan and starring Sebastien Sisak, Anton Pampuchniy, Sanzhar Madiev, Alina Lanina, Valeria Shkirando and Stanislav Shirin. It is set to be released in February 2017.

The film is about a group of Soviet superheroes created during the Cold War. The group includes representatives of the different nationalities of the USSR, superpowers protagonists reflect strengths and traditions of the people of the USSR.


Set during the Cold War, a secret organization named "Patriot" gathered a group of Soviet superheroes, altering and augmenting the DNA of four individuals, in order to defend the homeland from supernatural threats.

The group includes representatives of the different nationalities of the Soviet Union, which each one of them have long been hiding their true identity. In hard times, they settled down to business and gather to defend their homeland.


Landman. He is armed with all forms of earth manipulation abilities, and is able to control stone and soil, collect dust from boulders, stop falling rocks, and move mountains. He can cause rocks of any size and amount to levitate and fly as if weightless, as well as orbit him. He can cause the ground to break apart under his enemies feet with great precision in what parts break and what shape the subsequent depression makes. This allows him to form instant craters, canyons, ravines, and sink holes to fight his opponents, though these formations are usually small in scale. Being able to cause quakes and tremors in the ground beneath his opponents, such as making the ground under them erupt and explode. He can summon rock onto his body, covering himself in rock to make an exoskeletal armor to physically enhance himself. Along with his abilities, he is armed with a small chain with a large rock cemented on its end, which he can use as a type of flail.
Wildman, Arsus is a type of berserker or werebear, and has the ability to transform himself into a large bear, though he can control how much of his body is transformed and can transform partially if he wills it. This transformation ability can allow him to seamlessly alter his size, bulk and musculature and transform himself into a burly humanoid, as well as use his transformations to physically augment himself. He has multiple phases of transformation due to his ability to partially transform. His phases can make him physically a hybrid between bear and human, such as giving him the head, paws and bulk of a bear and the shape of a man. He is armed with minigun in battle, which he carries on his back when fully transformed. He can also use his inhuman physicality to fight, especially when he is full bear form. With this, no normal person can physically overpower him and he is immune to their strength. Desperate, loyal and determined, he is known for his drive to "break the enemy into small pieces".
Windman. Masterfully skilled with all kinds of blades, as well as with many kinds of martial arts. Along with other blades, he is primarily armed with twin, crescent like blades, each of which resemble a scimitar, scythe or sickle and can be joined at the hilts to form a double bladed weapon. The strong blades, with enough force, can slice through entire cars without going blunt or being damaged. He is also physically augmented, possessing a degree of superhuman strength that allows him to smash through brick walls with a single punch and send men flying through the air with his attacks, as well as superhuman mobility that gives him acrobatic and gymnastic capabilities and the ability to effortlessly dodge and evade attacks, even gunfire at point blank range. He also possesses inhuman speed, enough that he almost appears to teleport. Using his speed requires him first to focus hard, achieving a meditative state that causes his eyes to turn completely white and allowing him to perceive faster than any human can. While in this state, he sees everything as being in slow motion while he himself moves at normal speed, or somewhat faster. Whenever he moves in this state, a black gaseous trail appears behind him to outline his movements. His strength and speed allows him to use his strong blades to slice a car and anyone in it in two.
Waterwoman. Flexible and agile, to a superhuman degree. She has the ability to move on water as if it were solid ground, as well as to seamlessly floating through it. This gives her higher mobility in water than the fastest, or most maneuverable sea creature. She cannot feel temperature differences and can survive in an airless vacuum, which allows her to survive underwater without any negative effects. She can also transform her body into a clear, transparent water like liquid and use it defensively or offensively. This ability allows her to become gelatinous and vicious, allowing her to follow like liquid and physical touch and interact at the same time.
Main antagonist. Owns a machine named "Modul-1" which allows him to control any technical equipment. He decides to build his own army of clones in order to capture Moscow, in preparation to control the whole world.



Filming began on April 27, 2015 in Moscow while the casting process was concluded earlier in this year. Filming was continued in Moscow Oblast and in the Crimean peninsula, and was wrapped on July 14, 2015.


A sequel, Guardians 2, is planned, with Turbo Films, the Chinese distributor of the first film, as a co-production company.[2]


External links

This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Friday, May 06, 2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.