Zerby Derby
Zerby Derby is a Canadian animated television preschool series that was created by Phil McCordic. Produced by Breakthrough Entertainment in association with TVOKids, Knowledge Network, and TFO, the series premièred in Canada on TVOKids and Knowledge Network on August 29, 2013. Its French version (shown on TFO) is called Zoubi Doubi.
The series follows the adventures of remote-controlled friends Zack, Lily, Rex and Axle as they embark on daily adventures as they cross streams, build dams and explore meadows, approaching every potential problem with cheerful enthusiasm. No obstacle is too large for the Zerbies, thanks to their mantra "try, try again!"
Voice cast
- Phil McCordic - Zack, Bob the Boat, Fill the Front Loader, Rey, Jake
- Stacey DePass - Lily, Sandy the Bulldozer, Annie, Mags, Jewel
- Jason Hopley - Axle, Chase the Helicopter, Walter the wash truck, Spike
- Ron Pardo - Rex, Strut, (Seasons 1 & 2) Flynn the float plane (Season 2)
- Kirsten Alter - Fran the ferry, Mika the mechanic (Season 2)
External links
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