2010 Senkaku boat collision incident

JCG PS Bizan class patrol boat similar to Mizuki which collided with Minjinyu 5179
The gas fields near the disputed border of EEZ as claimed by Japan (Japan-China Median Line) and claimed by China (Okinawa Trough near the Senkaku Islands) are related to this conflict.

The 2010 Senkaku Boat Collision Incident (or the Minjinyu 5179 Incident) occurred on the morning of September 7, 2010 when a Chinese trawler, Minjinyu 5179, operating in disputed waters collided with Japanese Coast Guard's patrol boats near the Senkaku Islands.[1][2][3] There were several Japanese Coast Guard (often abbreviated JCG) boats involved, including Yonakuni and Mizuki, which collided with Minjinyu 5179, plus Hateruma and other JCG boats.

The collision and Japan's subsequent detention of the skipper (Zhan Qixiong (Chinese: 詹其雄)) resulted in a major diplomatic dispute between China and Japan. When China's repeated demands for the release of the skipper were refused and the detention of the skipper extended for a further 10 days, the Chinese government cancelled official meetings of ministrial level and above. Though denied by the Chinese Government, it was reported that China halted exports of rare earth minerals to Japan.[4]

The detained Chinese crew members were released without charge and were allowed to return home. In China the overall event is perceived as a diplomatic victory,[5] while in Japan the Japanese government's "weak-kneed" handling of the issue was criticized.[6]


The Senkaku islands are claimed by Japan, the People's Republic of China and the Republic of China.[7][8] In 2008 a sports fishing boat from Taiwan, Lien Ho, was rammed and sunk by JCG patrol ships and resulted in an official apology and monetary compensation of NT$10 million paid by Japan.[9] Multiple events involving JCG and fishing boats from nearby Chinese provinces and Taiwan have occurred since 1972.

Details of the incident

According to JCG, the patrol boat Mizuki of the 11th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters encountered Minjinyu 5179 at about 10:15 (JST) on September 7, 2010. Mizuki ordered Minjinyu 5179 to stop for inspection since Minjinyu 5179 was traveling 12 km (7.5 mi) north-west of the Senkaku Islands, which is outside the agreed area for Chinese fishing, and within undisputed Japanese territorial waters. Minjinyu 5179 refused the order and attempted to flee from the scene. During the chase and interception, Minjinyu 5179 collided with JCG's patrol vessels. On September 8, 2010, JCG boarded the Chinese trawler and arrested its captain for obstruction of performance of public duty and illegal fishing.[10] The trawler, the captain, and 14 crew members, were transported to Ishigaki Island of Japan[11] for detention. An investigator told the press that he smelled alcohol on the arrested captain[12] but apparently no alcohol test results were ever released.

In response to the arrest, the Chinese government made a series of diplomatic protests, demanding the immediate release of the trawler and all its crew. China summoned Uichiro Niwa, the Japanese ambassador to China in Beijing, six times, each time with an official of higher diplomatic rank, on one occasion after midnight.[13] The trawler and 14 of the crew members (but not the captain, Zhan) were released after the sixth summons on September 13, 2010. The captain of the trawler remained in Japanese detention and was finally released on September 24, 2010.

Chronology of events

The event "11.6 Freedom and Peace for Asia" on November 6, 2010 at Hibiya Park, Tokyo

Response in Japan

Anti-Chinese government protesters rally at Shibuya, October 2


The Japanese government claims that there is no territorial dispute over the Senkaku islands. On September 14, 2010, then-Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Seiji Maehara repeatedly asserted this standpoint.[29]

The government decided to set aside 53.3 billion yen for the following measures to reduce dependence on Chinese mineral resources:[30][31][32]


The business community thinks that this incident has exposed China's country risks, called "China risks" (ja:チャイナリスク) in Japan. Japanese companies proactively invest into rare earth mining in countries other than China. Examples include Sumitomo Corporation and Toshiba in Kazakhstan, Marubeni in South Africa, Sojitz and Toyota Tsusho in Vietnam, Sojitsu in Australia, and Sumitomo in the United States.[33][34] Many companies have shifted the focus of investment away from China to India (the top recipient of Japanese investment) and the ASEAN nations.[35]


On October 2, 2010, large-scale anti-Chinese protests occurred in Tokyo and six other cities in Japan.[36][37]

On November 6, an anti-Chinese demonstration was held in Hibiya Park.[38]

Response in China

Mainland China




Other places in Mainland China

Hong Kong

Response in Taiwan

On September 14, 2010, a rally was held in front of the Japanese Interchange Association in Taipei. The protesters threw fish and burned Japanese flags to voice their anger.[48]

Response in other countries

United States

On September 23, 2010, United States Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton told Japanese Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara that Senkaku and nearby waters are covered by the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between the United States and Japan, which obligates the United States to defend Japanese territory from attacks by third-party countries,[49] and maintained that USA does not have a position regarding the sovereignty of the islands. At a press conference held on the same day, United States Secretary of Defense Robert Gates said that in the event of military conflict over the Senkaku islands, "Washington would honor its military commitment to intervene".[50] A reporter posed the same question to clarify an earlier Kyodo report that "US changed its position", similar statements were made at a US State Department Press Conference a month previously on August 16, 2010: "The U.S. position on this issue is longstanding and has not changed. The United States does not take a position on the question of the ultimate sovereignty of the Senkaku Islands. We expect the claimants to resolve this issue through peaceful means among themselves. But Article 5 of the 1960 U.S.-Japan Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security states that the treaty applies to the territories under the administration of Japan. There's no change. That (Kyodo) report is incorrect."[51]

At the press conference on September 23, 2010, United States Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs Philip J. Crowley stated in response to a question whether Senkaku islands are covered by the security treaty that "We do believe that because the Senkaku Islands are under Japanese jurisdiction, that it is covered by the U.S.-Japan security treaty. That said, we also stress that we don't take a position on the sovereignty of the Senkaku Islands, but recognize current Japanese jurisdiction stemming back to the reversion of Okinawa to Japan."[52]

Video of incident

A Japanese protest placard against the unreleasing of the video of the collisions

Internal circulation

The Japanese government was unwilling to release the videos, originally stating that the videos may constitute evidence in a future court case. Trying to avoid further provoking China was another reason cited for not releasing the videos. Upon repeated demands from legislators in the Diet from some members of various parties (DPJ and LDP included), a viewing was finally arranged on November 1, 2010. During the viewing, only an edited version of 6'50" duration was seen.[53]

The leak

On November 4, 2010, video footage of the collisions taken by the Japan Coast Guard was leaked on YouTube, and authorities later confirmed authenticity of the video clips.[54][55] The leaked clips totaled 44 minutes,[54] but were taken down about ten hours later with the original poster sengoku38's account deleted. However, the original video is said to run more than two hours.[56] This is supported by the fact that in some of the videos other crew members were also holding video cameras doing recordings.

It was later revealed that the leak was done by a Japan Coast Guard Navigator from the Kobe Coast Guard Office, Masaharu Isshiki (ja:一色正春). He first sent a SD memory card with a copy of the footage of the incident to the offices of CNN in Japan, then when CNN did not post the contents of the memory card he uploaded the video to YouTube.[57]

Reactions to the leak and the video clips

The Japanese government views the leak as a breach of confidentiality and security. Contrary to Naoto Kan government's claim/fear that releasing the video might upset China, the Chinese government does not seem to mind the leak, stating that "The so-called video can neither change the facts nor cover up Japan's crime.".[58] A few hours later, China Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Hong Lei said, "I would like to reiterate that the Japanese patrol boats had disturbed, driven away, intercepted and surrounded the Chinese fishing boat, which led to the collision."[59][60][61]

Meanwhile, both Japanese civilians and Chinese civilians and media[62] in mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan welcomed the leak citing their right to know. Each group viewed the content of the video as presenting evidence favorable to their own cause in the dispute.[63] Japanese claim the videos show Minjinyu 5179 rammed into JCG boats Yonakuni and Mizuki. Chinese claim that the two JCG boats cut in front of the Chinese trawler abruptly and are equally responsible for the collision, citing the much smaller size and slower speed of the Minjinyu 5179 and the wake of the JCG boats left in front of Minjinyu 5179.

Although YouTube is blocked inside mainland China, the videos were quickly reproduced on many Chinese websites.

Links to the leaked video clips

JCG's Hateruma that captured the moment of collision
Original Posted NameDuration of clipTaken byComments
本当の尖閣 海上保安庁17'30"Yonakuni, a Hateruma class patrol vessel
尖閣の真実 海上保安庁28'9"JCG tried to order Minjinyu to stop
尖閣侵略の真実 海上保安庁311'21"
本当の尖閣 海上保安庁411'24"first collision with Yonakuni
日本の尖閣 海上保安庁53'33"Mizuki, a Bizan class patrol vesselsecond collision with Mizuki
どうなる尖閣 海上保安庁62'29"Hateruma, a Hateruma class patrol vesselsecond collision with Mizuki, viewed by afar


According to the Asahi Shimbun, since returning to China government authorities have confined Zhan Qixiong to his home. An Asahi reporter who attempted to interview Qixiong at his home in Jinjiang on 5 September 2011 was turned away by Chinese police. Local residents confirmed to the reporter that Qixiong was living at the residence but was not allowed to leave except in rare instances. Two holes in the bow of Minjinyu 5179, apparently caused by the collisions, have been repaired since the boat returned to China, but the boat has not been on any further fishing expeditions. Local Jinjiang fishermen told the Asahi reporter that they have mainly stayed away from the Senkaku Islands since the incident, but would go back, "as long as there were fish in the area."[64][65]

See also


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External links

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