Zygmunt Szweykowski

Zygmunt Szweykowski (Krośniewice, 7 April 1894 – 11 February 1978, Poznań) was a historian of Polish literature who specialized in 19th-century Polish prose.


In 1932-39, Szweykowski held a professorship at the Free Polish University (Wolna Wszechnica Polska) in Warsaw and Łódź.[1]

During the World War II Nazi occupation of Poland, he participated, at the risk of his life, in underground university teaching in Warsaw.[1]

From 1946 he held a chair at Poznań University. In 1950 he was inducted into the Polish Academy of Learning, and in 1951 into the Polish Academy of Sciences.[1]

Szweykowski studied the 19th-century Polish novel. His books in this field included Powieści historyczne Henryka Rzewuskiego (The Historical Novels of Henryk Rzewuski, 1922) and Trylogia Sienkiewicza (Sienkiewicz's Trilogy, 1961).[1]

His specialty, however, was the writings of Bolesław Prus. His books on Prus include Tworczość Bolesława Prusa (The Art of Bolesław Prus, 1947; 2nd ed., 1972) and Nie tylko o Prusie: szkice (Not Only about Prus: Sketches, 1967).[1]

Beginning in 1948, Szweykowski produced monumental editions of Prus' collected Pisma (Writings).[1] He also edited Krystyna Tokarzówna's and Stanisław Fita's exhaustive Bolesław Prus, 1847-1912: Kalendarz życia i twórczości (Bolesław Prus, 1847-1912: a Calendar of [His] Life and Work), Warsaw, Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, 1969.


See also


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 "Szweykowski, Zygmunt," Encyklopedia powszechna PWN (PWN Universal Encyclopedia), vol. 4, p. 370.


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