1289 (number)

1288 1289 1290
Cardinal one thousand two hundred eighty-nine
Ordinal 1289th
(one thousand two hundred and eighty-ninth)
Factorization 1289
Prime yes
Roman numeral MCCLXXXIX
Binary 101000010012
Ternary 12022023
Quaternary 1100214
Quinary 201245
Senary 55456
Octal 24118
Duodecimal 8B512
Hexadecimal 50916
Vigesimal 34920
Base 36 ZT36

The number 1289 (twelve hundred eighty-nine) is the natural number following 1288 and preceding 1290.[1]

In mathematics

The number 1289 is an odd prime number, following 1283 and preceding 1291.[1] It is classified as an apocalyptic power, a deficient number, and an evil number: [1]

In technology

Historical years


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 "Number Gossip: 1289", March 2008, webpage: Numbergossip-1289.
  2. "Apocalyptic Number -- from Wolfram MathWorld", Mathworld.Wolfram.com, August 2010, webpage: MW-Apoc.
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