1902 in film

List of years in film (table)

The year 1902 in film involved some significant events.


Films released in 1902


Month Day Name Profession Year of death
January 2 Sybil Seely actress 1984
31 Tallulah Bankhead 1968
February 14 Thelma Ritter 1965
March 8 Louise Beavers 1962
28 Flora Robson 1984
April 25 Mary Miles Minter
May 2 Brian Aherne actor 1986
3 Walter Slezak 1983
4 Mona Mårtenson actress 1956
10 David O. Selznick producer 1965
21 Anatole Litvak director 1974
28 Luis César Amadori Director 1977
30 Stepin Fetchit actor, dancer 1985
June 5 Walter Plunkett costume designer 1982
22 Marguerite De La Motte actress 1950
July 1 William Wyler director 1981
18 Dimitar Panov actor, director 1985
Chill Wills actor 1978
August 10 Norma Shearer actress 1983
Curt Siodmak screenwriter 2000
11 Lloyd Nolan actor 1985
22 Leni Riefenstahl director 2003
September 5 Darryl F. Zanuck producer, screenwriter, director 1979
22 John Houseman actor 1988
October 5 Larry Fine actor, comedian, member of The Three Stooges 1975
18 Miriam Hopkins actress 1972
28 Elsa Lanchester 1986
December 9 Margaret Hamilton 1985
19 Ralph Richardson prolific stage and screen actor 1983


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