2004 in Australian literature

List of years in literature (table)

This article presents a list of the historical events and publications of Australian literature during 2004.

For an overview of world literature see 2004 in literature.

See also: 2003 in Australian literature, 2004 in Australia, 2005 in Australian literature.


Major publications

Literary fiction

Children's and Young Adult fiction



Science Fiction and Fantasy





Awards and honours

Note: these awards were presented in the year in question.

Lifetime achievement

Award Author
Christopher Brennan Award Kris Hemensley
Patrick White Award Nancy Phelan



Award Category Author Title Publisher
Commonwealth Writers' Prize Best Novel, SE Asia and South Pacific region Michelle de Kretser The Hamilton Case Knopf
Best First Novel, SE Asia and South Pacific region Nada Awar Jarrar Somewhere, Home Heineman


Award Category Author Title Publisher
The Age Book of the Year Fiction Andrew McGahan The White Earth Allen & Unwin
The Australian/Vogel Literary Award Julienne van Loon Road Story Allen & Unwin
Colin Roderick Award Alan Wearne The Lovemakers ABC Books
Tim Winton The Turning Picador
Miles Franklin Award Shirley Hazzard The Great Fire Farrar Straus and Giroux
New South Wales Premier's Literary Awards Fiction Brian Castro Shanghai Dancing Giramondo Publishing
Queensland Premier's Literary Awards Fiction J. M. Coetzee Elizabeth Costello Secker & Warburg
Victorian Premier's Literary Award Fiction Annamarie Jagose Slow Water Vintage Books
Western Australian Premier's Book Awards Fiction Brett D'Arcy The Mindless Ferocity of Sharks Vintage Books

Children and Young Adult


Award Category Author Title Publisher
Children's Book of the Year Award Older Readers Melina Marchetta Saving Francesca Viking Books
Younger Readers Carole Wilkinson Dragon Keeper Black Dog Books
Picture Book Joan Grant, illus. Neil Curtis Cat and Fish Lothian
Early Childhood Pamela Allen Grandpa and Thomas Viking Books
New South Wales Premier's Literary Awards Children's Kierin Meehan Night Singing Puffin Books
Young People's David Metzenthen Boys of Blood and Bone Penguin Books
Queensland Premier's Literary Awards Children's Carole Wilkinson Dragonkeeper Black Dog Books
Young Adult Martine Murray How to Make a Bird Allen & Unwin
Victorian Premier's Literary Award Young Adult Fiction Margo Lanagan Black Juice Allen & Unwin
Western Australian Premier's Book Awards Writing for Young Adults Colin Bowles Nights in the Sun Penguin Books
Children's Mark Greenwood The Legend of Lasseter's Reef Cygnet

Crime and Mystery


Award Category Author Title Publisher
Davitt Award Novel Janette Turner Hospital Due Preparations for the Plague HarperCollins
Ned Kelly Award Novel Jon Cleary Degrees of Connection HarperCollins
First novel Jane R. Goodall The Walker Hodder Headline
Wayne Grogan Junkie Pilgrim Brandl and Schlesinger

Science Fiction

Award Category Author Title Publisher
Aurealis Award Novel K. A. Bedford Eclipse Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy
Short Story Trent Jamieson "Slow and Ache" Aurealis
Fantasy Novel Juliet Marillier Blade of Fortriu Pan Macmillan
Fantasy Short Story Richard Harland "The Greater Death of Saito Saku" Agog! (Daikaiju! Giant Monster Tales)
Rosaleen Love "Once Giants Roamed the Earth" Aqueduct Press (The Traveling Tide); Agog! (Daikaiju! Giant Monster Tales)
Horror Novel No award.
Horror Short Story Lee Battersby "Pater Familias" Shadowed Realms
Young Adult Novel Isobelle Carmody Alyzon Whitestarr Penguin Books
Ditmar Award Novel K. J. Bishop The Etched City Prime Books
Novella/Novelette Lucy Sussex "La Sentinelle" Southern Blood: New Australian Tales of the Supernatural
Short Story Trudi Canavan "Room for Improvement" Forever Shores
Collected Work Cat Sparks ed. Agog! Terrific Tales Agog! Press
Peter McNamara and Margaret Winch eds. Forever Shores Wakefield Press


Award Category Author Title Publisher
The Age Book of the Year Non-Fiction Peter Robb A Death in Brazil Duffy and Snellgrove
National Biography Award Barry Hill Broken Song: T.G.H. Strehlow and Aboriginal Possession Knopf
New South Wales Premier's Literary Awards Non-Fiction Inga Clendinnen Dancing with Strangers Text Publishing
New South Wales Premier's History Awards Australian History Stuart Macintyre and Anna Clark The History Wars Melbourne University Press
Community and Regional History Patricia Crawford and Ian Crawford Contested Country: A History of the Northcliffe Area University of Western Australia Press
General History Edward Duyker Citizen Labillardiere: A Naturalist's Life in Revolution and Exploration (1755–1834) Melbourne University Press
Young People's David Hollinsworth They Took the Children Working Title Press
Nita Kibble Literary Award Fiona Capp That Oceanic Feeling Allen and Unwin
Queensland Premier's Literary Awards Non-fiction Peter Robb A Death in Brazil Duffy and Snellgrove
History Inga Clendinnen Dancing with Strangers Text Publishing
Victorian Premier's Literary Award Non-fiction Graeme Davison Car Wars: How the Car Won Our Hearts and Conquered Our Cities Allen and Unwin


Award Author Title Publisher
The Age Book of the Year Dipti Saravanamuttu The Colosseum Five Islands Press
ALS Gold Medal Laurie Duggan Mangroves University of Queensland Press
Grace Leven Prize for Poetry Luke Davies Totem Allen & Unwin
Mary Gilmore Prize Michael Brennan The Imageless World Salt Publishing
New South Wales Premier's Literary Awards Pam Brown Dear Deliria: New & Selected Poems Salt Publishing
Queensland Premier's Literary Awards Judith Beveridge Wolf Notes Giramondo Publishing
Victorian Premier's Literary Award Judith Beveridge Wolf Notes Giramondo Publishing
Western Australian Premier's Book Awards John Kinsella Peripheral Light Fremantle Arts Centre Press


Award Author Title Publisher
Patrick White Playwrights' Award Stephen Carleton Constance Drinkwater and the Final Days of Somerset Playlab


See also


Note: all references relating to awards can, or should be, found on the relevant award's page.

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