(214869) 2007 PA8

The asteroid during its 2012 close approach
(214869) 2007 PA8 is an Apollo near-Earth asteroid roughly 1.6 km in diameter that came within 6.5 million km (4 million miles, 17 lunar distances) of Earth on November 5, 2012.[1][2] It was discovered on August 9, 2007 by LINEAR.[2] It was studied by the 70 m (230 ft) Goldstone Deep Space Network antenna as it came near Earth, which resulted in radar images and other data about the asteroid, such as its rotation rate.[2] It has an Apollo type orbit and is classified as a potentially hazardous asteroid (PHA).[2]
(214869) 2007 PA8 may be a dormant comet related to the November γ Pegasids meteor shower.[3]
See also
External links
| Main topics | |
| Defense | |
| Space probes | |
| NEO tracking | |
| Organizations | |
| Potential threats | |
| Films/video | |
2012 in space |
| Space probe launches | | |
| Comets |
- C/2011 Q2 (McNaught)
- C/2012 C2 (Bruenjes)
- C/2006 S3 (LONEOS)
- C/2013 L2 (Catalina)
- C/2010 R1 (LINEAR)
- C/2011 U3 (PANSTARRS)
- C/2011 UF305 (LINEAR)
- C/2011 R1 (McNaught)
- C/2013 F1 (Boattini)
- C/2013 G2 (McNaught)
- C/2012 J1 (Catalina)
| NEOs | |
| Exoplanets | |
| Space exploration | |
Category:2011 in space — Category:2012 in space — Category:2013 in space