3rd Armored Division (France)

The 3rd Armored Division (French: 3e division blindée, 3e DB) is an armored unit of the French Army. The 3rd Armored Division carries the traditions of the 3rd Algerian Infantry Division.

The 3rd Armored Division is reactivated in 2016.

World War II

The 3rd Algerian Infantry Division (3e division d'infanterie algérienne, 3e DIA) was formed on April 15, 1943 during World War II.

The 3rd Algerian Infantery Division was disbanded on April 15, 1946.

Cold War

The 3rd Infantry Division was reformed in 1951, taking the heritage of the 3rd Algerian Infantry Division, and served throughout the Cold War. In 1957 the 3e DI was transferred to Fribourg-en-Brisgau.[1]

From 1959-66, the division was designated simply the 3e Division. It was a large formation of around 15,000 men covering the south of Germany (Baden-Württemberg) The three brigade were located at:[2]

General Emmanuel Hublot took command of the division in 1964.

It became the 3rd Armored Division in 1978, with its command post staying at Fribourg. The division was made up of three regiments of infantry, two armored regiments, two artillery regiments, an engineer regiment and a Headquarters and Combat Support Regiment. Upon conversion to an armored division, part of the division's subordinate units were transferred to the 5th Armored Division.

The 3rd Armored Division was restructured in 1984 according to revised tables of organization.

In 1989 the 110th Infantry Régiment at Donaueschingen was transferred to the Franco-German Brigade.

It served for a number of years as part of the II Corps, French Forces in Germany. It was finally disbanded in July 1991.

The 3rd Light Armoured Brigade (3e brigade légère blindée), was formed on 1 July 1999, taking the heritage of the 3rd Armored Division.

Since 2016

The 3rd Armored Division is reactivated in 2016 (HQ in Marseille) as part of the Scorpion Force.

Current structure

3rd Armored Division consists of the following elements:

2e brigade blindée – 2nd Armored Brigade

Based in Illkirch-Graffenstaden.

6e brigade légère blindée – 6th Light Armoured Brigade

Legionnaires in parade uniform

Based in Nîmes.

11e brigade parachutiste – 11th Parachute Brigade

8th RPIMa insignia

Based in Balma.


  1. Site de amicale de 3e Regiment des Dragoons
  2. Fr-wiki article on 3rd Mechanised Brigade (France)


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