65535 (number)

← 65534 65535 65536 →
Cardinal sixty-five thousand five hundred thirty-five
Ordinal 65535th
(sixty-five thousand five hundred and thirty-fifth)
Factorization 3 × 5 × 17 × 257
Divisors 16 total
Roman numeral LXVDXXXV
Binary 11111111111111112
Ternary 100222200203
Quaternary 333333334
Quinary 40441205
Senary 12232236
Octal 1777778
Duodecimal 31B1312
Hexadecimal FFFF16
Vigesimal 83GF20
Base 36 1EKF36

65535 is the integer after 65534 and before 65536.

In mathematics

65535 is the product of the first four Fermat primes: 65535 = (2 + 1)(4 + 1)(16 + 1)(256 + 1). Because of this property, it is possible to construct with compass and straightedge a regular polygon with 65535 sides. See constructible polygon.

65535 is the 15th 626-gonal number, the 5th 6555-gonal number, the 3rd 21846-gonal number.

In computing

See also


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