4294967295 | |
Cardinal | four billion two hundred ninety-four million nine hundred sixty-seven thousand two hundred ninety-five |
Ordinal |
4294967295th (four billion two hundred ninety-four million nine hundred sixty-seven thousand two hundred and ninety-fifth) |
Factorization | 3 × 5 × 17 × 257 × 65537 |
Roman numeral | N/A |
Binary | 111111111111111111111111111111112 |
Ternary | 1020020222012211112103 |
Quaternary | 33333333333333334 |
Quinary | 322440024231405 |
Senary | 15501040155036 |
Octal | 377777777778 |
Duodecimal | 9BA46159312 |
Hexadecimal | FFFFFFFF16 |
Vigesimal | 3723AI4F20 |
Base 36 | 1Z141Z336 |
The number 4,294,967,295 is an integer equal to 232 − 1. It is a perfect totient number.[1][2] It has a factorization of . Since these factors are the five known Fermat primes, this number is the largest known odd value n for which a regular n-sided polygon is constructible using compass and straightedge.[3][4] Equivalently, it is the largest known odd number n for which the angle
can be constructed, or for which
can be expressed in terms of square roots.
In computing
The number 4,294,967,295, equivalent to the hexadecimal value FFFF,FFFF16, is the maximum value for a 32-bit unsigned integer in computing.[5] It is therefore the maximum value for a variable declared as an unsigned integer (
, unsigned
, or int
) in many programming languages running on modern computers. The presence of the value may reflect an error, overflow condition, or missing value. int
This value is also the largest memory address for CPUs using a 32-bit address bus.[6] Being an odd value, its appearance may reflect an erroneous (misaligned) memory address. Such a value may also be used as a sentinel value to initialize newly allocated memory for debugging purposes.
See also
- ↑ Loomis, Paul; Plytage, Michael; Polhill, John (2008). "Summing up the Euler φ Function". College Mathematics Journal 39 (1): 34–42.
- ↑ Iannucci, Douglas E.; Deng, Moujie; Cohen, Graeme L. (2003). "On perfect totient numbers" (PDF). Journal of Integer Sequences 6 (4): 03.4.5. MR 2051959.
- ↑ Lines, Malcolm E (1986). A Number for your Thoughts: Facts and Speculations About Numbers from Euclid to the latest Computers... (2 ed.). Taylor & Francis. p. 17. ISBN 9780852744956.
- ↑ "Sloane's A004729 : Divisors of 2^32 - 1 (for a(1) to a(31), the 31 regular polygons with an odd number of sides constructible with ruler and compass)", The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. OEIS Foundation.
- ↑ Simpson, Alan (2005). "58: Editing the Windows Registry". Alan Simpson's Windows XP bible (2nd ed.). Indianapolis, Indiana: J. Wiley. p. 999. ISBN 9780764588969.
- ↑ Spector, Lincoln (19 November 2012). "Why can't 32-bit Windows access 4GB of RAM?". PC World. IDG Consumer & SMB. Archived from the original on 5 March 2016.