9814072356 (number)

Cardinal nine billion eight hundred fourteen million seventy-two thousand three hundred fifty-six
Ordinal 9814072356th
(nine billion eight hundred fourteen million seventy-two thousand three hundred and fifty-sixth)
Factorization 22 × 32 × 112 × 192 × 792
Binary 10010010001111011011011100001001002
Ternary 2210222212201121001003
Quaternary 210203312313002104
Quinary 1300444003034115
Senary 43015013441006
Octal 1110755560448
Duodecimal 1A9A86803012
Hexadecimal 248F6DC2416
Vigesimal 7D6HJ0HG20
Base 36 4IB1MP036

9814072356 or 9,814,072,356 is 99066 squared, and is the eighty-seventh and largest square number using each of the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 0 exactly once (sequence A036745 in OEIS).

More generally, it is also the largest distinct-digit perfect power being the 657th such number (A075309). Note that the digital root of both 9814072356 and 657 is 9.

It is the square of the third largest 5-digit strobogrammatic number (99866 and 99166 being larger).

It is also a member of A090516, the sequence of perfect powers where all neighbouring digits are distinct.

All the prime digits are adjacent 7,2,3,5 in a cycle, which is equal to the cycle {2357} of the natural order.

9814072356 is a permutation: of order 10 read left to right, and of order 6 ({9},{8},{2,3},{0,6,4,7,1,5}) read right to left.

In base 2 and 3 its last 6 digits are the same (100100).

See also


  • Madachy, J. S. Madachy's Mathematical Recreations. New York: Dover, pp. 159 and 165, 1979.
  • David Wells, ed. Curious and Interesting Numbers 1988, page 192 and 193
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