James Hardiman Library

James Hardiman Library

Image of new entrance following extension in 2013
Country Ireland
Type University library
Location NUI Galway
Access and use
Access requirements Registered students and all staff of the University are entitled to use the Library. Graduates of NUI Galway, students from other Universities and members of the public requiring access for genuine research purposes or scholarly needs may apply to use the James Hardiman Library.
Website http://www.library.nuigalway.ie/
James Hardiman Library before it was extended to house the nursing library

The James Hardiman Library (Irish: Leabharlann Shéamais Uí Argadáin) is the main library at NUI Galway in Ireland. It is situated on the main campus, beside the Arts/Science Concourse, the Arts Millennium Building and Aras na Gaelige. It is named after James Hardiman who was the first Librarian in the university. The library spans four floors and houses 424,843 books and 1,645 study spaces.[1] In October 2009 work began on an extending the library. The extension was to house the nursing library which was previously located in Dangan.[2]

The library houses the John Huston Archive (John Huston),[3] the John McGahern Archive (John McGahern),[3] the Brendan Duddy Archive (Brendan Duddy),[4] the Taibhdhearc na Gaillimhe Archive,</red>the Druid Theatre Archive, (Druid Theatre Company) and the Lyric Theatre Archive.[3] In 2014 the Kevin Boyle (lawyer) archive was added for the study of human rights.

Access to Research at NUI Galway (ARAN) is the university's repository of research publications, including peer-reviewed articles, working papers and conference papers by the university's researchers, and is maintained by the James Hardiman Library.[5]


External links

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