
Abdi-Ashirta (14th century BC) was the ruler of Amurru who was in conflict with King Rib-Hadda of Byblos.
Amurru was then a new kingdom in southern Syria subject to nominal Egyptian control. Rib-Hadda complained bitterly to Pharaoh Akhenaten — in the Amarna letters (EA) — of Abdi-Ashirta's attempts to carve out a larger kingdom for himself at the former's expense.[1] Abdi-Ashirta's death is mentioned in EA 101 by Rib-Hadda in a letter to Akhenaten.[2] Unfortunately for Rib-Hadda, Abdi-Ashirta was succeeded by his equally capable son Aziru, who would later capture, exile and likely kill Rib-Hadda. Aziru subsequently defected to the Hittites, which caused Egypt to lose control over her northern border province of Amurru which Aziru controlled.