Academic genealogy of computer scientists
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The following is an academic genealogy of computer scientists and is constructed by following the pedigree of thesis advisors.
Smaller text indicates advisors or advisees specialized in a field unrelated to computer science.
Many French computer scientists worked at the National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control (INRIA).
- Marcel-Paul Schützenberger
- Maurice Nivat
- Philippe Flajolet
- Gérard Huet
- Francois Fages
- Thierry Coquand
- Hugo Herbelin
- Xavier Leroy
- Christine Paulin-Mohring
- Didier Rémy
- François Pottier
- Bruno Courcelle
- Louis Nolin
- Bernard Robinet
- Emmanuel Saint-James
- Olivier Danvy (Secondary advisor: Emmanuel Saint-James)
- Bernard Robinet
- Jean-François Perrot
- Jacques Sakarovitch
- Jean-Eric Pin
- Pascal Weil
- Maurice Nivat
- Corrado Böhm
- Ugo Montanari
- Paolo Ciancarini
- Roberto Gorrieri
- Nadia Busi
- Davide Sangiorgi
Van Wijngaarden / Dijkstra
Adriaan van Wijngaarden was director of the computer science department at the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica. It was influential in the development of ALGOL 68.
- Cornelis Benjamin Biezeno (1933: honoris causa. Universiteit van Amsterdam)
- Adriaan van Wijngaarden (1945: Enige toepassingen van Fourierintegralen op elastische problemen. Technische Universiteit Delft)
- Willem van der Poel (1956: The Logical Principles of Some Simple Computers. Universiteit van Amsterdam)
- Gerard Holzmann (1979: Coordination Problems in Multiprocessing Systems. Technische Universiteit Delft)
- Edsger Dijkstra (1959: Communication with an Automatic Computer. Universiteit van Amsterdam)
- Nico Habermann (1967: On the Harmonious Co-operation of Abstract Machines. Technische Universiteit Eindhoven)
- Lawrence Snyder (1973: An Analysis of Parameter Evalutation Mechanisms for Recursive Procedures. Carnegie Mellon University)
- Tim Teitelbaum (1975: Minimal Distance Analysis of Syntax Errors in Computer Programs. Carnegie Mellon University)
- Sten Andler (1979: Predicate Path Expressions: A High-level Synchronization Mechanism. Carnegie Mellon University)
- John Ousterhout (1980: Partitioning and Cooperation in a Distributed Multiprocessor Operating System: MEDUSA. Carnegie Mellon University)
- Philip Wadler (1984: Listlessness Is Better than Laziness: An Algorithm that Transforms Applicative Programs to Eliminate Intermediate Lists. Carnegie Mellon University) (Secondary advisor: Guy L. Steele, Jr.)
- David Notkin (1984: Interactive Structure-Oriented Computing. Carnegie Mellon University)
- Martin Rem (1976: Associons and the Closure Statement. Technische Universiteit Eindhoven) (Secondary advisor: Frans Kruseman Aretz)
- Jan L. A. van de Snepscheut (1983: Trace Theory and VLSI Design. Technische Universiteit Eindhoven) (Secondary advisor: Edsger Dijkstra)
- Peter Hilbers (1989: Mappings of Algorithms on Processor Networks. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen)
- Jan Tijmen Udding (1984: Classification and Composition of Delay-Insensitive Circuits. Technische Universiteit Eindhoven) (Secondary advisor: Edsger Dijkstra)
- Anne Kaldewaij (1986: A Formalism for Concurrent Processes. Technische Universiteit Eindhoven) (Secondary advisor: Frans Kruseman Aretz)
- Jan L. A. van de Snepscheut (1983: Trace Theory and VLSI Design. Technische Universiteit Eindhoven) (Secondary advisor: Edsger Dijkstra)
- Nico Habermann (1967: On the Harmonious Co-operation of Abstract Machines. Technische Universiteit Eindhoven)
- Guus Zoutendijk (1960: Methods of Feasible Directions : A Study in Lineair and Non-linear Programming. Universiteit van Amsterdam)
- Marc Nico Spijker (1968: Stability and Convergence of Finite-Difference Methods. Universiteit Leiden)
- Jaco de Bakker (1967: Formal Definition of Programming Languages: with an Application to the Definition of ALGOL 60. Universiteit van Amsterdam)
- Willem-Paul de Roever (1974: Recursive Program Schemes: Semantics and Proof Theory. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
- Paul Vitanyi (1978: Lindenmayer Systems: Structure, Languages, and Growth Functions. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) (Secondary advisor: Arto K. Salomaa)
- Ronald Cramer (1997: Modular design of secure yet practical cryptographic protocols. Universiteit van Amsterdam) (Secondary advisor: Ivan Bjerre Damgård)
- Peter Grünwald (1998: The minimum description length principle and reasoning under uncertainty. Universiteit van Amsterdam)
- Anton Nijholt (1980: Context-Free Grammars : Covers, Normal Forms, and Parsing. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
- Giuseppe Scollo (1993: The Engineering of Logics. Universiteit Twente)
- Ed Brinksma (1988: On the Design of Extended LOTOS; a Specification Language for Open Distributed Systems. Universiteit Twente) (Primary advisor: Christian Anton Vissers)
- Giuseppe Scollo (1993: The Engineering of Logics. Universiteit Twente)
- John-Jules Meyer (1985: Programming Calculi Based on Fixed Point Transformations: Semantics and Applications. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
- Wiebe van der Hoek (1992: Modalities for Reasoning about Knowledge and Quantities. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) (Secondary advisor: Johan van Benthem)
- Joost Kok (1989: Semantic Models for Parallel Computation in Data Flow, Logic- and Object-Oriented Programming. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
- Jan Rutten (1989: A Parallel Object-Oriented Language: Design and Semantic Foundations. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
- Frank S. de Boer (1991: Reasoning about Dynamically Evolving Process Structures: A Proof Theory for the Parallel Object-0riented Language POOL. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
- Marcello Bonsangue (1996: Topological Dualities in Semantics. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) (Secondary advisor: Joost Kok)
- Reinder van de Riet (1968: Algol 60 as Formula Manipulation Language. Universiteit van Amsterdam)
- Peter Apers (1982: Query Processing and Data Allocation in Distributed Database Systems. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
- Arno Siebes (1990: On Complex Objects. Universiteit Twente) (Secondary advisor: Martin L. Kersten)
- Martin L. Kersten (1985: A Model for a Secure Programming Environment. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) (Secondary advisor: Anthony Ira Wasserman)
- Stefan Manegold (2002: Understanding, Modeling, and Improving Main-Memory Database Performance. Universiteit van Amsterdam)
- Roel Wieringa (1990: Algebraic Foundations for Dynamic Conceptual Models. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
- Frances Brazier (1991: Design and Evaluation of a User Interface for Information Retrieval. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) (Primary advisor: Sipke D. Fokkema)
- Peter Apers (1982: Query Processing and Data Allocation in Distributed Database Systems. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
- Hugo Brandt Corstius (1970: Exercises in Computational Linguistics. Universiteit van Amsterdam) (Secondary advisor: Frans Kruseman Aretz)
- Maarten van Emden (1971: An Analysis of Complexity. Universiteit van Amsterdam)
- Jonathan Schaeffer (1986: Experiments in Search and Knowledge. University of Waterloo) (Secondary advisor: Randy G. Goebel)
- Peter van Emde Boas (1974: Abstract Resource-Bound Classes. Universiteit van Amsterdam) (Secondary advisor: Pieter Cornelis Baayen)
- Arjen Lenstra (1984: Polynomial Time Algorithms for the Factorization of Polynomials. Universiteit van Amsterdam)
- Harry Buhrman (1993: Resource Bounded Reductions. Universiteit van Amsterdam) (Primary advisor: Steven Elliot Homer)
- Herman te Riele (1976: A Computational Study of Generalized Aliquot Sequences. Universiteit van Amsterdam)
- Dick Grune (1982: On the Design of ALEPH. Universiteit van Amsterdam) (Secondary advisor: Cornelis H. A. Koster)
- Willem van der Poel (1956: The Logical Principles of Some Simple Computers. Universiteit van Amsterdam)
- Adriaan van Wijngaarden (1945: Enige toepassingen van Fourierintegralen op elastische problemen. Technische Universiteit Delft)
Brouwer / Van Dalen
Several of the students of Dirk van Dalen, a descendant of Brouwer, became the first Dutch theoretical computer scientists, which still has a strong focus on lambda calculus, rewrite systems and functional programming.
- Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brouwer (1907: Over de grondslagen der wiskunde. Universiteit van Amsterdam)
- Arend Heyting (1925: Intuitionistische axiomatiek der projectieve meetkunde. Universiteit van Amsterdam)
- Dirk van Dalen (1963: Extension Problems in Intuitionistic Plane Projective Geometry. Universiteit van Amsterdam)
- Henk Barendregt (1971: Some Extensional Terms for Combinatory Logics and Lambda-Calculi. Universiteit Utrecht)
- Roel de Vrijer (1987: Surjective Pairing and Strong Normalization: Two Themes in Lambda Calculus. Universiteit van Amsterdam)
- Pieter Hartel (1988: Performance Analysis of Storage Management in Combinator Graph Reduction. Universiteit van Amsterdam) (Primary advisor: Bob Hertzberger)
- Mariangiola Dezani-Ciancaglini (1996: Logical Semantics for Concurrent Lambda-Calculus. Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen) (Secondary advisor: Corrado Böhm)
- Jan van Leeuwen (1972: Rule-Labeled Programs: A Study of a Generalization of Context-Free Grammars and Some Classes of Formal Languages. Universiteit Utrecht)
- Mark Overmars (1983: The Design of Dynamic Data Structures. Universiteit Utrecht)
- Mark de Berg (1992: Efficient Algorithms for Ray Shooting and Hidden Surface Removal. Universiteit Utrecht)
- Marc van Kreveld (1992: New Results on Data Structures in Computational Geometry. Universiteit Utrecht)
- Hans Bodlaender (1986: Distributed Computing - Structure and Complexity. Universiteit Utrecht)
- Harry Wijshoff (1987: Data Organization in Parallel Computers. Universiteit Utrecht)
- Gerard Tel (1989: The Structure of Distributed Algorithms. Universiteit Utrecht)
- Mark Overmars (1983: The Design of Dynamic Data Structures. Universiteit Utrecht)
- Jan Bergstra (1976: Computability and Continuity in Finite Types. Universiteit Utrecht)
- Frits Vaandrager (1990: Algebraic Techniques for Concurrency and Their Application. Universiteit van Amsterdam)
- Linda van der Gaag (1990: Probability-Based Models for Plausible Reasoning. Universiteit van Amsterdam)
- Chris Verhoef (1990: Linear unary operators in process algebra. Universiteit van Amsterdam)
- Jan Friso Groote (1991: Process Algebra and Structured Operational Semantics. Universiteit van Amsterdam)
- Wan Fokkink (1994: Clocks, Trees and Stars in Process Theory. Universiteit van Amsterdam)
- Jaco van de Pol (1996: Termination of Higher-Order Rewrite Systems. Universiteit Utrecht) (Secondary advisor: Marc Bezem)
- Jan Willem Klop (1980: Combinatory reduction systems. Universiteit Utrecht)
- Vincent van Oostrom (1994: Confluence for Abstract and Higher-Order Rewriting. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
- Albert Visser (1981: Aspects of Diagonalization & Provability. Universiteit Utrecht)
- Wim Ruitenburg (1982: Intuitionistic Algebra, Theory and Sheaf Models. Universiteit Utrecht)
- Catholijn Jonker (1994: Constraints and Negations in Logic Programming. Universiteit Utrecht) (Secondary advisor: Jan van Leeuwen)
- Henk Barendregt (1971: Some Extensional Terms for Combinatory Logics and Lambda-Calculi. Universiteit Utrecht)
- Anne Sjerp Troelstra (1966: Intuitionistic General Topology. Universiteit van Amsterdam)
- Gerard R. Renardel de Lavalette (1985: Theories with Type-free Application and Extended Bar Induction. Universiteit van Amsterdam)
- Hans van Ditmarsch (2000: Knowledge Games. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen) (Secondary advisor: Johan van Benthem)
- Ieke Moerdijk (1985: Topics in Intuitionism and Topos Theory. Universiteit van Amsterdam)
- Marc Bezem (1986: Bar recursion and functionals of finite type. Universiteit Utrecht) (Secondary advisor: Dirk van Dalen)
- Gerard R. Renardel de Lavalette (1985: Theories with Type-free Application and Extended Bar Induction. Universiteit van Amsterdam)
- Dirk van Dalen (1963: Extension Problems in Intuitionistic Plane Projective Geometry. Universiteit van Amsterdam)
- Arend Heyting (1925: Intuitionistische axiomatiek der projectieve meetkunde. Universiteit van Amsterdam)
- Grzegorz Rozenberg
- Antoni W. Mazurkiewicz
- Bengt Nordström
- Lennart Augustsson
United Kingdom
Rod Burstall was one of the founders of the Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science at the University of Edinburgh.
- Rod Burstall (1956: Heuristic and Decision Tree Methods on Computers: Some Operational Research Applications. University of Birmingham)
- Gordon Plotkin (1972: (dissertation title unknown). University of Edinburgh)
- Glynn Winskel (1980: Events in Computation. University of Edinburgh)
- Thomas Hildebrandt
- Luca Cardelli (1982: An Algebraic Approach to Hardware Description and Verification. University of Edinburgh)
- Eugenio Moggi (1988: The Partial Lambda Calculus. University of Edinburgh)
- Philippa Gardner
- Alex Simpson (computer scientist)
- Glynn Winskel (1980: Events in Computation. University of Edinburgh)
- J Strother Moore (1973: Computational Logic: Structure Sharing and Proof of Program Properties. University of Edinburgh)
- Panagiotis Manolios
- Michael J. C. Gordon
- Jeffrey Joyce
- Don Sannella (1982: Semantics, Implementation and Pragmatics of Clear, a Program Specification Language. University of Edinburgh)
- David Aspinall
- Martin Hofmann (Secondary advisor: Gordon Plotkin)
- Thorsten Altenkirch
- Michael Mendler (Secondary advisor: Michael P. Fourman)
- Masahito Hasegawa
- Gordon Plotkin (1972: (dissertation title unknown). University of Edinburgh)
Maurice Wilkes was the first head of the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory
- Maurice Wilkes
- Peter Wegner
- Clement McGowan (Secondary advisor: Juris Hartmanis)
- Daniel M. Berry (Secondary advisor: Clement McGowan)
- Nancy Leveson (Secondary advisor: Anthony Ira Wasserman)
- David Wheeler
- Peter Wegner
Robin Milner never did a Ph.D.
Christopher Strachey was the first Professor of Computation at Oxford.
- Christopher Strachey
- Peter Landin (worked as the assistant of Strachey, did not do a PhD.)
- Chris Wadsworth
- Peter Mosses
- Jens Palsberg
- David Turner (Secondary advisor: Dana Scott)
Tony Hoare established the undergraduate computer science course and led the Oxford University Computing Laboratory for many years.
- Tony Hoare
- Cliff Jones (computer scientist)
- Bill Roscoe
- Peter Lauer (computer scientist)
- Eike Best
- Javier Esparza
- Eike Best
North America
- Siméon Poisson (1800: (dissertation title unknown). École Polytechnique)
- Michel Chasles (1814: (dissertation title unknown). École Polytechnique)
- H. A. Newton (1850: (dissertation title unknown). Yale University)
- E. H. Moore (1885: Extensions of Certain Theorems of Clifford and Cayley in the Geometry of n Dimensions. Yale University)
- Oswald Veblen (1903: A System of Axioms for Geometry. The University of Chicago)
- Philip Franklin
- Alonzo Church (1927: Alternatives to Zermelo's Assumption. Princeton University)
- Stephen Kleene (1934: A Theory of Positive Integers in Formal Logic. Princeton University)
- Robert Lee Constable (1968: Extending and Refining Hierarchies of Computable Functions. University of Wisconsin-Madison)
- Steven Muchnick
- Uwe Frederik Pleban
- Kurt Mehlhorn
- Edmund M. Clarke
- Robert Harper (computer scientist) (1985: Aspects of the Implementation of Type Theory. Cornell University)
- Benjamin C. Pierce (1991: Programming with Intersection Types and Bounded Polymorphism. Carnegie Mellon University) (Secondary advisor: John C. Reynolds)
- Gregory Morrisett
- Steven Muchnick
- Robert Lee Constable (1968: Extending and Refining Hierarchies of Computable Functions. University of Wisconsin-Madison)
- John Rosser (1934: A Mathematical Logic without Variables. Princeton University)
- Theodore Hailperin
- Steven Orey
- Elliott Mendelson
- George Collins (logician)
- Gerald Sacks
- Alan Turing (1938: Systems of Logic Based on Ordinals. Princeton University)
- Robin Gandy (1953: On Axiomatic Systems in Mathematics and Theories in Physics. University of Cambridge)
- Hartley Rogers, Jr. (1952: Some Results on Definability and Decidability in Elementary Theories, (Parts I-V). Princeton University)
- Patrick C. Fischer (1962: Theory of Provable Recursive Functions. Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Arnold L. Rosenberg (1965: Nonwriting Extendsions of Finite Automata. Harvard University)
- Dennis Ritchie (1968: Program Structure and Computational Complexity. Harvard University)
- Albert R. Meyer (1972: On Complex Recursive Functions. Harvard University)
- Robert L. Probert (1973: On the Complexity of Matrix Multiplication. Waterloo University)
- Lawrence V. Saxton (1973: Input-Output Conventions and the Complexity of Transductions. Waterloo University)
- Stan J. Thomas (1983: A Non-First-Normal-Form Relational Database Model. Vanderbilt University)
- Dirk Van Gucht (1985: Theory of Unnormalized Relational Structures. Vanderbilt University)
- David Park (1964: Set-Theoretic Constructions in Model Theory. Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Mike Paterson
- Ian Parberry
- Leslie Valiant
- John C. Mitchell (1984: Lambda Calculus Models of Typed Programming Languages. Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Mike Paterson
- Patrick C. Fischer (1962: Theory of Provable Recursive Functions. Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Michael O. Rabin (1957: Recursive Unsolvability of Group Theoretic Problems. Princeton University)
- Dana Scott (1958: Convergent Sequences of Complete Theories. Princeton University)
- Jack Copeland
- Angus Macintyre
- Marko Petkovšek
- Fred S. Roberts
- Ketan Mulmuley
- Michael Fourman (1974: Connections between category theory and logic. University of Oxford)
- Peter B. Andrews (mathematician)
- Frank Pfenning
- Hongwei Xi Boston University
- Frank Pfenning
- Stephen Kleene (1934: A Theory of Positive Integers in Formal Logic. Princeton University)
- Oswald Veblen (1903: A System of Axioms for Geometry. The University of Chicago)
- George David Birkhoff (1907: Asymptotic Properties of Certain Ordinary Differential Equations with Applications to Boundary Value and Expansion Problems. The University of Chicago)
- Clarence Raymond Adams (1922: The General Theory of the Linear Partial q-Difference Equation and of the Linear Partial Difference Equation of the Intermediate Type. Harvard University)
- Anthony Morse (1937: Convergence in Variation and Related Topics. Brown University)
- Woody Bledsoe (1953: Separative Measures for Topological Spaces. University of California, Berkeley)
- Robert S. Boyer (1971: Locking: A Restriction of Resolution. University of Texas at Austin)
- Woody Bledsoe (1953: Separative Measures for Topological Spaces. University of California, Berkeley)
- Anthony Morse (1937: Convergence in Variation and Related Topics. Brown University)
- Clarence Raymond Adams (1922: The General Theory of the Linear Partial q-Difference Equation and of the Linear Partial Difference Equation of the Intermediate Type. Harvard University)
- E. H. Moore (1885: Extensions of Certain Theorems of Clifford and Cayley in the Geometry of n Dimensions. Yale University)
- H. A. Newton (1850: (dissertation title unknown). Yale University)
- Michel Chasles (1814: (dissertation title unknown). École Polytechnique)
- Alfred North Whitehead (1884: (dissertation title unknown). University of Cambridge)
- Willard Van Orman Quine (1932: The Logic of Sequences: A Generalization of Principia Mathematica. Harvard University)
- Hao Wang (academic) (1948: An Economical Ontology for Classical Arithmetic. Harvard University)
- Stephen Cook (1966: On the Minimum Computation Time of Functions. Harvard University)
- Hao Wang (academic) (1948: An Economical Ontology for Classical Arithmetic. Harvard University)
- Willard Van Orman Quine (1932: The Logic of Sequences: A Generalization of Principia Mathematica. Harvard University)
Hopcroft / Lefschetz
- Felix Klein (1868: Über die Transformation der allgemeinen Gleichung des zweiten Grades zwischen Linien-Koordinaten auf eine kanonische Form. Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn)
- Ferdinand von Lindemann (1873: Über unendlich kleine Bewegungen und über Kraftsysteme bei allgemeiner projektivischer Maßbestimmung. Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg)
- Arnold Sommerfeld (1891: Die willkürlichen Functionen in der mathematischen Physik. Universität Königsberg)
- Ernst Guillemin (1926: Theorie der Frequenzvervielfachung durch Eisenkernkoppelung. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
- Robert Fano (1947: Theoretical Limitations on the Broadband Matching of Arbitrary Impedances. Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- William Linvill (1949: Analysis and Design of Sampled-Data Control Systems. Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Bernard Widrow (1956: A Study of Rough Amplitude Quantization by Means of Nyquist Sampling Theory. Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Richard Mattson (1962: The Analysis and Synthesis of Adaptive Systems Which Use Networks of Threshold Elements. Stanford University)
- John Hopcroft (1964: Synthesis of Threshold Logic Networks. Stanford University)
- Alfred Aho (1967: Indexed Grammars: An Extension of Context Free Grammars. Princeton University)
- Zvi Galil (1975: The Complexity of Resolution Procedures for Theorem Proving in the Propositional Calculus. Cornell University)
- David Eppstein (1989: Efficient Algorithms for Sequence Analysis with Concave and Convex Gap Costs. Columbia University)
- Merrick L. Furst (1980: A Subexponenial Algorithm for Trivalent Isomorphism. Cornell University)
- Andrew Appel (1985: Compile-Time Evaluation and Code Generation in Semantics-Directed Compilers. Carnegie Mellon University) (Primary advisor: Ravi Sethi)
- John Hopcroft (1964: Synthesis of Threshold Logic Networks. Stanford University)
- Richard Mattson (1962: The Analysis and Synthesis of Adaptive Systems Which Use Networks of Threshold Elements. Stanford University)
- Bernard Widrow (1956: A Study of Rough Amplitude Quantization by Means of Nyquist Sampling Theory. Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Ernst Guillemin (1926: Theorie der Frequenzvervielfachung durch Eisenkernkoppelung. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
- Arnold Sommerfeld (1891: Die willkürlichen Functionen in der mathematischen Physik. Universität Königsberg)
- Oskar Bolza (1886: Über die Reduction hyperelliptischer Integrale erster Ordnung und erster Gattung auf elliptische, insbesondere über die Reduction durch eine Transformation vierten Grades. Georg-August-Universität Göttingen)
- John Hector McDonald (1900: Concerning the System of the Binary Cubic and Quadratic with Application to the Reduction of Hyperelliptic Integrals to Elliptic Integrals by a Transformation of Order Four. The University of Chicago)
- Waldemar Trjitzinsky (1926: The Elliptic Cylinder Differential Equation. University of California, Berkeley)
- Richard Hamming (1942: Some Problems in the Boundary Value Theory of Linear Differential Equations. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
- Waldemar Trjitzinsky (1926: The Elliptic Cylinder Differential Equation. University of California, Berkeley)
- John Hector McDonald (1900: Concerning the System of the Binary Cubic and Quadratic with Application to the Reduction of Hyperelliptic Integrals to Elliptic Integrals by a Transformation of Order Four. The University of Chicago)
- William Edward Story (1875: On the Algebraic Relations Existing Between the Polars of a Binary Quantic. Universität Leipzig)
- Solomon Lefschetz (1911: On the Existence of Loci with Given Singularities. Clark University)
- Albert W. Tucker (1932: An Abstract Approach to Manifolds. Princeton University)
- Marvin Minsky (1954: Theory of Neural-Analog Reinforcement Systems and Its Application to the Brain Model Problem. Princeton University)
- Manuel Blum (1964: A Machine-Independent Theory of the Complexity of Recursive Functions. Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- John Gill, III (1972: Probabilistic Turing Machines and Complexity of Computation. University of California, Berkeley)
- Gary Miller (computer scientist) (1975: Riemann's Hypothesis and Tests for Primality. University of California, Berkeley)
- F. Thomson Leighton (1981: Layouts for the Shuffle-Exchange Graph and Lower Bound Techniques for VLSI. Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Peter Shor (1985: Random Planar Matching and Bin Packing. Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- F. Thomson Leighton (1981: Layouts for the Shuffle-Exchange Graph and Lower Bound Techniques for VLSI. Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Dana Angluin (1976: An Application of the Theory of Computational Complexity to the Study of Inductive Inference. University of California, Berkeley)
- Leonard Adleman (1976: Number-Theoretic Aspects of Computational Complexity. University of California, Berkeley)
- Michael Sipser (1980: Nondeterminism and the Size of Two-Way Finite Automata. University of California, Berkeley)
- Lance Fortnow (1989: Complexity-Theoretic Aspects of Interactive Proof Systems. Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Daniel Spielman (1995: Computationally Efficient Error-Correcting Codes and Holographic Proofs. Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Jeffrey Shallit (1983: Metric Theory of Pierce Expansions. University of California, Berkeley)
- Silvio Micali (1983: Randomness Versus Hardness. University of California, Berkeley)
- Eric Bach (1984: Analytic Methods in the Analysis and Design of Number-Theoretic Algorithms. University of California, Berkeley)
- Shafrira Goldwasser (1984: Probabilitstic Encryption: Theory and Applications. University of California, Berkeley)
- Vijay Vazirani (1984: Maximum Matchings without Blossoms. University of California, Berkeley)
- Umesh Vazirani (1986: Randomness, Adversaries and Computation. University of California, Berkeley)
- Madhu Sudan (1992: Efficient Checking of Polynomials and Proofs and the Hardness of Approximation Problems. University of California, Berkeley)
- Sanjeev Arora (1994: Probabilistic Checking of Proofs and Hardness of Approximation Problems. University of California, Berkeley)
- Andris Ambainis (2001: Quantum Entanglement, Quantum Communication and the Limits of Quantum Computing. University of California, Berkeley)
- Scott Aaronson (2004: Limits on Efficient Computation in the Physical World. University of California, Berkeley)
- Steven Rudich (1989: Limits on the Provable Consequences of One-Way Functions. University of California, Berkeley)
- Moni Naor (1989: Implicit Storage Schemes for Quick Retrieval. University of California, Berkeley)
- Ronitt Rubinfeld (1990: A Mathematical Theory of Self-Checking, Self-Testing and Self-Correcting Programs. University of California, Berkeley)
- Sampath Kannan (1990: Program Checkers for Algebraic Problems. University of California, Berkeley)
- Russell Impagliazzo (1992: Pseudo-random Generators for Probablistic Algorithms and for Cryptograp. University of California, Berkeley)
- Mor Harchol-Balter (1996: Network Analysis without Exponentiality Assumptions. University of California, Berkeley)
- Luis von Ahn (2005: Human Computation. Carnegie Mellon University)
- Ryan Williams (computer scientist) (2007: Algorithms and Resource Requirements for Fundamental Problems. Carnegie Mellon University)
- Gerald Sussman (1973: A Computational Model of Skill Acquisition. Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Drew McDermott (1976: Flexibility and Efficiency in a Computer Program for Designing Circuits. Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Guy Steele, Jr. (1980: The Definition and Implementation of a Computer Programming Language Based on Constraints. Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Philip Wadler (1984: Listlessness Is Better than Laziness: An Algorithm that Transforms Applicative Programs to Eliminate Intermediate Lists. Carnegie Mellon University) (Primary advisor: Nico Habermann)
- Ken Forbus (1984: Qualitative Process Theory. Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Scott Fahlman (1977: A System for Representing and Using Real-World Knowledge. Massachusetts Institute of Technology) (Secondary advisor: Gerald Sussman)
- Manuel Blum (1964: A Machine-Independent Theory of the Complexity of Recursive Functions. Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Marvin Minsky (1954: Theory of Neural-Analog Reinforcement Systems and Its Application to the Brain Model Problem. Princeton University)
- John McCarthy (computer scientist) (1951: Projection Operators and Partial Differential Equations. Princeton University)
- Barbara Huberman Liskov (1968: A Program to Play Chess End Games. Stanford University)
- Albert W. Tucker (1932: An Abstract Approach to Manifolds. Princeton University)
- Solomon Lefschetz (1911: On the Existence of Loci with Given Singularities. Clark University)
- Ferdinand von Lindemann (1873: Über unendlich kleine Bewegungen und über Kraftsysteme bei allgemeiner projektivischer Maßbestimmung. Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg)
California Institute of Technology
- Søren Rasmusen ((year unknown): (dissertation title unknown). )
- Bernt Michael Holmboe ((year unknown): (dissertation title unknown). )
- Carl Anton Bjerknes ((year unknown): (dissertation title unknown). )
- Marius Sophus Lie ((year unknown): (dissertation title unknown). )
- Elling Bolt Holst ((year unknown): (dissertation title unknown). )
- Axel Thue (1889: (dissertation title unknown). University of Christiania)
- Thoralf Skolem (1926: Einige Sätze über ganzzahlige Lösungen gewisser Gleichungen und Ungleichungen. Universitetet i Oslo)
- Øystein Ore (1924: (dissertation title unknown). Universitetet i Oslo)
- Grace Hopper (1934: New Types of Irreducibility Criteria. Yale University)
- Marshall Hall, Jr. (1936: An Isomorphism Between Linear Recurring Sequences and Algebraic Rings. Yale University)
- Donald Knuth (1963: Finite Semifields and Projective Planes. California Institute of Technology)
- Vaughan Pratt (1972: Shellsort and Sorting Networks. Stanford University)
- David Harel (1978: Logics of Programs: Axiomatics and Descriptive Power. Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Jeffrey Scott Vitter (1980: Analysis of Coalesced Hashing. Stanford University)
- Vaughan Pratt (1972: Shellsort and Sorting Networks. Stanford University)
- Donald Knuth (1963: Finite Semifields and Projective Planes. California Institute of Technology)
- Øystein Ore (1924: (dissertation title unknown). Universitetet i Oslo)
- Thoralf Skolem (1926: Einige Sätze über ganzzahlige Lösungen gewisser Gleichungen und Ungleichungen. Universitetet i Oslo)
- Axel Thue (1889: (dissertation title unknown). University of Christiania)
- Elling Bolt Holst ((year unknown): (dissertation title unknown). )
- Marius Sophus Lie ((year unknown): (dissertation title unknown). )
- Carl Anton Bjerknes ((year unknown): (dissertation title unknown). )
- Bernt Michael Holmboe ((year unknown): (dissertation title unknown). )
Bob Floyd never received a PhD, although he worked closely with Donald Knuth on The Art of Computer Programming.
- Bob Floyd ((year unknown): (dissertation title unknown). The University of Chicago)
- Zohar Manna (1968: Termination of Algorithms. Carnegie Mellon University)
- Adi Shamir (1977: The Fixed Points Of Recursive Definitions. Weizmann Institute of Science)
- Martín Abadi (1987: Temporal Theorem Proving. Stanford University)
- Shmuel Katz (computer scientist) (1977: Invariants And The Logical Analysis Of Programs. Weizmann Institute of Science)
- Nachum Dershowitz (1979: The Evolution of Programs. Weizmann Institute of Science)
- Jay Earley (1968: An Efficient Context-Free Parsing Algorithm. Carnegie Mellon University)
- Robert Tarjan (1972: An Efficient Planarity Algorithm. Stanford University)
- Daniel Sleator (1981: An
Algorithm for Maximum Network Flow. Princeton University)
- John R. Gilbert (1981: Graph Separator Theorems and Sparse Gaussian Elimination. Stanford University)
- Raimund Seidel (1987: Output-Size Sensitive Algorithms for Constructive Problems in Computational Geometry. Cornell University)
- Nina Amenta (1994: Helly Theorems and Generalized Linear Programming. University of California, Berkeley)
- Raimund Seidel (1987: Output-Size Sensitive Algorithms for Constructive Problems in Computational Geometry. Cornell University)
- Monika Henzinger (1993: Fully Dynamic Graph Algorithms and Their Data Structures. Princeton University)
- Daniel Sleator (1981: An
- Ronald Rivest (1974: Analysis of Associative Retrieval Algorithms. Stanford University)
- Ron Pinter (1982: The Impact of Layer Assignment Methods on Layout Algorithms for Integrated Circuits. Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Avrim Blum (1991: Algorithms for Approximate Graph Coloring. Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Robert Schapire (1991: The Design and Analysis of Efficient Learning Algorithms. Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- David Plaisted (1976: Theorem Proving and Semantic Trees. Stanford University)
- Zohar Manna (1968: Termination of Algorithms. Carnegie Mellon University)
- David Hilbert (1885, University of Königsberg)
- Hugo Steinhaus
- Mark Kac
- Harry Kesten
- Ed Granirer
- Tony Lau
- Ed Granirer
- Harry Kesten
- Mark Kac
- Hermann Weyl
- Saunders MacLane
- Roger Conant Lyndon
- Calvin Creston Elgot
- Anil Nerode
- Bob Soare
- Richard Tenney
- Micael Morley
- Terry Millar
- Mark Manasse
- Terry Millar
- Roger Conant Lyndon
- Saunders MacLane
- Kurt Schutte
- Wolfgang Maass
- Wilhelm Ackermann
- Richard Courant
- Haskell Curry
- Hellmuth Kneser
- Reinhold Baer
- Earl J. Schweppe
- Elizabeth A. Unger[1]
- Earl J. Schweppe
- Reinhold Baer
- Erich Hecke (1910, University of Göttingen)
- Heinrich Behnke (1923, University of Hamburg)
- Hans Langmaack (1960, University of Münster)
- Ernst-Rüdiger Olderog (1981, University of Kiel)
- Hans Langmaack (1960, University of Münster)
- Heinrich Behnke (1923, University of Hamburg)
- Hugo Steinhaus
- Emory Leon Chaffee ((year unknown): (dissertation title unknown). )
- Howard Aiken ((year unknown): (dissertation title unknown). )
- Gerrit Blaauw ((year unknown): (dissertation title unknown). )
- Christian Vissers ((year unknown): (dissertation title unknown). )
- Hendrik Brinksma ((year unknown): (dissertation title unknown). )
- Christian Vissers ((year unknown): (dissertation title unknown). )
- Fred Brooks (1956: The Analytic Design of Automatic Data Processing Systems. )
- Anthony Oettinger (1954: A Study for the Design of an Automatic Dictionary. )
- William Hines Bossert ((year unknown): (dissertation title unknown). )
- Gerald J. Popek ((year unknown): (dissertation title unknown). )
- John Heidemann ((year unknown): (dissertation title unknown). )
- Gerald J. Popek ((year unknown): (dissertation title unknown). )
- Sheila Greibach (1963: Inverses of Phrase Structure Generators. Harvard University)
- Ronald Book ( : Grammars with Time Functions. )
- Michael J. Fischer ((year unknown): (dissertation title unknown). )
- Mitchell Wand ((year unknown): (dissertation title unknown). )
- Michael Martin Hammer ((year unknown): (dissertation title unknown). )
- Dennis McLeod ((year unknown): (dissertation title unknown). )
- Jean Gallier ((year unknown): (dissertation title unknown). )
- Wayne Snyder (1988: Complete Sets of Transformations for General Unification. University of Pennsylvania)
- Richard Karp (1959: Some Applications of Logical Syntax to Digital Computer Programming. Harvard University)
- Robert Keller (computer scientist) (1970: Closures of Parallel Program Schemata. University of California, Berkeley)
- Paul Hudak (1982: Object and Task Reclamation in Distributed Applicative Processing Systems. University of Utah)
- Kai Li ((year unknown): (dissertation title unknown). )
- Paul Hudak (1982: Object and Task Reclamation in Distributed Applicative Processing Systems. University of Utah)
- Kellogg Booth ((year unknown): (dissertation title unknown). )
- Ron Shamir ((year unknown): (dissertation title unknown). )
- Rajeev Motwani (1988: Probabilistic Analysis of Matching and network flow Algorithms. )
- Robert Keller (computer scientist) (1970: Closures of Parallel Program Schemata. University of California, Berkeley)
- Eugene Lawler (1963: Some Aspects of Discrete Mathematical Programming. )
- David Shmoys (1984: Approximation Algorithms for Problems in Sequencing, Scheduling, and Communication Network Design. )
- Philip N. Klein ((year unknown): (dissertation title unknown). )
- Ramamurthy Ravi ((year unknown): (dissertation title unknown). )
- Clifford Stein ((year unknown): (dissertation title unknown). )
- Philip N. Klein ((year unknown): (dissertation title unknown). )
- Lee J. White (1967: A Parametric Study of Matchings and Coverings in Weighted Graphs. University of Michigan)
- Sargur Srihari (1976: Comparative Evaluation of Stored Pattern Classifiers. The Ohio State University)
- Venu Govindaraju (1992: Locating Faces in Newspaper Photographs. University at Buffalo)
- Sargur Srihari (1976: Comparative Evaluation of Stored Pattern Classifiers. The Ohio State University)
- David Shmoys (1984: Approximation Algorithms for Problems in Sequencing, Scheduling, and Communication Network Design. )
- William Hines Bossert ((year unknown): (dissertation title unknown). )
- Gerrit Blaauw ((year unknown): (dissertation title unknown). )
- Howard Aiken ((year unknown): (dissertation title unknown). )
- George Forsythe
- Ramon E. Moore
- Cleve Moler
- William McKeeman
- Eric Hehner (Primary advisor: David Barkley Wortman)
- Richard P. Brent (Primary advisor: Gene Howard Golub)
- J. Alan George
- Michael Alexander Malcolm
- David Cheriton
- Willy Zwaenepoel
- David Cheriton
- Harold Stone (computer scientist)
- Harold N. (Hal) Gabow
- Matthias Stallmann
- Manfred K. Warmuth
- Harold N. (Hal) Gabow
- Herbert A. Simon
- Allen Newell
- Robert Kendall Lindsay
- Terrence Wendall Pratt
- Edwin Boring
- Cooper Harold Langford
- Arthur Burks
- John Henry Holland
- Kenneth A De Jong
- Edgar F. Codd
- Stephen T. Hedetniemi (Primary advisor: Frank Harary)
- Donald F. Stanat
- Jon Bentley
- Charles Leiserson (Primary advisor: Hsiang-Tsung Kung)
- Jon Bentley
- Gul Agha (Secondary advisor: Carl Hewitt)
- John Henry Holland
- Arthur Burks
- Cooper Harold Langford
- Robert "Bob" Allen Paige
- Friedrich "Fritz" Henglein
See also
Further reading
- Johnson, David S. (Summer 1984). "The genealogy of theoretical computer science: a preliminary report". ACM SIGACT News 16 (2): 36–49. doi:10.1145/1008959.1008960.
- Parberry, Ian; Johnson, David S. (June 1995). James Ford, Fillia Makedon, Samuel Rebelsky, ed. "The SIGACT Theoretical Computer Science Genealogy: Preliminary Report" (PDF). Proceedings of DAGS 95, "Electronic Publishing and the Information Superhighway" (Boston, MA: Birkhauser): 197–205.
- Coonce, Harry B. (December 2004). "Computer science and the mathematics genealogy project". ACM SIGACT News 35 (4).
External links
- Software Engineering Academic Genealogy
- SIGACT Theoretical Computer Science Genealogy (archived on 13 October 2007)
- Mathematics Genealogy Project
- AI Genealogy Project
- Computer Engineering Academic Genealogy by Yuan Xie, Pennsylvania State University