Administrative divisions of Perm Krai
Perm Krai, Russia | ![]() |
Administrative center: Perm | |
As of 2013:[1] | |
# of districts (районы) | 33 |
# of cities/towns (города) | 25 |
# of urban-type settlements (посёлки городского типа) | 27 |
As of 2002:[2] | |
# of rural localities (сельские населённые пункты) | 3,961 |
# of uninhabited rural localities (сельские населённые пункты без населения) | 342 |
- Komi-Permyak Okrug
- Districts:
- Gaynsky (Гайнский)
- Kochyovsky (Кочёвский)
- Kosinsky (Косинский)
- Kudymkarsky (Кудымкарский)
- Yurlinsky (Юрлинский)
- Yusvinsky (Юсьвинский)
- Districts:
- Urban-type settlements under the federal government management:
- Zvyozdny (Звёздный)
- Cities and towns under the oblast's jurisdiction:
- Perm (Пермь) (administrative center)
- city districts:
- Dzerzhinsky (Дзержинский)
- Industrialny (Индустриальный)
- Kirovsky (Кировский)
- Leninsky (Ленинский)
- Motovilikhinsky (Мотовилихинский)
- Ordzhonikidzevsky (Орджоникидзевский)
- Sverdlovsky (Свердловский)
- city districts:
- Alexandrovsk (Александровск)
- Urban-type settlements under the town's jurisdiction:
- Vsevolodo-Vilva (Всеволодо-Вильва)
- Yayva (Яйва)
- Urban-type settlements under the town's jurisdiction:
- Berezniki (Березники)
- Chaykovsky (Чайковский)
- Chusovoy (Чусовой)
- Urban-type settlements under the town's jurisdiction:
- Kalino (Калино)
- Lyamino (Лямино)
- Skalny (Скальный)
- Urban-type settlements under the town's jurisdiction:
- Dobryanka (Добрянка)
- Urban-type settlements under the town's jurisdiction:
- Polazna (Полазна)
- Urban-type settlements under the town's jurisdiction:
- Gremyachinsk (Гремячинск)
- Urban-type settlements under the town's jurisdiction:
- Usva (Усьва)
- Urban-type settlements under the town's jurisdiction:
- Gubakha (Губаха)
- Urban-type settlements under the town's jurisdiction:
- Shirokovsky (Широковский)
- Ugleuralsky (Углеуральский)
- Urban-type settlements under the town's jurisdiction:
- Kizel (Кизел)
- Krasnokamsk (Краснокамск)
- Urban-type settlements under the town's jurisdiction:
- Overyata (Оверята)
- Urban-type settlements under the town's jurisdiction:
- Kudymkar (Кудымкар)
- Kungur (Кунгур)
- Lysva (Лысьва)
- Solikamsk (Соликамск)
- Perm (Пермь) (administrative center)
- Districts:
- Bardymsky (Бардымский)
- Beryozovsky (Берёзовский)
- Bolshesosnovsky (Большесосновский)
- Chastinsky (Частинский)
- Cherdynsky (Чердынский)
- Chernushinsky (Чернушинский)
- Towns under the district's jurisdiction:
- Chernushka (Чернушка)
- Towns under the district's jurisdiction:
- Gornozavodsky (Горнозаводский)
- Towns under the district's jurisdiction:
- Gornozavodsk (Горнозаводск)
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Biser (Бисер)
- Kusye-Alexandrovsky (Кусье-Александровский)
- Medvedka (Медведка)
- Novovilvensky (Нововильвенский)
- Pashiya (Пашия)
- Promysla (Промысла)
- Sarany (Сараны)
- Stary Biser (Старый Бисер)
- Tyoplaya Gora (Тёплая Гора)
- Towns under the district's jurisdiction:
- Ilyinsky (Ильинский)
- Towns under the district's jurisdiction:
- Chyormoz (Чёрмоз)
- Towns under the district's jurisdiction:
- Karagaysky (Карагайский)
- Kishertsky (Кишертский)
- Krasnovishersky (Красновишерский)
- Towns under the district's jurisdiction:
- Krasnovishersk (Красновишерск)
- Towns under the district's jurisdiction:
- Kungursky (Кунгурский)
- Kuyedinsky (Куединский)
- Nytvensky (Нытвенский)
- Ochyorsky (Очёрский)
- Okhansky (Оханский)
- Towns under the district's jurisdiction:
- Okhansk (Оханск)
- Towns under the district's jurisdiction:
- Oktyabrsky (Октябрьский)
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Oktyabrsky (Октябрьский)
- Sars (Сарс)
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Ordinsky (Ординский)
- Osinsky (Осинский)
- Towns under the district's jurisdiction:
- Osa (Оса)
- Towns under the district's jurisdiction:
- Permsky (Пермский)
- Sivinsky (Сивинский)
- Solikamsky (Соликамский)
- Suksunsky (Суксунский)
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Suksun (Суксун)
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Uinsky (Уинский)
- Usolsky (Усольский)
- Towns under the district's jurisdiction:
- Usolye (Усолье)
- Towns under the district's jurisdiction:
- Vereshchaginsky (Верещагинский)
- Towns under the district's jurisdiction:
- Vereshchagino (Верещагино)
- Towns under the district's jurisdiction:
- Yelovsky (Еловский)
- ↑ Государственный комитет Российской Федерации по статистике. Комитет Российской Федерации по стандартизации, метрологии и сертификации. №ОК 019-95 1 января 1997 г. «Общероссийский классификатор объектов административно-территориального деления. Код 57», в ред. изменения №259/2014 от 12 декабря 2014 г.. (State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation. Committee of the Russian Federation on Standardization, Metrology, and Certification. #OK 019-95 January 1, 1997 Russian Classification of Objects of Administrative Division . Code 57, as amended by the Amendment #259/2014 of December 12, 2014. ).
- ↑ Results of the 2002 Russian Population Census—Territory, number of districts, inhabited localities, and rural administrations of the Russian Federation by federal subject
See also
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