Agasti Lakshmi Stotra

This is a prayer to Goddess Lakshmi by the great sage Agasti. It is said to be a very fruitful prayer. The benefits of reciting this prayer are listed at the end of the page.

Agasti's Sri Lakshmi Stotra

Jaya Padma-pala-akshi Jay Tvam Sri Pati Priyeye Jaya Matr Maha Lakshmi Sansaaraarn-avtaarini

Glory be to Ma Lashmi, who has eyes like lotus flower petals. Glory be to the one who is dear to the husband of Sri (Sri Herself). Glory be to Mother Lakshmi, The Great Lakshmi, who delivers us from the ocean of this world

Maha-Lakshmi Namast-ubhayam Namast-ubhyam Sur-eshwari Hari-Priye Namast-ubhyam Namast-ubhyam Daya-Nidhe

O Great Lakshmi, I bow to you. I bow to you O Queen of Gods. O Dear to the Lord Hari, I bow to You, I bow to You O full of Kindness

Padma-alye Namast-ubhyam Namast-ubhyam cha Sarvade Sarva-Bhoot-Hit-Aarthye Vasuvrishtim Sada Kuru

O Seated on a Lotus Seat, I bow to you, I bow to you always. For the benefit of all beings, please spread your mercy always.

Jagan-Martr-Namast-Ubhyam Namast-ubhyam DayaNidhe Dayavati Namast-ubhyam Vishv-eshwari Namo-Astu Te

O Mother of this World, I bow to You, I bow to You O full of Kindness, O Kind-Hearted, I bow to You, O Ruler of this world, I am bowed to you.

Namah Ksheer-arn-vasute Namas-Trai-Lokya-Dharini Vasuvrishte Namast-ubhyam Raksh Mam Sharna-agatam

I bow to you, O One who resides in the white ocean, I bow to you, O bearer of these three worlds. O The One who blesses us, I bow to you, protect me, I come to your refuge.

Raksh Tvam Deva-Deveshi Deva-Devasya-Vallabhe Daridra-Atrihi Mam Lakshmi Kripyam Kuru Mam-Upri

Protect me, O Goddess of Gods, O Dear to the God of Gods (Lord Hari). I am suffering from poverty, Please bestow your mercy on me.

Namas-Trai-Lokya-Janani Namas-Trailokya-Paavani Brahma-Aadyo Namaste Tvaam Jagad-Aananda-Dayini

Salutations, O Mother of these three worlds, Salutations O Purifier of these three worlds. The Origin of even Brahma, I bow to you, O giver of joy to this world.

Vishnu-Priye Namastubhyam Namastubhyam Jagadhite Aatrahantri Namastubhyam Samridhim Kuru Me Sadaa

O Dear to Vishnu, I bow to you, I bow to you, O benefitter of this World. Destroying my suffering, bestow prosperity on me always, I bow to you.

Abja-Vaase Namastubhyam Chaplaayau Namo Namah Chanchalaayau Namastubhyam Lalitayau Namo Namah

O Lotus-Dweller, I bow to you, O One Who is always changing places, O One who is full of affection, I bow to you, I bow to you.

Namah Pradyumana-Janani Matus-Tubhyam Namo Namah Pari-Palaya Bho Matar-Mam Tubhyam Sharna-agatam

I bow to you, O Birth giver of Pradyumna. I bow to you O Mother, and Yet again, I bow to you. Nurture me O Mother, I am in your refuge.

Sharanye Tvaam Prapanno-Asmi Kamale Kamala-Alaye Traahi Traahi Maha-Lakshmi Pritraana-Paraayene

I your refuge, I come, O Lotus faced, O Lotus Seated. Protect me, Protect me, O Great Lakshmi.

Pandityam Shobhte Naiv Na Shobhanti Gunaa Nare Sheelitvam Vaiv Shobhte Maha-Lakshmi Tvaya Vinaa

Knowledge does not look good, Neither do virtues. Good character does not look good, without you O Great Lakshmi.

Taavad-Viraajte Roopam Taavad-Sheelam Viraajte Taavad-Gunaa Naraanaam cha Yaav-Lakshmi Praseedati

You preside on beauty, You preside on good character, and also on virtues, of men who you are happy with.

Lakshmi-Tvaya-Alankrit-Maanavaa Ye Paapair-Vimukta Nrip-Lok-Maanyaah Gunair-Viheenaa Gunino Bhavanti Du-Sheelinah Sheel-vataam varishtaah

O Lakshmi, humans who are marked by you, attaining freedom from sins, they are treated as kings. Virtue-less become virtuous, and those with poor characters attain good characters.

Lakshmeer-Bhooshyate Roopam Lakshmeer-Bhooshyate Kulam Lakshmeer-Bhooshyate Vidyaam Sarvaal-Lakshmeer-Vashishyate

Lakshmi glorifies beauty, Lakshmi alone marks family lineage, Lakshmi shines on Knowledge. Indeed, Lakshmi alone presides on everything.

Lakshmi Tvad-Guna-Keertanen Kamaabhooryaatyalam Jihmataam Rudra-adya Savi-Chandra-Deva-Patayo Vaktum cha Taiv Kshamaah

Asmaabhis-Tava Roop-Lakshana-Gunaan-Vaktum Katham Shakyate Matar-Mam Paripaahi Vishva-Janani Kritvaa Mam-Ishtam Dhruvam

How can I possibly describe your forms, signs or qualities. O Mother, Nurture me, O Mother of this World, may I worship you steadfastly.

Deen-Arti-Bheetam Bhava-Taap-Peeditam Dhanair-Viheenam Tava Paarshvam-Aagatam Kripa-Nidhithvaan-Mama Lakshmi Satvaram Dhan-Pradaanad-Dhan-Naayakam Kuru

Poor, suffering, afraid, tortured by the sorrows of this world, without any wealth, I come to you, O Kind One, O Lakshmi, Please bestow joy and wealth on me

Maam Vilokya Janani Hari Priye Nirdhanam Tvat-Smeepam-Aagatam

Please look at me O Mother, O Dear to Lord Hari, I, Poor have come near you.

Dehi Me Jhatiti Lakshmi Karaagram Vastra-Kaanchan-Varaannamadbhutam

Tvamev Janani Lakshmi Pitaa Lakshmi Tvameva cha

You are my Mother, You are my Father too, O Lakshmi

Traahi Traahi Maha-Lakshmi Traahi Traahi Sureshvari Traahi Traahi Jagan-Maatar-Daridraat-Traahi Vegatah

Protect Me, Protect Me, O Great Lakshmi, Protect Me, Protect Me, O Goddess of Gods, Protect me, Protect me, O Mother of the world, Protect me from misery and poverty

Namastubhyam Jagad-Dhatri Namastubhyam Namo Namah Dharma-Adhaare Namastubhyam Namah Sampatti-Daayinee

I bow to you, I bow to you, O Mother of the world, I bow to you yet again, and yet again and again. O foundation of righteousness, Salutations to you. I bow to you, O giver of Wealth

Daridra-arnavamagno-aham nimagno-aham rasaatale Maj-Jantam Mam Kare Dhritvaa Doodhar Tvam Rame Drutam

Kim Lakshmi Bahun-Okten Jalpitena punah punah Anyen-Me Sharanam Na-Asti Satyam Satyam Hari-Priye

What is the purpose of saying too much, O Lakshmi. I am in your refuge alone, no one else's, I say this truly, O Dear to Lord Hari

Etat Shrutvaa Agasti-Vaakyam Hrishyamaana Hari-Priyaa Uvaacha Madhuraam Vaaneem Tushta-Aham Tava Sarvadaa

Hearing thus, the words of Sage Agasti, Lakshmi, The one dear to Lord Hari said joyfully in a sweet voice that she is satisfied with him always

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